The dead man was killed, but the police said he would not be able to see the dead mantle beast.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Hongji and Dean Song stood in front of two dead mantle beasts, their faces solemn.

"I killed this one."

Zheng Hongji pointed to the smaller mantle beast on the left.

"I don't know who killed that one, the surveillance was damaged at the beginning."

Zheng Hongji pointed to the mantle beast on the right that was almost twice as big.

"It shouldn't be." Dean Song took out a handkerchief from his bosom and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "This big mantle beast is eight meters long. If you want to kill it... you must be a two-star realm person!"

"Look at the wound, it was penetrated by some weapon." Zheng Hongji's eyes were vicious. "This way of death should be a laser cannon-like thing hitting the abdomen, and then the beam exploded the internal organs."

Dean Song frowned and said, "Except for you, no one in our college should be qualified to carry that level of weapon, right?"

"Not sure. Maybe someone in the student brought a weapon, or maybe a student suddenly awakened a small world." Zheng Hongji said, "Dean Song, you also know that in extreme cases, even a one-star realm person may awaken a small world."

Human potential is often stimulated between life and death.

This situation is in the textbook.

"You mean, someone among the students awakened the small world and killed the mantle beast?"

"Almost. To get an energy weapon that can kill the mantle beast, at least a national license is required. Are there any students with such a background among our students?"

Zheng Hongji turned his head and asked.

Dean Song shook his head.

If there really is one, it is absolutely impossible for him to study at Xiaoran Secondary School.

"That means someone has awakened the small world, but he may not know it himself." Zheng Hongji said seriously, "Dean Song, the researchers of Xingyi Research Institute are on the way. They are not fools. They can see the traces on the body of the mantle beast."

"If our college really has a genius who awakens the small world, it is also an honor, isn't it?"

"Hurry up and find someone."

Zheng Hongji patted Dean Song on the shoulder.

Dean Song came back to his senses.

He understood what Zheng Hongji meant.

Hand that student over to the research institute. Once the institute confirms that Xiaoran Middle School has a phenomenal genius, the school will be able to make a comeback with this hype when recruiting students next year!

After Dean Song figured it out, he immediately contacted the teachers in the Propaganda Department.

At the same time, Ling Feng and Jiang Yi were pretending to be injured and resting in the infirmary.

Fortunately, the evacuation was timely, so not many students entered the infirmary.

The most serious one was that both arms were broken, but his life was not in danger.

Suddenly, a voice sounded on the school radio.

[Students, please return to the classroom in an orderly manner. The school will announce an important notice next. ]

Many students who were watching the excitement were also driven back by their class teachers. Only those students whose classrooms were destroyed by the mantle beast gathered in the square.

Then, Dean Song coughed twice.

[First of all, I am very relieved that all the students are safe. Secondly, because of the damage to the surveillance, a mantle beast was killed by one of our classmates, but the school has not yet found the identity of this classmate. ]

[Please come to the dean's office after hearing the broadcast. The dean will personally present him with the award! ]

[Bonus, 10,000 yuan! Plus a place for admission to undergraduate colleges this year! ]

Hearing this broadcast, the students were all excited.

"What? Someone killed the mantle beast?"

"Too exaggerated! The mantle beast is so terrifying, who killed it?"

"Don't tell me, I saw the monitor of Class 8, Song Zichuan, running over with blood all over his body. Do you think it was him?"

"Song Zichuan? The one with a boundary force level of 3.6? It's really possible! If it wasn't him, there would be no one."

The students were talking about it.

In the infirmary, Ling Feng was a little nervous.

He looked around, afraid that someone would mention him.

After all, Ling Feng had seen the white-coated researchers outside the window arriving at the school, carrying a lot of instruments and equipment in their hands.

Ling Feng shuddered at the thought of these things hitting him.

The stingy Dean Song wanted to lure him in with 10,000 yuan?

He would not be fooled!

Dean Song waited for a long time, but no students came.

"What's going on?" Dean Song was stunned. "

Isn't there any student to claim it? This is 10,000 yuan!"

"Dean Song, we don't have much time." Professor Zhou, who was sitting on the sofa, said, "This incident was an accident. The compensation will be transferred to the school account in two days. If nothing else, we will leave first."

"No, no!" Dean Song couldn't miss this opportunity, and quickly stood up and said, "Professor Zhou, wait a little longer! There will definitely be students coming."

Professor Zhou was a little impatient.

They had already checked the bodies of the mantle beasts, and the big one was obviously killed by Jiang Yi's laser cannon.

But for the confidentiality of the plan, they couldn't say anything, and could only wait here with Dean Song.

Just when both sides were waiting anxiously, a head suddenly stuck in the door of the dean's office.

"That... I'm here to claim the award. "

Dean Song was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.

It was Song Zichuan.

He called Song Zichuan because he heard that Song Zichuan happened to be nearby when the mantle beast died.

But Song Zichuan did not see how the mantle beast died. His eyes were completely covered by the blood sprayed by the mantle beast.

But this did not affect his coming to receive the award.

"Quick, quick, come in and talk."

Dean Song hurriedly called Song Zichuan in.

Professor Zhou frowned when he saw Song Zichuan appear: "Did you kill the mantle beast?"

"Yes!" Song Zichuan said confidently, "I killed it! You see, there is still the blood of the mantle beast on my body! I was just dealing with the blood on my body, so I came late. "

Song Zichuan actually didn't have this idea at first.

But when he saw that no one had come to receive the award, and the students all thought that he had killed the mantle beast, he obeyed his father's wishes and came here.

After all, if it could become the signboard of the college, it would be extremely beneficial to Song Zichuan's further studies.

But Professor Zhou smiled, his eyes meaningful.

"Student, let me ask you again, did you kill it?"

Song Zichuan affirmed: "Yes, professor. I can guarantee that there is no one else but me!"

"Okay, do it."

He said lightly.

The researcher behind him immediately stepped forward and grabbed Song Zichuan's arm directly.

"What are you doing?" Song Zichuan was stunned.

Even Dean Song was dumbfounded: "Professor Zhou, what are you doing?"

"The blood of alien beasts has the ability to assimilate human blood. Now we have reason to suspect that this student has been infected with the blood of alien beasts." Professor Zhou smiled and said: "Please don't stop us, Dean, we will take him back and deal with him now! "

"What? !"

Dean Song was stunned. He had never thought of this.

But soon, Song Zichuan was dragged out by several researchers.

In order to prevent Song Zichuan from resisting, they also put handcuffs on Song Zichuan and forced him into the car of the institute.

"Dad, save me! I don't want to go to the institute!"


Song Zichuan had never seen such a scene before. His cries almost resounded throughout the institute.

When Ling Feng saw that it was Song Zichuan, he immediately understood what this idiot had done.

"Fortunately, he didn't show up, otherwise I would be the one taken away!"

Ling Feng was quite scared.

He looked at Song Zichuan who was taken into the car outside the window, sighed and said, "Squad leader, wish you good luck!"

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