Gao Wu: People are being swallowed, and their clones are thrown into the world

Chapter 170: Release Again! The Expectations Of Master Panshan!

"Congratulations to the distinguished guest No. K172389 for winning a piece of Yanshen Weapon. Please be prepared to sign the contract and make payment after the auction ends!"

"Congratulations to the distinguished guest number K172389 for winning an E-class battle suit of the Machine Tribe. Please..."

The fourth batch is almost all weapons and battle clothes. The price of the Yanshen Weapon is not high, and it can be obtained with only 4 Hunyuan units.

On the contrary, the price of the E-class suit from the Machine Tribe once soared to 300 Hunyuan units. In the end, Chen Fan crushed the crowd with a price that was 200 Hunyuan units higher.

"There must be a big shot in the wing upstairs!"

"An E-class suit worth 300 Hunyuan units, but you actually paid 500 Hunyuan units to buy it?"

"It seems that I want to give it to the junior, some battle clothes that can withstand the full blow of the peak realm master!"


Soon, the fourth batch of items was auctioned, and staff immediately came to hand over and sign the contract with Chen Fan.

“Dear five-star customer of Universe Galaxy Bank, do you need the bank’s exclusive delivery service?”

The staff said respectfully.

For some customers who are not strong but have strong backgrounds, Universe Galaxy Bank is happy to provide them with exclusive delivery services.

After all, the customer's safety is the most important thing.

Of course, this service also requires a certain exclusive delivery fee.

"Okay, send the treasure to Blue Star. The coordinates of the universe are..."

After Chen Fan submitted the relevant information about Blue Star, he smiled and said to Lei Lei: "This suit can change its shape at will, so it is especially suitable for you."

"Thanks husband!"

Lei Lei didn't show any pretense and gave Chen 393 Fan a gentle kiss on the cheek.


The fifth batch of treasures were all auctioned off, followed by the sixth and seventh batches... Until the last batch of treasures came up, Chen Fan didn't see what he wanted.

Even the golden leaves of the ancient Kras tree don't mean much to him.

After all, Chen Fan has not encountered the so-called bottleneck since he has been practicing as a clone.

After returning to Blue Silver City, Chen Fan and Leilei said goodbye in the virtual universe network and returned to reality.

"Fifteen days is not considered indulgence..."

Chen Fan knew in his heart that even if he was sitting in the second floor wing of the 'Qianwu Auction' and took pictures of thousands of Hunyuan units of treasures, it was not his own ability, but relying on the protection of his teacher, Venerable Panshan. Down.

It's easy to get lost in this kind of shelter.

People like Li Wei of Blue Star, the Ninth Prince of Black Dragon Mountain, etc. were all lost under this kind of protection and eventually tasted the consequences.

One thought leads to enlightenment.

Chen Fan turns on the system.

Name: Chen Fan.

Realm: Stellar level (fifth level).

Qualifications: Peerless.

Cultivation techniques: "Original Energy Miscellaneous Chapter". 9981/N.

Secret skills: "Five Claws Shatter Heaven and Earth", "Supreme Golden Dragon Body" 7212/10000.

Cheats: "Tower of the Void", "Secret Method of Ten Thousand Mountains".

Spirit: "Control" 1569/17000. "Illusion" 921/17000.

Laws: Earth Law (perfect), Wood Law (perfect), Space Law (perfect).

Soul: "Tower of Laws".

Domain: Domain of heaven and earth (fifth level).

Drop point: 9. (System time is automatically accumulated or obtained by placing it in the world.)

"Can we complete two launches?"

"It will take a few days for "Time Miscellaneous Chapter" to arrive at the Henglan Galaxy. It's just a good time to study the teacher's collection..."

Chen Fan had a certain idea and took off towards the three-story pavilion room.

The study seemed to be just a room of more than ten square meters, and it was empty inside.


When Chen Fan stepped into it, everything in front of him seemed to be moving in a blink of an eye. The entire room was magnified dozens of times, like a castle filled with books.

"Oh my God!"

Babata flew out in shock, flying along the shelves of bookshelves while exclaiming: "This collection of books is hundreds of times larger than the boss!"

"This layer contains secret books related to the origin of gold, "Gold Source Technique", "Arcane Gold Miscellaneous Chapters", and "Lotha's Notes"

"This layer is the secret book related to the origin of wood, "Things Grow"..."

"This layer is the origin of water..."

Listening to Babata's introduction, Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

The original laws of the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, are lower laws. There are also many types of secret books. Most of them are the experiences of world masters and immortals and can only be used as auxiliary reference.

And like "Time Miscellaneous Chapters", it was written by an immortal king, and its value is completely different.

Of course, for Venerable Panshan, it is only for participation.

As spring passed and autumn came, Chen Fan was still immersed in the ocean of books after getting "Miscellaneous Chapters".

With Venerable Panshan's vast collection, it took Chen Fan eight months to read through all the books.


When he entered the virtual universe, he only exchanged heart-to-hearts with Lei Lei for a while.

"The short separation is for a better reunion!"

Chen Fan's eyes were firm, and the secrets, secret books, etc. that he had read over the past eight months were going through his mind. With his "unparalleled" qualifications and the strength of the fusion of fourteen souls, he could never forget them.

As time went by, Chen Fan's distribution points came to 17.

"It's time to put it in."

"Put it in, a 2-star level 1 fantasy world!"

"Putting exercises: "Feng Lei Notes" and "Time Miscellaneous Chapters"."

On the towering mountain peaks, there were rippling water. Venerable Panshan, who was cross-legged in the sky, felt something in his heart and raised his eyes to look up.

A figure walked out of the rippling space.

"Old friend, you are going too far!"

"You won't play chess when asked to do it, and you won't give in when I see you as my disciple, and you still want to listen to your nonsense. Our friendship in two eras has almost been ruined!"

The woman with a fox tail stepped on the starry sky, exuding a terrifying aura that made people feel heart-stopped. Her eyes were deep, as if there were boundless starry sky attached to them, and the breath of time was flowing all over her body.

Hear the words.

Venerable Panshan moved his eyes to look at Yanshan Palace and said with a faint smile: "Minghu, my disciple has entered the third floor pavilion. Not to mention you, even I, the teacher, haven't seen him in nine months."

"Okay, okay..."

The fox-tailed woman hummed and waved her hand: "In the Universe Genius Competition in half a month, I want to see where your Panshan's precious apprentice ranks!"

"Within Ten Thousand Names, there is no problem."

Venerable Panshan said slightly conservatively: "If you are lucky, you will have a chance within a thousand names."


Venerable Minghu's eyes moved slightly, and he casually glanced at the Shenshan Palace: "You want to enter the Qianwu Universe Kingdom and become famous at the fifth level of the Astral Level?"

"Ha ha!"

Venerable Panshan raised his head and smiled: "Minghu, you underestimate him. I say he is the only one in the human race in the universe!"

"Blow, just keep blowing for me!"

Venerable Minghu rolled his eyes, stepped on her foot, ripples in the starry sky suddenly appeared, and she disappeared in front of Venerable Panshan.

the other side.

Virtual Universe Network.

"Happy! So happy!"

The God of Thunder in the white suit waved his sword, and thunder followed him like a shadow. It collided with a silver spear, exploded with a bang, and wind and thunder intertwined, sweeping in all directions.

"Second brother, your level has improved so quickly. You have reached the ninth level of the star level in one year!"

Hong Yi put away his spear and the thunder and lightning on his arm still made a "chichi" sound.

"Alas, what's the use of reaching the realm quickly? I haven't been able to figure out the law of time for a long time, and I can't figure out where the threshold is!"

The God of Thunder put away his sword and said helplessly: "How can he be like Luo Feng, who snatched the body of a giant golden-horned beast and understood the two laws of metal and sky in one go..."

"His Divine Formation Weapon is even more ridiculously powerful. I can't defeat him even with nine of them. The second one will lose the third one, and the fourth one will be hidden...

"Oh, I can't survive this day."

Hear the words.

Hong laughed: "Then you have to work harder, if Chang Ge defeats you, you will have to be like Lan Laowu.

Thor: "(⊙x⊙)!!!"

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