The first time he saw a young man, he was very excited.

As long as he could get a recommendation from the research institute, he could become a researcher and work in a research institute after graduation.

A wonderful life starts with learning this boxing technique!

"As usual, you watch me do it first." Zheng Hongji said, "You have to watch carefully, and then I will explain the secrets to you."

Zheng Hongji stretched out his right hand.

For a moment, Ling Feng could see a faint electric light attached to his hand.

Then, he slowly clenched his fist, and the layers of electric light began to swirl around his arm.

"Flash punch!"

Zheng Hongji's eyes suddenly showed a sharp light, and he punched the wall in front of him!

At this moment, the surrounding light seemed to be sucked away and merged into the electric light!

The dazzling electric light pierced through the wall directly, leaving a dark hole in the wall.

"See? The hole in the wall is as big as my fist." Zheng Hongji said, "This is the core concept of the flash fist, that is, power control and superposition!"

Ling Feng's expression finally became serious.

If it were him, the wall would be broken with one punch, and the whole wall might collapse.

But Zheng Hongji's punch was just right, leaving only a fist-sized hole.

"The power you can burst out instantly is certain. At the moment of punching, the power of most people will be dispersed in all directions, which will greatly weaken the attack ability of your fist."

"If you can burst the attack power to one point, then the strength of your punch will be greatly increased!"

Zheng Hongji explained: "If you can achieve this kind of power control, it is equivalent to learning the flash fist. In a sense, the flash fist is not a method, but a skill."

Ling Feng nodded thoughtfully.

On the side, Song Zichuan in the circle also nodded.

Although he didn't quite understand...

Zheng Hongji then called Ling Feng and said, "Come on, try it."

Ling Feng nodded, stepped forward and took a deep breath.

He suddenly punched the wall of Zheng Hongji's courtyard!

The fist hit it, and the wall didn't move at all.

"It seems that your strength is not enough." Zheng Hongji laughed.

But the next second, a cracking sound suddenly came from the wall.

Zheng Hongji's originally calm face suddenly became uncalm.

With Ling Feng's fist as the center, cracks spread to the entire wall like a spider web.


Even Song Zichuan was stunned.

In just a moment, the whole wall collapsed, and even the side walls could not escape the disaster. All the walls were like dominoes, and the army was defeated.

Zheng Hongji was dumbfounded.

I told you to learn how to control your power, but you did the opposite, radiating your power and demolishing the wall of his courtyard!

Song Zichuan looked back blankly, looking at the playground outside the wall, a little speechless.

Ling Feng scratched his head, embarrassed to turn back and said to Zheng Hongji: "Old Zheng, I'm sorry, I didn't stop..."

Zheng Hongji squatted down and picked and chose in the ruins of the wall, as if looking for a brick that was right for him.

"It's okay, I may find it difficult to stop later, please understand me."

Ling Feng's face changed drastically when he saw this.

"Old Zheng, I apologized, we won't..."

"Well, I personally forgive you." Zheng Hongji weighed the brick and said, "But this wall said it doesn't want to forgive you, what do you think we should do?"

Ling Feng ran away without saying a word!

Zheng Hongji sneered and chased after Ling Feng with a brick in his hand.

Ling Feng's scalp was numb, and he ran while shouting:

"Zheng Hongji started eating children again!"


Almost all the students in all grades of the school heard the miserable screams.

Even Dean Song subconsciously stuck his head out of the window after hearing the sound.

"Is it Ling Feng's voice? Did he offend Mr. Zheng again?" Dean Song looked strange, and shouted to Zheng Hongji who was chasing Ling Feng below: "Mr. Zheng! Be gentle! There will be an exchange competition in a few days!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. Is this what the head of a college can say?

After a while, Ling Feng was caught by Zheng Hongji with a head full of lumps.

Song Zichuan, who was squatting in the corner, couldn't help laughing.

Ling Feng went up and smashed his head.

"What are you laughing at? You are also responsible!"

Song Zichuan immediately covered his head in pain and was stunned: "What responsibility do I have? You broke the wall!"

"Your left foot hit the wall, you are half responsible!"


Song Zichuan:???

He was extremely angry, but now his boundary force level was not as good as Ling Feng, so he didn't dare to resist.

Once he resisted, he might be beaten unilaterally.

"Okay, you have something to do." Zheng Hongji threw out a piece of cement from the warehouse: "Put the wall back! Do you hear me?"

Ling Feng had no choice but to do it.

For the whole afternoon, Ling Feng turned into a bricklayer and repaired the wall of Zheng Hongji's courtyard.

There was no way. Under the intimidation of Zheng Hongji, Ling Feng had to repair the wall that he had smashed with his own hands with tears...

However, with Ling Feng's physical fitness at the moment, his work efficiency was naturally very high.

As soon as the school bell rang, the wall of Zheng Hongji's courtyard had been restored.

Zheng Hongji looked at his new wall with satisfaction and said lightly: "It's OK. Come to me tomorrow and take the ground under your feet as an object. I will teach you the essentials of the flash fist. "

Ling Feng nodded tiredly.

"Zichuan, you come tomorrow too. "Zheng Hongji said, "You haven't learned the first whip on the first day, you need to work harder."

Song Zichuan bowed to Mr. Zheng: "Zichuan understands. "

He was actually quite frustrated. He did not learn the basics of Zheng Hongji's teaching on the first day, but witnessed Ling Feng's farce.

It seems difficult to catch up with Ling Feng since he did not even learn the first whip.

Ling Feng did not care about so much. After he came out of Zheng Hongji's place, he immediately ran back home excitedly.

Sure enough, the exotic beast materials he bought in the store in the morning had been sent to Ling Changsheng's garage.

Including the big yellow butt, the total weight was 350 to 360 kilograms.

Ling Feng is in strong physical condition now, and it is easy for him to carry these exotic beast materials on his back.

After he moved it back to the room, he took another look at home.

Ling Yuan seemed to have evening self-study today, so he should be back late, and his parents did not go home because of work.

Ling Feng was the only one left at home.

"It's just right, I can try to devour the... butt of the Sky Hunter Fox. "

Ling Feng was a little reluctant, but he still took the big yellow peach out of the box and placed it in front of him.

There was a slight scar on the broken buttocks of the Sky Hunter Fox.

There were some burn marks on the scar, which should have been cut by a fire element Chaos Realm.

"Once the dark sphere begins to decompose, there is no way to undo it. We can only awaken and split it." Ling Feng hesitated, "I don't know if the amount of one buttocks is enough for it to eat..."

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