The students were very excited.

Zheng Hongji's face turned from stiff to livid.

But Zhao Tianming smiled and said, "Old Zheng, your student is interesting."

Zheng Hongji said gloomily, "Stinky boy, don't be silly with me. Hurry up and get on the machine and test the data!"

"If it succeeds, you will follow my junior brother to Kyoto, and then you will be directly admitted to the Kyoto University's World Academy!"

"This is so much better than being a researcher!"

Zheng Hongji kicked Ling Feng on the butt.

Ling Feng felt pain and got on the machine without saying a word.

"Then let's start." Zhao Tianming smiled and pointed out, and thunder flowed through the machine.

The machine started running, and the ring began to separate layer by layer, forming a huge spherical device that trapped Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was startled, and the ring under his feet began to move.

"Run hard!"

Zhao Tianming's voice came.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took a step.

As Ling Feng ran, electric currents were generated outside the ring.

"Old Zheng, I'm looking forward to it... What does a genius who can resist the current of the boundary force level 50 look like?"

"Don't worry, he won't let you down."

Zheng Hongji nodded, and then looked into the ring.

Ling Feng ran as hard as he could, and data was generated in the current.

[Peak speed: 12m/s]

[Peak strength: 320 pounds]

[Boundary force level: 4.8]

[Resistance to current level: 3]

[Tip: The small world is not opened, and the small world level cannot be measured! ]


The moment he saw the value, Zheng Hongji was stunned.

"Boundary force level 4.8?!!" He gasped, "How is this possible!"

Zhao Tianming on the side frowned: "Old Zheng, this is not right. Didn't you say he could resist the current of 50 boundary force level? How can it be only 3? This level, let alone genius, has not even reached the threshold of my Thunder!"

Zheng Hongji looked at Zhao Tianming in a daze.

He then realized that regardless of the problem of boundary force level, the level of resistance to current was not right!

"Impossible, I did test it yesterday and it was 50!"

"I'll ask him to prove it to you."

Zheng Hongji quickly turned off the instrument.

Ling Feng walked out dizzy.

The ball shook and gave him a headache.

"Ling Feng, this is for you!" Zheng Hongji threw an iron whip, "Show the whip method I taught you yesterday to Teacher Zhao."

Ling Feng took the iron whip, but as soon as he swung it, a strong current stung his hand.

Ling Feng subconsciously let go, and the iron whip fell to the ground.

Zheng Hongji was dumbfounded.

"Old Zheng, did you drink yesterday?" Zhao Tianming sighed, "I, your junior brother, flew all the way from Kyoto! You let me watch this?"

Zhao Tianming was obviously not satisfied with Ling Feng's performance.

Very dissatisfied!

He even thought that Zheng Hongji was making fun of him.

"No, no!" Zheng Hongji was stunned. "I confirmed it many times yesterday. This guy's electric current resistance is 50! Or even higher! The arc he throws can blow my hair off!"

Zheng Hongji pointed to his burnt hair: "Look, these are what blew up yesterday."

"Then why can't he even throw a whip?" Zhao Tianming said helplessly, "Old Zheng, if you want to see me, you can call me directly or come to Kyoto. There's no need to trick me like this."

"Only a ghost wants to see you!" Zheng Hongji said angrily, "I'm telling the truth, you can believe it or not!"

"It's meaningless if you say that." Zhao Tianming was obviously a little angry, "Since there is no genius, I'll leave first."

Zhao Tianming took a step forward, thunder flashed instantly, and his figure disappeared in the yard.

The test instrument disappeared together.

Zheng Hongji sat down dejectedly, he looked at Ling Feng, puzzled.

"You threw three whips yesterday... right?" Zheng Hongji asked uncertainly.

"It seems so." Ling Feng scratched his head, "But I wasn't in good condition today, I didn't even throw the first whip."

"I know." Zheng Hongji was a little annoyed, "This shouldn't be possible, can your physique change overnight?"

Suddenly, he realized something.

"By the way, your realm power level has reached 4.8! Why didn't you tell me?"

Zheng Hongji slapped his thigh, and hope rekindled in his eyes.

Ling Feng was stunned,

He pointed at his nose and said, "Me? Boundary force level 4.8?"

"Nonsense!" Zheng Hongji said angrily, "If the current resistance level tested by that broken machine is correct, your boundary force level is also correct! You kid, when did you break through to 4.8? Tell the truth!"

Ling Feng stayed where he was.

"That's not right, I haven't done anything these two days!" Ling Feng scratched his head, "Could it be... I usually do good things, and God has a conscience?"

Zheng Hongji rolled his eyes: "If God has a conscience, he should kill you, you stinky boy!"

Ling Feng: "..."

Although there is no way to verify Ling Feng's talent, it is a great joy that Ling Feng's boundary force level has reached 4.8.

Zheng Hongji immediately took Ling Feng to the test room in the academy.

Looking at the value on the test instrument, Zheng Hongji was sure that he was not wrong this time.

"This time it is absolutely correct, your boundary force level is indeed 4.8!"

Zheng Hongji said with relief.

With a boundary strength level of 4.8, he ranks at the bottom of the list in Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary School.

But in Xiaoran Secondary School, he is a top student!

This also means that Ling Feng can get into undergraduate school normally without taking the path of a special student!

After Ling Feng got off the test machine, he was overjoyed.

"My boundary strength level is 4.8? Damn, what a surprise!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up.

Happiness came too suddenly.

He used to walk sideways in school, and at most he would hide from Song Zichuan, the idiot.

Now, his boundary strength level is higher than Song Zichuan!

Not only does he have to walk sideways, he even has to jump, fly, and do somersaults in school.

Let's see who dares to control him!

"Don't be too happy too soon." Zheng Hongji saw Ling Feng's look and immediately poured cold water on him: "The machines in the school can also be inaccurate sometimes. After school, go to your father's Star Hall to test it! If the values ​​are the same, it means that you really have this ability."

"Before that, you should be more obedient and stop thinking about causing trouble for the school all day long!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned, and Zheng Hongji understood what this kid wanted to do.

Ling Feng quickly assured: "Don't worry, Mr. Zheng, I won't cause trouble. I am a top-three student, how could I cause trouble for the school?"

Zheng Hongji nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, the most important thing for you now is to find a way to break through again and reach... Hmm? What are you doing?"

He found that Ling Feng had walked out of the test room at some point, and he was fiddling with the door lock.

Zheng Hongji realized that something was wrong and quickly pressed the door handle.

The door was locked by Ling Feng.

Zheng Hongji angrily said, "What do you want to do, you little brat?"

"Mr. Zheng, just stay inside for a while, I'll come to rescue you later!" Ling Feng chuckled, and immediately ran away.

Zheng Hongji stood behind the door and stared blankly.

This Ling Feng is really not doing anything!

He sighed, and his right hand flashed with lightning.

Then, a sound of breaking the door lock echoed in the campus, extremely loud, attracting the attention of all teachers and students.

Then, Zheng Hongji's earth-shattering roar spread throughout the college: "Ling Feng!!"

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