The first time, the second time.

[The One Star Realm test has ended. Family members are requested to go to Area A1 to pick up the candidates. 】

A voice sounded inside the Star Hall, causing Gu Fanyue, who was waiting at the door of Area A1, to stand up suddenly.

"The test is over!" She looked at the door anxiously, "I don't know what will happen... I don't ask him to pass, I just ask him not to get into trouble."

"My wife is fine, don't worry." Ling Changsheng smiled, "Xiaofeng is like me, smart, and will run away even if there is danger."

Gu Fanyue said: "It's because he's like you that I'm worried!"

Ling Changsheng's smiling face froze.

Suddenly, a sharp and sweet laugh came: "Hey, Sister Gu. Are you waiting here too?"

Gu Fanyue turned around and found that it was Jin Yumei.

"There is only one entrance." Gu Fanyue said lightly, "If you don't wait here, there is no place to wait."

As if she heard the hostility in Gu Fanyue's words, Jin Yumei pretended to be surprised and said: "Hey, why don't you prepare medicine for healing? It is said that the actual combat assessment is very dangerous! My Tianyang is so outstanding, I have prepared a lot of medicine for him to prevent his wounds from getting infected."

Jin Yumei took out her brand-name bag and pretended to find a few bottles of red potions and shook them.

"Sister Gu, how about I give you some?"

"This is a bottle of healing medicine worth more than 10,000 yuan. It's very valuable and effective!"

"Your family's Ling Feng's realm power level is so low, he must have been injured in actual combat! Maybe he's even missing arms and legs!"

Ling Changsheng frowned when he heard this, and immediately shouted: "Who are you saying is missing arms and legs? Can you speak?"

He couldn't stand this woman a long time ago. He didn't say anything before because he was well-mannered.

Now she actually cursed Ling Feng to get injured, Ling Changsheng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing." Jin Yumei smiled and said, "I am like this, I speak my mind."

"If you speak your mind again, I will lose my self-cultivation." Ling Changsheng narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "If I'm impolite at that time, please bear with me!"

Jin Yumei's face changed when she heard this.

He knew that Ling Changsheng worked here and was a coach here, and he was quite capable.

If he gets angry, it will be bad for everyone.

She could only complain in her heart: "Hmph, he has the nerve to participate in the one-star realm assessment with such a low realm power level. What kind of parents make up for his son."

At this time, the entrance to Area A1 opened, and some candidates with blood on their bodies filed out.

Seeing this, Jin Yumei didn't bother to argue with Ling Changsheng's family, and hurried forward.

The same was true for Ling Changsheng and others.

Most of the people who participated in the one-star realm assessment were students.

Some people couldn't help crying loudly when they saw their parents.

Actual combat assessments have always been cruel.

"Tianyang!" Jin Yumei also found Zhao Tianyang who was bowing his head in the crowd, and hurried forward to check on him.

"How is it? Are you injured?"

Jin Yumei asked hurriedly.

Zhao Tianyang's school uniform was covered with blood stains, which he got from crawling through the body of the spiked rhinoceros to find a pistol.

The pistol was found, but it was soaked in blood and could no longer be used.

That’s why there was the scene of being chased by the strange beast.

When Zhao Tianyang saw Jin Yumei at this moment, his legs softened and he burst into tears.

“Mom! I thought I would never see you again!”

Jin Yumei was a little embarrassed. She glanced at Ling Changsheng’s family beside her and said quickly: “Why are you crying? Be strong! As long as you pass the assessment of a one-star realm, it doesn’t matter what else you do!”

Zhao Tianyang was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and said with an ugly face: “Mom, the assessment of a one-star realm… didn’t pass either!”

This time it was Jin Yumei’s turn to be stunned.

Ling Yuan, who was standing by, heard this and laughed out loud.

Gu Fanyue quickly pulled her behind him because she had seen Jin Yumei’s cold eyes.

“What’s going on?” Jin Yumei asked Zhao Tianyang.

Zhao Tianyang exaggerated and told Jin Yumei about Ling Feng’s affairs.

"It's all his fault! Otherwise I would have survived! Mom, you have to make the decision for me!"

Listening to Zhao Tianyang's story, Jin Yumei's eyes became colder and colder.

She could never have imagined that Ling Feng would dare to do such a thing.

"Gu Fanyue!" Jin Yumei stood up, looked at her and shouted: "Explain my son's matter?"

Ling Changsheng and the other two were all confused.

What the hell is Ling Feng's fault?

Ling Changsheng was about to step forward to argue

, Li Gongmin, who looked gloomy, came over.

"Xiao Ling, I have something to tell you."

He grabbed Ling Changsheng's shoulder and tried to pull him away.

Jin Yumei was anxious and said angrily: "Where do you want to go? Your son treated my son like this in the actual combat assessment, and you want to leave without explaining?"

Li Gongmin frowned and looked back at Jin Yumei and Zhao Tianyang.

He asked calmly: "I am the examiner of this actual combat assessment. Do you have any questions?"

"Examiner?" Jin Yumei was stunned and said quickly: "You must make the decision for my son! My son failed the assessment because of them, and now he has no hope of passing the assessment of the Higher Academy!"

"What does your son's failure in the assessment have to do with them?" Li Gongmin glared and said, "He will fail, first because he chose an unfamiliar hot weapon and the weakest pistol! Second, he is not brave enough. He was chased by a weak beast like the Iron Horned Ox Horse. Who can he blame?"

Jin Yumei was stunned when she heard this.

But she still gritted her teeth and said, "It's because Ling Feng tripped him up!"

"Ling Feng?" Li Gongmin frowned slightly.

Why is it him again?

The argument between several people attracted the attention of many candidates and parents.

A spirited young man suddenly interrupted and said, "Auntie, it's not like that! We all saw it! Your son was picked up by the Spiked Rhinoceros three times, and it was all saved by Brother Ling!"

Ling Feng has killed so many strange beasts and has become famous among the candidates.

Several people who had previously divided the horns of the Spiked Rhinoceros could not help but speak out.

"Yes, I can also testify!"

"Brother Ling Feng is a good person. This guy failed the assessment and wanted to blame him!"

"If it weren't for Ling Feng, he would have been eliminated long ago! He would even be seriously injured by the Spiked Rhinoceros!"

After all, they and the spirited young man took Ling Feng's benefits together, and it was their duty to help him say a word.

Jin Yumei's face was as gloomy as water. Facing the accusations of everyone, she was a little embarrassed.

"It seems that the matter is very clear." Ling Changsheng said, "My Ling Feng saved your son, but your son wants to blame him!"

"My Ling Feng's realm power level is a little low, but his character is excellent. He usually doesn't even take small advantages and will never do the kind of things you said!""

At this time, a figure carrying a huge package ran out from the exit.

It was Ling Feng.

Ling Feng climbed up the stairs panting and attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

"What is that? Why is he carrying such a big package? Or is it made of animal skin?"

"Is he also a candidate? Why did he come out of the stairs..."

The parents were all confused.

Ling Feng carried the package over and placed it in front of Ling Changsheng.

He smiled happily: "Dad, I got all the food for our family for half a month! "

The package was spread out, and inside were all steaks packed by Ling Feng.

The stacks probably weighed hundreds of pounds.

Ling Changsheng's face froze.

He had just finished saying that Ling Feng had good character and was not greedy for small gains, but this kid actually emptied half of the actual combat site!

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