Ye Ran opened the door.

Vice Minister Zhang with a Chinese character face and President Yang with an old face walked in.

As soon as he came in, Vice Minister Zhang looked at him and asked worriedly: "How is your recovery from your injury?"

"Uncle Zhang, he's almost recovered."

Ye Ran responded, the title was very affectionate.

Despite their high position and high authority, Vice Minister Zhang and the two were very kind to him, and since they came here frequently these days, he was not very reserved.

"That's good."

Vice Minister Zhang looked slightly relieved, "Fortunately, you recovered in time, otherwise we might not have any chance at Ningjiang Star."

President Yang also shook his head, "The Qiming Martial Arts University's special recruitment quota is really full of twists and turns."

"I thought that we, Ningjiang City, could securely win and produce a top Wuhan University student. We old guys would also be able to look good."

"I didn't expect all the twists and turns. So many talents from outside the city came here. The only hope right now is in you."

Upon hearing these words, Vice Minister Zhang's eyes were dark, "There was no accident, but we didn't know there was a problem within us."


Ye Ran was a little stunned.

President Yang next to him also looked surprised, as if this was the first time he heard about it.

Seeing the curious looks of the two people.

Vice Minister Zhang said slowly: "Xiaoye, Mr. Yang, you are not outsiders, and it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"In fact, as early as the early stages of preparations for Ningjiang Star, Minister Long guessed that if word of this matter spread, it would attract many people from other cities."

"So in advance, apply to the Dongyuan Provincial Martial League for student status that has been blocked for a period of time, or for Ningjiang Star. Only people from our city can participate."

"Things were originally going well. Although the Dongyuan Province Martial Arts League did not send out any definite news, there was vague news that Minister Long's application has been approved."

"That's why Minister Long announced the Ningjiang Star, but he didn't expect that someone inside would reveal the news to other cities in advance."

"Those cities contacted the Dongyuan Provincial Military League and used some energy to get the Provincial Military League to change their decision and reject Minister Long's application."

"Now, so many students from other cities have arrived, even from Tianque City."

"So that's it."

Ye Ran suddenly realized that Minister Long was Minister Ning Jiang.

In addition to the three departments of Yuanwu, Baiguan, and Shixie, the Martial League actually has one division.

That is Zhenwusi.

Zhenwusi is actually the real sovereign of the Martial Alliance. The orthodox official force, the Suppressing Beast Army, is subordinate to Zhenwusi.

Therefore, in the other three ministries, like Vice Minister Zhang, although he is the only minister of the Ten Coordinated Ministries, he is only a deputy minister.

President Yang also frowned when he heard this, "No wonder, I just said that with Minister Long's wisdom, it is impossible not to consider this matter."

"Yes, it's hard to guard against domestic thieves."

Vice Minister Zhang said calmly: "On that day, except for Minister Long, the only people who learned about the quota for Qiming Wuhan University were our three deputy ministers and seven or eight internal members with important positions."

"Those internal members belong to Zhenwu Division and will not be leaked, so there are only three of us."

"Zhang Bu, you three?"

President Yang looked horrified.

Ye Ran's eyelids twitched suddenly, "Three people, does this mean one of the three deputy ministers?"

"Yes, and you should be able to guess this person, Mr. Yang."

Vice Minister Zhang said slowly.

"You mean, Deputy Minister Xu of the Yuanwu Department?"

President Yang said bitterly: "Among the three of you, he is the only one who can do such a thing."

"Yes, the Yuanwu Department was founded by a martial arts family after all. Over the years, the Yuanwu Department has been secretly competing with the Zhenwu Division..."

Vice Minister Zhang shook his head, "Besides, Brother Xu was transferred to us from Tianque City and is not from our city."

"Hey, Xiaoye, why don't you look good? Do you know Vice Minister Xu?"


Ye Ran shook his head and explained: "I don't know him, I'm just a little distracted."

Even so, he still felt a little uneasy.

Because Deputy Minister Xu is the father of the girl in blue whom he killed in the wilderness before.

"Uncle Zhang, didn't we in Ningjiang City fight for this quota? Why would the Dongyuan Martial League agree to have so many geniuses from other cities compete?"

Ye Ran asked: "It stands to reason that the Dongyuan Martial Alliance would not agree to this unfair competition."

"It's not fair and there's nothing we can do about it."

Vice Minister Zhang sighed softly, "Our Ningjiang City has not yet produced a grandmaster. The Jinhe City next door has similar overall strength to us."

"But there was a grandmaster in Jinhe City. Although he has died, he also served in the Dongyuan Martial League and has a certain background."

"This time, if it were Jinhe City, other cities wouldn't go so far and have so many people come."

"We in Ningjiang City, in comparison, have no right to speak. No matter how unfair it is, we can only tolerate it."

"That's right."

President Yang also had a complicated expression and patted Ye Ran on the shoulder.

"So the future of our Ningjiang City depends on you young people, Xiaoye, even if you don't get the Ningjiang Star this time, don't be depressed."

"You still have a long way to go. Whether our Ningjiang City can have enough say like Jinhe City and no longer be manipulated by others depends on you."


Ye Ran listened to the helplessness in the two people's voices and nodded seriously.

The three of them talked for a while.

Vice Minister Zhang and President Yang both left with sighs.

Obviously, the large number of talents coming from other cities made them very worried about this Ningjiang Star.

Ningjiang City has the only top martial arts university quota in all these years.

It was won by Grandmaster Hengyang.

If it was taken away by someone from outside the city, even if Grandmaster Hengyang would not blame them after understanding the situation, they would still feel uneasy.

After sending the two away, Ye Ran returned to the room.

He took out a black ring and a wooden box.

In the wooden box, there were two dragon blood fruits, shining with blood. As for the ring, it belonged to the martial artist in the Black Seal Tower.

That day, the owner of the fighting arena gave them all to him.

These days, he has been recuperating in Buddhism and has not studied these things.

Now that his injuries have recovered, he can take a look.

Ye Ran first explored the space ring, then raised his eyebrows and stroked the ring with his palm.

On the ground, there were four or five black swords that looked like Tang swords.

These swords were actually black magic swords.

He picked up the swords, looked at them one by one, and soon showed a happy expression.

The grades were not low.

The worst ones are all C-level, and there are even two B-level ones.

"These black magic knives, swallowed by the gold-eating Yangyan, can improve the spirit flame body a lot."

Ye Ran exhaled lightly and put the black magic knives aside, ready to swallow them later.

He continued to flip the ring, except for an unknown black butterfly wing, and there was only an A-level martial arts called Blood Moon Sword Technique left, which was quite precious.

The other things were not of high value and were dispensable.

After counting the gains from the last battle.

Ye Ran took a deep breath and took out two dragon blood fruits, ready to absorb and refine.

At this time, Zhou Shishi's voice suddenly came from the living room.

"Brother, there is your express delivery at the door."

"Express delivery?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised, "I haven't bought anything recently."

"Ah, the sender on it is Hengyang, can he be a liar? He also uses the name of Grandmaster Hengyang, so annoying..."


Ye Ran was stunned, then showed ecstasy on his face and stood up suddenly.

The black dragon’s blood has arrived!

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