Kung Fu, weapons and equipment, spiritual plants, elixirs...

On the main page of Wujie, there are more than a dozen categories of goods to choose from, and after clicking on a category, you can continue to select a sub-category.

For example, Qin Yi now clicked on the Kung Fu category, and at the top of the screen, a long list of sub-categories appeared for Qin Yi to choose from.

There are boxing, gun techniques, sword techniques, and even extremely rare breathing techniques!

Qin Yi clicked on the breathing technique section and took a look, and his eyes almost popped out.

【Yangyan Breathing Method - A-level martial arts method, according to actual tests, it can increase the efficiency of practice by five times for those below the Grandmaster level, and by two times for those above the Grandmaster level, with no side effects!】

【Price: 250,000,000 yuan (you can get a 5 yuan discount coupon). 】

A book of A-level breathing method, clearly marked at 250 million yuan!

This is the amount that an ordinary person can't earn even if he works for a thousand years without eating or drinking.……

"A five-yuan coupon... Is that the five yuan I need?"

Qin Yi was very upset and was ready to see how much the cheapest breathing method cost.

He sorted the prices from low to high and soon found a D-level breathing method.

【Nine Wonderful Breathing Method - D-level technique, it can double the efficiency of practice for those below the Martial Master level, but is ineffective for those above the Intermediate Martial Master level】

【Price: 15,000,000 yuan]

Well, it seems that Qin Yi can't afford the worst breathing method. The more than 700,000 yuan in savings he earned from selling organs is too pitiful. It can't even make a splash in the martial arts world.

"Practicing martial arts really costs money, even 100 million is not enough."Qin Yi sighed sincerely, and exited the breathing method area casually, and clicked into the [Weapons and Equipment] section to browse. The weapons and equipment in the martial arts world are also divided into grades by SABCDE. E-grade weapons match the realm of martial artists, D-grade weapons match martial artists, and so on.

Of course, weapons of the same grade are also divided into fine strengths, distinguished by the numbers after the letters. For example, D1-grade weapons are stronger than D2-grade weapons, and the weakest is D9-grade.

Although C-grade and D-grade weapons sound weak, in fact, a D9-grade weapon costs at least one million to get.

As for E-grade weapons, although they are much cheaper, the base price is still more than 100,000.

After browsing the weapons and equipment categories, Qin Yi silently made up his mind-he would not buy weapons and equipment.

It's not that he can't afford it, but mainly because the naked equipment is more cost-effective.

With the magical skill [Cell Adaptive Evolution 】, he can completely turn his body into an invincible weapon, there is no need to use equipment.

In other words, after using equipment, it may slow down the speed of his physical evolution.

Exiting the weapons and equipment section, Qin Yi roughly looked around the entire martial world, his mind was shocked, and he felt like a bumpkin who was shocked when he first arrived in a big city.

In the spiritual plant area, the first-level spiritual fruit is a sky-high price. The three first-level spiritual fruits that Li Wufeng lost to him cost at least 100 million in the martial world!

Qin Yi didn't expect that his small mouth of three could eat up three small goals.

As for the higher-level second-level and third-level spiritual fruits, they are already priceless treasures, and all require [Contribution] to purchase.

The Martial Arts Federation and the Human Alliance have their own contribution system for warriors.

Warriors can contribute by completing official tasks, destroying the secret realm of the cave, killing aliens, and selling fierce In the martial arts world, you can even take on missions, including official missions and private bounties, and most of the mission rewards are money and contributions, with a few being weapons and equipment, and spiritual plants for techniques.

Having said that , the most expensive things in the spiritual plant area are not the high-level spiritual fruits, but some plantable living spiritual roots!

These spiritual roots have been preserved by warriors using special means.

As long as they are planted in a suitable environment, they will immediately come back to life and bloom and bear fruit again.

A living spiritual root, even the worst first-level spiritual root, is still of infinite value and needs to be purchased with contribution points, and cannot be measured in money.

After all, it symbolizes an inexhaustible supply of spiritual fruits!

Qin Yi certainly can't afford the things in the spiritual plant area.

Maybe he can buy some spiritual fruits that are not of the highest rank, but that kind of fruit is too expensive for him.

It's useless now.

The reason why the purple bamboo fruit and snow fruit that were not of the first rank were useful was mainly because he was still an ordinary person at that time, and his body had a low resistance to spiritual fruits, which would cause reactions.

Now with his physical fitness as a second-stage warrior, he can eat a thousand spiritual fruits of the first rank a day without any reaction.

Without a reaction, there will naturally be no evolution.

However, this dazzling array of sky-high-priced goods did not dampen Qin Yi's confidence, because he knew that one day in the future he would have the money to buy these things.

In the [Fierce Beasts and Aliens] section of the martial arts world, in addition to being able to purchase precious materials from fierce beasts and aliens, there is also a special [Sell] button!

If a warrior obtains the corpses of fierce beasts and aliens from the secret realm of the cave, and he does not know how to deal with them, he can sell them to the local martial arts association or the ruling office in exchange for money and contribution points.

"The complete body of a first-level ferocious beast is worth more than one million, and the value of an alien of the same level is at least double!"

"If I know a simple way to deal with the corpses of fierce beasts, the price can be even higher."

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he finally understood how warriors make money.

Those warriors who pick up garbage spiritual fruits in the outer area of the secret realm and resell them in supermarkets can only be said to be small-scale, and they can't make much money.

If you really want to get rich, you have to kill fierce beasts and aliens, go to the core area of the secret realm to pick high-level spiritual fruits, and dig high-level spiritual roots!

A trip to the Xuantian Secret Realm is a must.

Qin Yi silently memorized the characteristics of those valuable fierce beasts and alien species. If he encounters them in the future, he must seize the opportunity to take them down!

He clicked on the classification of martial arts again, preparing to finally choose a cheap martial arts that suits him.

Since no weapons are used, it is most comfortable to choose boxing. Qin Yi has always advocated the violent aesthetics of naked melee and fist-to-flesh combat.

Set the order of martial arts to price from low to high. Not long after, a special martial arts entered Qin Yi's sight, which made his eyes light up.

"A-level boxing technique only costs 100,000 yuan? ?"

"Isn’t this a bargain price!"

"The seller accidentally marked the wrong price, and I just happened to get a bargain?"

A-level boxing is something at the level of the Mountain and Sea Realm. In other words, as long as you learn it, it will be enough for you at least before you become a king!

Qin Yi quickly clicked on the detailed introduction of this martial art. When the lines of text came into his eyes, he understood why this A-level boxing was so cheap.

It's not that the seller marked the wrong price, but that this martial art is only worth this price. No one will buy it at a higher price!

【Boxing name: Seven Wounds Crazy Fist】

【Grade: A】

【Author: Mad King】

【Introduction: This technique focuses on attacking and focusing on extreme offense, without any intention of defending or retreating. It is divided into seven levels. After practicing to the fifth level, one can comprehend the true kingly way!】

【Please note that since this technique was created by the Mad King, the Mad King's Way that one realizes after practicing to the fifth level may affect the practitioner's Tao heart, causing the person to fall into madness and be difficult to save.】

【Please note that the lethality of this technique is comparable to that of an S-level boxing technique, but it will damage yourself when practicing and using it, leading to inevitable hidden injuries. If you cannot find a solution, it is best not to learn it.】

【Please note that there is no refund after purchase and no refund requests will be accepted. All risks of practicing this technique have nothing to do with this store and must be borne by the martial artist】

【Price: 100,000 yuan].

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