Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into Tears

Chapter 218 Take Back The Godhead, I'm Not A Valkyrie Anymore

"Take back... what doesn't belong to me?"

"What exactly is that..."

Qin Meng Lan's body trembled and murmured.

Is there something in her that doesn't belong to her?

Qin Meng Lan had already guessed it in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.

Father... is killing her.

She would rather she heard it wrong.

But when she looked at Qin Luo, she found Qin Luo's face was calm, without the slightest emotion.

This scene is a bit like when she was eight years old, her father ignored her pleas, took her to the icy snow pool, and then ruthlessly removed her demon blood.

It's just that in the past, my father had difficulties, it was for her good.

But now, my father is bewitched by these little demon girls and young girls.

"What the father said, but the daughter's godhead..."

Qin Menglan said in despair.

Qin Luo said: "You have a power that does not match your state of mind. If you can't control it, you will go to the road of self-destruction."

Qin Luo didn't say the other half.

If Qin Menglan lost her godhead, then the world would no longer have hope for her.

She will be reduced to an ordinary warrior.

Perhaps, for Qin Menglan, her life is no longer bright, and she can no longer be a Valkyrie, but she can definitely live an ordinary life.

This will prevent her from going to hell.


Mu Lingxing and Sun Jue were both shocked.

Qin Luo not only did not hand over the Meteor Tower to Qin Menglan, but also stripped her of her godhead...

Is this really Qin Luo?

So heartless.

The people around were also silent.

Menglan Martial God is also a god-level god. If you strip away a god-level godhead, can Qin Luo do it?

"Alas, the host is still soft-hearted."

The system sighed and said.

She is the only one who understands Qin Luo best, so she can see that Qin Luo is still thinking about Qin Menglan by doing this.

"Just, does this work?"

The system's eyes seemed to see the distant future.

With Qin Menglan's perseverance, she would never be reconciled to being an ordinary warrior.

This may be the beginning of another catastrophe for her.

In her opinion, Qin Luo was just doing her last effort, and no one could save Qin Menglan.

"Father, I really didn't expect you to be so heartless that you want your daughter's godhead."

"Originally, this godhead was given to the daughter by the father, and now it is returned, which can be said to be logical, but the daughter is not reconciled and refuses to accept it."

"I'm also my father's daughter, why are you doing this to me?"


Qin Meng Lan screamed.

She doesn't want to be taken away from her godhead like this, that is the source of her strength, all her efforts.

If she loses her divine status, she will fall to the altar, and there will be nothing left.

It was an absolute nightmare for her.

"Father, I hate you!"

"I'd rather you didn't come back, so that even if I'm burdened with guilt, at least I won't be as desperate for my father as I am now."

"I won't agree, and it's impossible for me to hand over my godhead."

Qin Menglan looked at Qin Luo with resentment in his eyes and shouted wildly.

"Meng Lan, you are too persistent."

Qin Luo said calmly.

He didn't care about his daughter's resentment.

As for the godhead, it is up to Qin Menglan to decide.

Qin Luo sacrificed the meteor tower.


The starlight of the Meteorite Pagoda hung down, directly suppressing Qin Meng Lan into the tower.

this moment.

The power of rhythm filled the air, Qin Menglan felt that he was completely imprisoned, and the divine power in his body could not even be released.

The power of the rhythm, like a shackle, trapped her, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe.

Only then did Qin Menglan know that being suppressed by the Meteorite Pagoda would be such a desperate feeling.

She was terrified.

Her father suppressed her at will.

In front of the Meteor Star Tower, she was no different from other gods.

"Father, do you really want to treat your daughter like this?"

"You clearly said you didn't blame your daughter, so why did you take away my godhead?"

"Father, I hate you."

Inside the Meteorite Tower, Qin Meng cried hoarsely.

She cares too much about the identity of the Valkyrie. Once the godhead is stripped, she will be destroyed.

Even if the world did not abandon her, she would not have the ability to lead the whole world.

For Qin Menglan, the sky is falling.


The meteorite tower began to be activated, and the power of Qi Yun was condensed on Qin Menglan.

Feeling the energy infiltrating into the meridians in the body, and then rushing towards the sea of ​​​​knowledge in the body, Qin Menglan was shocked.

She couldn't care about the pain that came from her body, and her heart was completely shrouded in fear at this time.

"Do not……"


Qin Meng Lan panicked.

"Father, I know I was wrong."

"Please stop, I can't lose my godhead."

"Without Godhead, I'm not a Valkyrie anymore, my life is ruined."

Qin Menglan held back the pain, with fear in his eyes, and kept begging.

"Meng Lan, you still don't understand."

"The Godhead can never dominate a person's destiny, nor can it determine a person's life."

"Maybe after you lose your godhead, you will understand the true meaning of life."

"Even if you hate me, I won't care."

Qin Luo said calmly again.

Driven by the power of his divine soul, the power of the Meteor Tower pulled out the power of the godhead in Qin Menglan's body little by little.

Feeling the loss of the powerful power in his body, Qin Menglan completely collapsed.

"I'm gone."

"I'm no longer a Valkyrie."

"Without Godhead, I'm just a dragon-level warrior, and I don't have the ability to lead the world anymore."

Qin Menglan's face was dead and his form was dead, and there was no spirit in his eyes.

In the meteorite tower, a stream of light condensed out, and then formed a colorful ball of light, spinning in the void.

This is the godhead of Qin Menglan, and now he has returned to the original power of rules.

"Come back, don't go."

"Please don't leave me."

Qin Menglan stretched out his hand and wanted to continue to grab the ball of light, but he had no ability to touch it at all.

In Qin Menglan's desperate eyes, she was teleported out of the Meteorite Tower.

And the godhead that originally belonged to her has fallen into Qin Luo's hands.

"Power, my power."

Qin Meng Lan stretched out her hand tremblingly, like a maggot, lying on the ground twisting and crawling.

She wants to get back to godhood.

She crawled towards Qin Luo little by little, her eyes full of persistence.

Seeing that Qin Menglan was so paranoid about the power of gods, everyone felt unbelievable.

When the surrounding warriors saw this scene, they all had complicated expressions and felt endless sighs.

"Menglan Martial God, actually fell to the god level."

"Qin Luo cruelly took away her godhead."

"Menglan Martial God is only a dragon. Can she still lead us? Everyone said before that she would never give up. What should I do now?"


Everyone around them looked ugly.

Qin Menglan lost her power and was led by her, does it make sense?

Hear what people around you are saying.

Qin Menglan felt the fluctuation of breath in his body, and a feeling of emptiness came.

"no, I can not."

"How could I be so weak."

"It can't be me."

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