The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"They... died."

Zheng Hongji's back seemed to become lonely at this moment.

"How could such good children be gone just like that..."

Zheng Hongji sighed faintly.

Over the years, he has seen too many deaths.

Comrades, juniors and even students.

Humanity has sacrificed too much to protect its homeland.

Many fresh lives have turned into a pile of yellow earth.

"Please help, seniors!" Zhang Hua said solemnly, "Outside the wall, we need your strength!"

"Get in the car, old friends." Wang Wei carried all the guns on his back and said to everyone, "It's time for us old bones to move around!"

A group of veterans also laughed.

"Haha, we must not let these young people steal our limelight!"

"Let's go and teach those damned animals outside the wall a lesson!"

Although he said so, Ling Feng clearly saw that the smiles of these veterans were tinged with tears.

At this moment, he looked at these veterans and suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure.

At this time, Zhang Hua suddenly saw Ling Feng.

He was a little surprised, but didn't say much. The mission was urgent and he couldn't think too much.

Ten veterans carried their weapons and sat in the back of the military vehicle.

They sat opposite each other in silence.

Zheng Hongji sat in the co-pilot seat.

Zhang Hua started the car and turned around, asking Zheng Hongji: "Senior Zheng, is the student with you called Ling Feng?"

Zheng Hongji was stunned: "Yes, how did you know?"

"I have seen him before at Xingyi Research Institute." Zhang Hua smiled, "Do you know his family?"

Zheng Hongji frowned: "Do you want to pull him into the military?"

Zhang Hua smiled: "This kid has good talent, and he has some relationship with Xingyi Research Institute. If possible, it is not too much to pull him into the military, right?"

"It's just..." Zhang Hua looked strange: "I wanted to find someone to check his family to see if there is anything strange. But what puzzles me is that with my authority, all the information about his family cannot be retrieved."

"What?" Zheng Hongji was stunned.

Zhang Hua is a captain, and his status in the military region is not low.

In theory, he can easily investigate the information of an ordinary student's family, and it is impossible that he does not have enough authority.

Zheng Hongji was surprised and said, "It's impossible. Lingfeng is an ordinary family. It's impossible for the authorities to set permissions."

"Not only that, I also received a stern warning from my superiors." Zhang Hua was helpless, "They ordered me to stop investigating Lingfeng's family. If I am found out again, I will be dismissed from the military."

Zheng Hongji was completely confused.

This is impossible.

Lingfeng's father, Ling Changsheng, is just a coach in Xingguan, and his strength is only four stars.

And I heard from Lingfeng that his father's small world was damaged in the early years, and there is no possibility of improvement.

Why is the information of such a family kept so confidential?

"As far as I know, Ling Feng's parents are not strong, both are four-star realm masters." Zheng Hongji said, "There is no reason for them to have such a high level of confidentiality. Could it be that it is because of Ling Feng's ancestors?"

Zhang Hua asked: "Are there any strong people with the surname Ling in Jiangnan City? People of the same age as you?"

"There should be no strong people in Jiangnan City." Zheng Hongji shook his head, "But there are still some in the entire Tianxia Kingdom. Could it be that Ling Feng is their descendant?"

The realm masters have four stars, one star for entry and four stars for peak.

The Chaos Realm, the Sky Realm, and the Order Realm in the future also have the same four-star standard.

Zhang Hua said: "I do know a one-star Order Realm strong man named Ling, but he died twelve years ago."

"Is it the battle to encircle and suppress the Beast King?" Zheng Hongji is very sensitive to the time limit of "twelve years".

Twenty years ago, humans fought in Guixu and were defeated by the Beast King.

Two of the strongest people in Tianxia Kingdom and most of the strong people fell.

Eight years later, humans found another opportunity to gather strong men and finally killed the Beast King.

Beast King, Blue Dragon King!

"Yes." Zhang Hua said, "He died in that battle. But he was a strong man in Huizhou City, and it should have nothing to do with Ling Feng."

"That's strange." Zheng Hongji said, "I'll ask Ling Feng when I come back."

"Senior Zheng, if possible, let him come to our military region. With his current strength, he should be close to the three-star realm, right?"

Zhang Hua had seen Ling Feng at the research institute last time, and the power of that punch should be able to surpass ordinary three-star realms.

But that was the ability of the pill, Ling Feng was originally

The strength of the body should be lower than that of a three-star realm master.

"Three-star realm master?" Zheng Hongji was stunned, "Even you say that?"

Zhang Hua was stunned: "What do you mean I say that too?"

"That kid just passed the one-star realm master assessment last week! And half a month ago, his realm power level was only 1.5!" Zheng Hongji was about to collapse, "In such a short time, even if he took elixirs, he couldn't beat the three-star realm master!"

"His realm power level was only 1.5 half a month ago?" This time it was Zhang Hua's turn to be confused, "Impossible! That day in the Xingyi Research Institute, although he was blessed with drugs, his own strength was definitely more than a two-star realm master. We all think he is about to break through to a three-star realm master!"

The two were silent for a long time.

Zheng Hongji suddenly realized that the one he taught might not be a genius, but a monster.

"Drive the car back. I'm going to teach that brat a lesson myself! Make him behave!" Zheng Hongji gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise, with his current strength, when I come back, the school will be ruined by him!"

"Senior Zheng, the mission is more important." Zhang Hua was shocked and quickly advised, "We are almost out of the city, it's not appropriate to go back. I have to pick up some seniors later!"

Zheng Hongji had to give up after hearing this.

This time they will definitely not be able to come back within three days of leaving the city.

In Xiaoran Secondary School, Ling Feng was sitting on Zheng Hongji's recliner, drinking tea.

"Zichuan, you have to work hard, the exchange competition will be in two days." Ling Feng imitated Zheng Hongji's tone and said to Song Zichuan in a condescending manner: "Look at you, you can't even learn this simple whip method, going to Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary School, won't it be embarrassing for me?"

Song Zichuan gritted his teeth.

As soon as Zheng Hongji left, Ling Feng, that bastard, started to act pretentiously.

"Ling Feng! Don't be too happy too soon!" Song Zichuan said angrily, "The three of us are going to the exchange competition, there are geniuses there! Although you are good, you are just a chicken among those geniuses! They will definitely despise you when the time comes!"

"Really?" Ling Feng said with a smile, "What if they not only don't despise me, but also come to show their courtesy?"

Song Zichuan was stunned for a moment, and sneered, "What are you daydreaming about? Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary School is almost full of one-star realm people! If you are in their place, you are just the last one! Will they show courtesy to you? You are kidding!"

"If that's the case, I, Song Zichuan, will run a lap upside down on the playground and let the whole school watch!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows: "You said this yourself, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Humph, what if it's not?" Song Zichuan sneered, "You have to run a lap upside down on the playground too, let everyone see!"

"No problem!" Ling Feng agreed immediately.

Although Song Zichuan was somewhat puzzled as to why Ling Feng agreed so readily, he snorted and continued to train in the yard when he thought about what Ling Feng said was absolutely impossible.

Ling Feng was drinking tea on the side, thinking carefully about the matter of Tianlie Youhu.

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