Time passed by minute by minute.

Jiang Yi's physical data has not changed.

"Teacher." Professor Zhou said, "Thirty minutes have passed, and the experimental prediction time has exceeded 100%. Can we declare the experiment a failure?"

Jiang Yi gritted his teeth.

He was unwilling.

"How could it be? Ling Feng can't even stimulate the power of ancient civilization medicine?"

"Teacher?" Professor Zhou asked, "If we delay it any further, I'm afraid there will be no results."

"The experiment... failed!" Jiang Yi sighed, "Process the experimental samples and send Ling Feng back."

Jiang Yi was very disappointed.

These days' work was in vain.

Professor Zhou nodded, picked up the microphone and said: "Tester No. 3, you can come out. The test is over."

Ling Feng walked out of the test site in a daze.

He saw that the researchers looked melancholy, and even the air seemed to have a sense of loss.

"What's wrong?" Ling Feng asked, "Did the takeaway you ordered get stolen?"

Everyone was a little uncomfortable just now, but when Ling Feng asked this, their expressions froze there.

Jiang Yi came over and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder: "They have already transferred 100,000 yuan to you. Today should be the last time you and I meet. If you have anything to say, you can say it."

Ling Feng was stunned and overjoyed: "Really? There is such a good thing? Double happiness!"

Jiang Yi: "......."

"Why don't you ask what this drug is used for?" Jiang Yi couldn't help but ask back.

"I won't ask. If I ask, you might kill me to silence me." Ling Feng said, "It's not good for me to know too much."

Jiang Yi was speechless: "Watch less TV dramas."

"If you have nothing else, I'll leave first." Ling Feng said with a smile, "I still have things to do."

"Well, okay." Jiang Yi sighed, "If you meet the standard, the extra reward is 200,000! Now you can only take 100,000."

Ling Feng, who was about to leave, heard this number and immediately turned his head and asked, "How much?"

"200,000, what's wrong?"

"200,000?" Ling Feng took a deep breath.

There were stars in his eyes.

If he could get this 200,000, plus the 100,000 he just got, the 300,000 funds would be enough for him to open two more small worlds!

He sat down immediately, coughed lightly and said, "I remembered that I still have some time, so I'll sit here and listen to you talk about the drug you mentioned. What does it look like to meet the test standard?"

Ling Feng's 180-degree turn of attitude made the researchers present speechless.

Jiang Yi didn't chase them away. He winked at Professor Zhou, signaling him to come over and explain.

Professor Zhou was a little reluctant. After all, the experiment failed, and he had no reason to tell Ling Feng the truth.

But Jiang Yi's eyes were extremely sharp, so he sat down.

"Our medicine was actually excavated from the ancient civilization ruins of Tianxia No. 003." Professor Zhou said, "Based on the drug information of the ancient civilization ruins, we have produced a batch of special medicines."

"After taking these medicines, the characteristics of the medicine itself can be stimulated in theory."

"For example, the medicine you took just now can stimulate the exclusive power of the desert sand wolf, or the talent skill "bloodthirsty and violent."

"This is an ability that can temporarily increase strength and speed."

"But unfortunately, you didn't react at all just now, so the experiment failed."

Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Strength? Skills?

Could it be that it is the same thing as the talent below the small world?

The talent of the small world, he can release it temporarily by consuming mental power, which means... he has a chance to cheat these 200,000?

Ling Feng was very excited, but he remained calm on the surface.

"That is to say, Jiang Yi can stimulate the power of the drug, but I can't?"

"That's right." Professor Zhou nodded.

"You should have said it earlier." Ling Feng smiled, "I did feel a force just now, but I was afraid that you would see it, so I suppressed it."

As soon as these words came out, all the researchers, including Jiang Yi, looked at Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, are you sure?" Professor Zhou frowned, "But the data we tested showed that you didn't have any reaction!"

"I have a strong willpower." Ling Feng began to talk nonsense, "I almost couldn't suppress the power just now, so I ran around, wanting to

Release it. "

Everyone looked at each other.

But most of the researchers looked at Jiang Yi.

They still had to listen to Jiang Yi.

"Ling Feng, if we test it again, can you guarantee that you can stimulate the power of the drug?" Jiang Yi asked seriously.

"Of course!" Ling Feng patted his chest, "It doesn't matter whether it's 200,000 or not, I just want to help you!"

Everyone's face twitched.

Even Jiang Yi's face looked a little strange.

What do you mean you want to help them? If you didn't have these 200,000, you would have left, right?

"Then test it again." Jiang Yi said, "Give me the bracelet."

"By the way, the gray one just now was too unpalatable, you can change it for me." Ling Feng coughed lightly and pretended to be casual: "The golden one looks good, so I'll take it. "

Jiang Yi frowned, he always felt that Ling Feng's words were a bit deliberate.

But it's the same whether you take that pill or not. If it can stimulate the drug's ability, it can stimulate the drug's ability. If it can't, it can't.

"Okay, the Lightning Cheetah, right? Bring it here."

Hearing Jiang Yi's order, Professor Zhou quickly prepared everything.

"I'm going in, watch me perform."

Ling Feng put on the bracelet, and the metal equipment on his body jingled.

He took off some equipment, and then ate the golden pill in full view of everyone.

Beside the research table, Professor Zhou looked at Ling Feng suspiciously and asked Jiang Yi: "Teacher, do you think he will succeed? Why do I feel that this kid wants to cheat us?"

"Whether it succeeds or not is not up to me, look at the experimental data. "Jiang Yi's expression at this moment was no longer as carefree as before, but was full of solemnity.

He wanted to prove that he would not make a mistake.

Everyone stared at Ling Feng almost intently.

After Ling Feng took the pill, he did not feel anything abnormal in his body.

But he found that the text of the lightning world in his sea of ​​consciousness had changed slightly.

The column of the degree of world awakening jumped from 1% to 2%.

"What's the situation?" Ling Feng frowned.

But the most important thing at the moment is to show the reaction of taking the medicine.

Otherwise, the two hundred thousand will be wasted.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his mental power began to penetrate the lightning world.

This feeling was exactly the same as the previous penetration of the mantle world. He felt that his spirit was sucked into this golden world.

Then, a special feeling spread in his mind.

In his eyes, a lightning cheetah was reflected.

"Lightning shock! "

Almost at this moment, Ling Feng started to move his legs, and his speed began to increase significantly!

The researchers who detected the values ​​were instantly stunned by this scene!

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