S-level martial arts...

Ye Ran forced it down, his heart was shaken, and he slowly sat down.

The moment he stood up, his energy and blood exploded.

The powerful Qi and blood directly caused the entire No. 4 stand and the people in the major martial arts schools to feel a terrible pressure.

They couldn't help but look back.

But the special recruitment notice from Qiming Martial Arts University was more attractive, so they just glanced at it and looked away.

"S-level martial arts, I was still hesitant before whether to spend achievement points to practice the A-level martial arts I got last time."

Ye Ran murmured to himself, his eyes soon brightening.

Now it seems that there is no need to think about it.

I have stronger martial arts skills!

On the main stage.

The top officials in each city were no less shocked than the participating students and spectators.

Minister Long stared at the notice and couldn't take his eyes back for a long time.

Finally, I sighed in my heart.

"As expected, it is one of the only five top martial arts universities in the country. This kind of skill..."

Other city leaders also have mixed views.

"Okay, Minister Long, let the game continue."

He Changqing smiled and said: "I hope this time, I won't let my run go in vain, and I can produce a student with good talent."

"Yes, Mr. He."

Minister Long waved his hand and shouted: "The game continues."

Immediately, many students who were excited by the special recruitment notice became enthusiastic and took action with all their strength.

Banging sounds were heard on various fighting stages.

"By the way, Minister Long, who are the students who performed well this time?"

He Changqing asked with a smile.

"Wang Ji from our Liaobei City is the one on the fighting stage No. 6."

Before Minister Long could speak, the long-bearded old man from Liaobei City immediately spoke first.

"And our Lin Yuanjian from Yunchuan City."

The burly man from Yunchuan City also hurriedly said: "Our Lin Yuanjian from Yunchuan City is also at the peak of the second level."

Upon seeing this, Minister Long snorted, a little unhappy.

These guys are fighting over it as if they were seeing meat.

"Liaobei City, Yunchuan City?"

He Changqing smiled half-heartedly and said, "But I remember that this quota is for Ningjiang City."

Hearing this, the long-bearded old man and the burly man all said in embarrassment.

"Now, those two students have transferred to a school in Ningjiang City, and they are also considered to be from Ningjiang City."

He Changqing smiled lightly, he could naturally guess some of the inside story.

But right now, I'm too lazy to care.

Qiming Wuhan University needs gifted students. No matter which city they are from, as long as they are gifted students, they will be rewarded with the special recruitment quota.

"Level 2 peak, let me take a look."

He Changqing said, looking at the No. 6 martial arts platform.

Hearing this, the old man with a long beard and the burly man looked at each other in shock.

From what I heard, the teacher from Qiming Martial Arts University seemed not very satisfied with the second level peak...

However, when the two looked at each other, they both saw the determination in the other's eyes.

In any case, the most talented people here are Su Yuan, Wang Ji, and Lin Yuanjian, with a one-third chance...

At this time, the referee shouted loudly.

"No. 1658, Uo Hatsune wins!"

Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but turn around to look, but all they saw was a slim figure stepping down from the stage.

There is also Wang Ji who is gray-faced and gloomy-eyed in the martial arts arena.

The long-bearded old man from Liaobei City was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "Impossible, why did you lose at the beginning?!"

"Because he couldn't hold on to the three moves."

He Changqing slowly sipped a cup of tea and said.

When the long-bearded old man heard this, his face suddenly turned pale and he said in a trembling voice: "Why can't I hold on even with three moves?"

"There must be a mistake, a mistake..."

Minister Long glanced at him and said calmly: "We have all seen it, it is indeed three moves."

The long-bearded old man was stunned and even more shocked.

It was a beautiful woman surnamed Bai from Jinhe City. Yu Xin couldn't bear to say: "Actually, three moves are enough to show mercy."

"Remember what I told you before?"

"When I went to Tianque City half a month ago, it happened that Miss Yu Hatsune was challenging the geniuses on the Talent List."

"She was challenging the fifth one on the list of geniuses. Within a hundred moves, Miss Yu Hatsune won..."

Hearing this, the main stage suddenly fell silent.

At this time, the audience in the stands had just come back to their senses, and then they all looked shocked.

I didn’t even see it clearly!

The young man in black from the outer city who had a winning streak and was invincible was defeated!

"A few moves, do you see clearly?"

"No, it's too fast. I can't even see my peak level one strength!"

"Is this still a student? How can he be so strong?"

"Before, I said that Su Yuan and Wang Ji, the three students from other cities, were the strongest. Now I see that these are the real ones..."

the other side.

Yu Chuyin frowned slightly and looked to her side. A rickety old man spoke softly.

The rickety old man nodded after hearing this, and walked slowly towards the main stage.

Main stage.

The faces of the city's top officials changed dramatically, and they were shocked: "Fifth on the list of geniuses?!"

"How is it possible? Isn't Yu Chuyin born with a frail body and a weak martial arts? How can it be possible to defeat the fifth one on the list of geniuses!"

"Yes, I heard that the top ten on the Prodigy List are all level three peak warriors!"

"Fifth on the list of geniuses, he is considered a strong player among the three peaks!"

Minister Long, Vice Minister Zhang and others also changed their expressions. For the first time, they lost their composure and felt that the situation was developing beyond imagination.

At the peak of Level 3, Ye Ran is only at the top of Level 3, not an opponent...

They looked at each other, seeing the regret and helplessness in each other's eyes, and finally sighed together.

It seems that this time Ningjiang Star, the real biggest dark horse, has emerged!

As expected, plans can never keep up with changes.

"Level 3 peak, not bad, not bad!"

He Changqing's eyes were bright and he praised him repeatedly. His overflowing satisfaction could be seen by everyone.

The long-bearded old man from Liaobei City and the burly man from Yunchuan City smiled bitterly upon seeing this.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

It seems that He Changqing is not indifferent, but only favors geniuses.


At this time, a cough sounded.

A rickety old man walked up slowly. He had only one eye and the other was a dead eye.

Gray and dead, it looked extremely scary.

"My lady wants to trouble Minister Ha Long to change the rules of this competition. She feels that it is really wasting time and wants to end it as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Minister Long frowned, "The rules of the competition have been set and cannot be changed."

"Also, how did you get up here? You can't come here. Old senior, please go back."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and a surge of strength came out, trying to push the old man away.

Suddenly, a hand pressed his shoulder.

Minister Long turned around and looked at He Changqing beside him in astonishment, his face full of solemnity.

"Minister Long, no."

After saying that, He Changqing stood up, bowed slightly and said, "I have met quasi-grandmaster Luo Yun!"

These three words are quasi-grandmaster.

Like a depth bomb, the entire main stage exploded in an instant.

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