Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 101 Two Dragon Blood Fruits, Huge Harvest

Under the rocks, Ye Ran stumbled out with a gray face, and the blazing golden flames on his body dimmed for a moment.

He looked pale and stood up unsteadily.

Even a martial artist-level physique and a grandmaster's inner armor cannot withstand it.

The martial arts master is too strong.

There is no way to match it. Even if you find an opportunity and give it a fatal blow, it will not hurt the opponent at all.

Fortunately, with the Nirvana body, the extra 30% recovery power was of great help to him.

Otherwise, I might not even be able to stand up now.

"You brat, you are very determined. You can actually block my black shadow snake martial pattern."

The skinny man's face was gloomy.

The veins on his forehead throbbed slightly, and it was obvious that he had not completely recovered. After all, the blow was too harsh, and even if he was a martial artist, he could not withstand it.

At this time, he slowly approached Ye Ran.

Behind him, the black snake loomed, its head raised high, hissing and spitting, ready to move at any time.

After refining the essence and blood of some powerful alien beasts, it is possible to obtain some of the innate abilities of the alien beasts.

Ye Ran gasped and mobilized his energy and blood to recover as quickly as possible.

At the same time, he said seriously: "Brother, I was wrong, can you let me go?"


The skinny man's face was twisted. Brat, are you kidding me? You gave me such a cruel kick and you still want to let it go?

His figure suddenly disappeared and turned into an afterimage, appearing in front of Ye Ran.

At the same time, the phantom of the black snake suddenly appeared behind him, opening its bloody mouth and biting Ye Ran's head.


The skinny man had a cold expression, stretched out one hand, crushed Ye Ran's remaining arm with a click, and grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from moving.

Suddenly, Ye Ran was unable to resist and could only watch the black snake bite him.

He endured the severe pain, and all kinds of thoughts flashed crazily in his mind.

Looking for a way to escape.

Right now, the only way to escape is to let the gold-devouring Yang Yan devour the Grandmaster's inner armor!


The phantom of the black snake is already close at hand.

Ye Ran gritted his teeth and finally made a decision, damn it, just swallow this inner armor!

He suddenly raised his knees and struck hard at the skinny man again


The skinny man's eyes almost popped out of his head. The painful memory just now flooded into his heart. His tiger body trembled and he immediately let go and dodged.

Without saying a word, Ye Ran pulled away and backed up, narrowly avoiding the biting black snake shadow.

"Bastard thing!"

The skinny man was extremely angry, "I will destroy you today if I don't crush you to ashes..."


The whole building trembled.

The voice of the skinny man stopped suddenly, leaving only a huge palm print on the spot.

Ye Ran's eyes were horrified as he watched a giant blue hand more than ten meters long suddenly fall from the sky and collapse the entire building.

Then, he directly beat the skinny man into the ground, where he didn't know whether to live or die.

The master of the fighting arena with a dark gold mask fell from mid-air.

He glanced at Ye Ran, his eyes a little complicated and shocked, and then said: "Put on your clothes first, Yu'er and the others will be here soon."


Only then did Ye Ran notice that the spirit flame body had disappeared, leaving only an inner armor all over his body.

The lower body is naked, walking the bird openly and openly.

He couldn't help but look embarrassed, and quickly hid behind a square pillar to change his clothes.

When the master of the fighting arena saw the black soft armor on his body, something strange flashed in his eyes, "The Li family's black inner armor?"

He didn't think much more and looked at the skinny man who was covered in blood and passed out in the pit.

With a faint look in his eyes, he lifted the skinny man up with one hand.

At this time.

The loud sirens from the Wu Meng outside also sounded quickly, surrounding the entire construction site.

The master of the fighting arena leaves.

A moment comes back.

When he came back, the vehicles of the Wu League outside had dispersed, but there was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character beside him.

The middle-aged man with a Chinese character shook his head and said: "Brother Lin, this incident has caused a big fuss. Many people have seen warriors chasing each other in the city."

"It's my problem. I didn't think well and something went wrong."

The master of the fighting arena said calmly: "I have sent you the locations of the remaining people in the Black Seal Tower, so we can capture them in time."

"The credit is not small, and it may be able to outweigh the merits and demerits."

"It is naturally a good thing to get rid of the Black Seal Tower, but the impact of this incident is indeed not small."

Hearing this, the master of the fighting arena frowned slightly, "How should we deal with it?"

"Well, wait, is there anyone else here?"

The figure of the middle-aged man with the Chinese character face suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, he appeared behind the square pillar. He saw Ye Ran, who had just changed into clothes, with a surprised look on his face.

Both arms were almost useless, but fortunately there was a little golden dog transformed from the gold-eating Yangyan to help.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Ye Ran to put on clothes.

"Are you...Ye Ran?"

The middle-aged man with a Chinese-character face was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Why are you here and why are you injured? Are you okay?"

He quickly walked over to check Ye Ran's injuries.

"Who are you?"

Ye Ran was a little confused. He didn't know who the person in front of him was and had no impression of him.

"Zhang Zhen, President of the Tenth Association of Wushu, and President Yang of the Wushu Association told me that you are a young talent, so I know you."

The middle-aged man with a Chinese-character face smiled and patiently checked Ye Ran's injuries.

Soon he frowned and said: "The internal injuries are very serious, and the bones in both arms are completely broken, but your recovery ability is a bit amazing. Such a serious injury... wait, this ring!"

He looked at the Hengyang Ring in Ye Ran's hand with a look of horror on his face.

This is the Heng Yang Ring!

Sure enough, this young man is the one that Grandmaster Hengyang values, but he didn't expect that Grandmaster Hengyang would even give him the Hengyang Ring.

"Zhang Zhen?"

Ye Ran's heart suddenly jumped, "Deputy Minister Zhang of the Ten Associations."

"Yes, it's me."

The square-faced middle-aged man smiled and seemed approachable. It was hard to tell that he was one of the four giants of the Ningjiang City Wumeng.

In addition to the minister, the three deputy ministers in charge of the three major branches of the Ningjiang Wumeng branch are the most powerful.

"Come, let me check your injuries carefully."

Deputy Minister Zhang said patiently and gently.

Beside him, the owner of the fighting arena took out a bottle of purple-gold potion and shook his head, saying, "You got hurt because you helped me. I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter."

"Brother Lin, do you know each other?"

Deputy Minister Zhang was surprised, and then laughed, "Yes, if I don't know him, how could Ye Ran be here?"

"In that case, I will spend some effort to help you suppress this matter, so as not to cause more trouble."

Hearing this, the owner of the fighting arena was slightly stunned, and then looked at Ye Ran deeply.

Unexpectedly, his face was not as good as this kid.

Only after learning that this kid was also involved, the man surnamed Zhang changed his previous excuses and helped enthusiastically.

"I actually benefited from him."

The owner of the fighting arena shook his head slightly in his heart, without too many doubts.

A second-level warrior who dared to stop a martial artist and succeeded would be the most valued and supported genius in any martial arts city.

It is normal to have such treatment.

He said calmly: "Since things here are almost over, I'll leave first."

"Here are two dragon blood fruits, which are extra rewards."

After saying that, he handed over a wooden box in Ye Ran's stunned eyes, and at the same time, he took off the space ring of the skinny man in the Black Seal Tower and threw it over.

"This, this is so embarrassing!"

Ye Ran was overjoyed, and his hands were useless. In the stunned expression of Deputy Minister Zhang, he used his mouth to pick up the wooden box.

The owner of the fighting arena also smiled a little.

He said: "Thanks to you this time, I was prepared to give you more rewards if things went well."

"Although it was not smooth this time, your performance was really beyond imagination. These are what you deserve."

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