The huge yellow sand giant, with heavy steps, slammed the ground with huge waves.

The whole world was filled with wind and sand, and the sky was dark.

Ye Ran's heart sank slightly. The strength of the 30th level was still very difficult to deal with.

He was only at the 27th level at full strength now. With the Xuansha Divine Light, the strongest attack could only reach the destructive power of the 30th level.

The Xuansha Divine Light could not be fully exerted due to insufficient star power.


The huge earth-yellow fist suddenly broke through the air, like a burning yellow meteor, smashing down with great momentum.

Ye Ran's feet burst into white rainbows, and his body retreated quickly. He tried to fight for two moves first, and then he would talk about it when he couldn't beat him.

Now there is a way to break through to the 21st level of Star Yuan Body.

So the reward of the Star Yuan Body can be saved for later use, or it can be used later, so that two million Star Pattern Iron can be saved.

The yellow sand giant punched into the air, and before he could retreat, a huge dark blue demon arm phantom had already hit his face heavily.

Suddenly, his face collapsed and exploded, revealing a big hole on the yellow sand face.

"The movements are relatively slow, and the defense is also average."

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly. Looking at it this way, there are more weaknesses than usual, and he immediately shot out to attack.


At the same time, outside.

On the black air around the huge skeleton, there were more than 20,000 practitioners standing.

In the distant sky, there were still streams of light.

There were countless practitioners from all races in the ancient battlefield. Although there were only six major races on the surface now, you could see the strong men from the major races in the crowd.

There were the water source race who were made up of liquid all over their bodies, the fire source race who carried flames in every move, and the celestial race with white wings on their backs.

The young man of the Holy Dragon Clan stood proudly with three dragon horns on his head. His body was covered with silver scales and looked like a strange beast similar to a Qilin...

If Ye Ran was here, he would definitely recognize that this beast looked the same as the little beast god.

However, although many people from various races came, no inheritors entered, so no True King Star King followed.

Most of them were just passing by or curious to watch the fun.

Among them, the six major races occupied one side, closest to the skeleton, and lived in the inner layer, leaving a piece of open space around them.

No race dared to approach.

Outside the six major races were the top thirty major races, which were separated into twelve or thirteen small camps.

The outermost layer was some small groups of the top hundred races, as well as countless practitioners of various races around, separated in twos and threes.

It was also the place with the most people, and almost ninety-nine percent of the idle practitioners gathered here.

There was a huge open space in the middle of each of the three levels.

The hierarchy between races was obvious.

These open spaces were like an insurmountable gap, which could only be watched from afar and could not be crossed.

As the practitioners landed, they all looked towards the six powerful tribes with excitement, but soon they were attracted by the list of inheritors in the sky.

When they saw number eight, they were all shocked.

"A 22-year-old great star general?"

"Which tribe is number eight from? Isn't his cultivation speed too scary?"

"What a terrifying genius. Although he has the lowest strength, he is the only inheritor with 5% inheritance progress. The others are all zero."

"He has passed the fifth level. This should be his first reward for entering the advanced level." A practitioner sighed.

A Lingyang tribe member next to him was shocked when he heard this, "Five levels? Aren't the geniuses of the six powerful tribes still in the first level?"

Some practitioners who had just arrived around couldn't help but talk about it.

"I heard that the guardian blood eye inside said that No. 8 has Yuan-level blood, which means he is not a genius from a powerful clan."

"So amazing, he is so much faster than the geniuses from powerful clans. Will the inheritance of the Ten Gods be taken away by him in the end?"

"It is very likely that he has passed the five levels..."


A cold snort sounded.

In the innermost position, an old True King of the Shimo Clan said coldly: "Just a few basic levels, do you really think that a star general can suppress the genius of our clan?"

"Yes, although this king also admires him, but this possibility is very small."

A middle-aged True King of the God Clan shook his head, "If he is a great star official, it is really possible, but a great star general..."

The True Kings of the two powerful clans spoke, and the field was silent immediately, and the idle practitioners were terrified.

A female True King of the God Clan said lightly: "The strength is good, and the Star General Realm can be close to the 30th level, which is unheard of, but this is not enough."

Hearing this, some idle practitioners nodded one after another.

Indeed, the difference in strength and age is too huge. No matter how fast they pass the level, there is no chance.

Shen Wuxing and the other three are first-class in their respective powerful clans, enough to rank in the top 50 or even the top 30 of the entire Star Official Realm.

It was because of this No. 8 that they passed the level too quickly and did not encounter him before.

The difficulty of the subsequent levels has become higher, and it is impossible to compete with Shen Wuxing and his team, not to mention these three geniuses.

There are at least 100 people on the inheritance list whose strength can crush them.

"But it is really hard to imagine that a Star General Realm can have such strength. He can even kill the Star King. I really don't know which race this genius is from." A cultivator sighed.

Hearing this, the True Kings of powerful clans such as the Shimo Clan and the Shenling Clan could not help but frown.

They were also a little confused.

During this period, they suspected many races, but no race could match the characteristics of the other party.

The metal antenna had fallen off before, so it was probably used for camouflage.

But it is very difficult to infer based on the other party's human form alone.

The most similar races, such as the human race, the demon ape race, etc., have bloodlines that are either spiritual level or universe level, and there is no Yuan level.

"We must investigate it carefully."

The eyes of the true kings of each race flickered, and they were very concerned.

A 22-year-old great star general is indeed too rare, and we must check the other party's origin.


One day and one night later.

The advanced level inside the skeleton.

Yellow sand filled the sky, and yellow tornadoes spun at high speed, and rumbling vibrations continued to sound.

"Xuansha Shenguang!"

With a black light, it pierced through the head of the yellow sand giant, and the huge body exploded and collapsed into a pile of yellow sand.

The yellow tornadoes that attacked from all around gradually dissipated, and the earth returned to silence again.

Ye Ran stopped in mid-air, breathing slightly, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

Finally killed.

Although this yellow sand giant has obvious weaknesses, it has strong recovery ability. Even if he uses the Xuansha Divine Light, he has only succeeded in breaking it up until now.

This is because the opponent can only absorb a limited amount of power, otherwise it will delay time even more.

"This is just the first one, trouble."

Ye Ran looked at the endless, hundreds of earth-yellow triangular towers surrounded together in front of him, and felt a little headache.

At this time, he suddenly felt a little moved and picked up a piece of tin in the yellow sand pile.


(The next chapter has a little more words, not finished yet, it will come out in ten minutes.)

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