Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 125 After I took action, no one dared to challenge me anymore


The moment the referee's voice fell, the entire square was suddenly overwhelmed by the shocking sound.

Everyone's heads were buzzing, and their ears were filled with various sounds. Even if they were close at hand, they could not hear clearly what their companions around them were saying.

There was only shock and disbelief, looking at the field.

The handsome young man slowly climbed onto the fighting stage.

The main stage was also not calm.

The senior officials from various cities who were chatting happily were all stunned.

Many people even looked a little confused.

Yu Chuyin had just defeated more than twenty top geniuses, including Su Yuan and Lin Yuanjian, and tested the terrifying combat power of four thousand.

Now, someone wants to challenge her? !

"A student from which city is this crazy?"

The long-bearded old man from Liaobei City murmured.

"I don't know if he's crazy or not, but he's really brave."

The burly man from Yunchuan City sighed, "I don't know whether it is courage or ignorance to challenge a third-level warrior with a strength of four thousand."

The lean middle-aged man from Daqing City shook his head and said, "This is a student from Ningjiang City. It seems that he wants to lose the opponent rather than lose the battle."

"After all, it's a competition in this city. Even if you can't beat it, you can't dare to challenge it. This is good."

Minister Long and Deputy Minister Zhang looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Logically speaking, Ye Ran should not challenge.

After all, although this boy also has amazing talents, Yu Mikuyin's performance is nothing short of monster. No matter how much he shows himself, Zhuyu is in front.

It's just to set off the other person.

"This silly boy, oh, the icing on the cake is making someone's wedding dress."

Minister Long and the three of them sighed softly at the same time.

He Changqing, who was in the center, also looked stunned. He was ready to take out the special recruitment notice and issue it in advance.

Unexpectedly, someone actually wants to challenge Yu Miku.

Are you turning a blind eye to the fighting strength of those four thousand, or...

He Changqing's eyes suddenly flashed with deep anticipation. He didn't know if there would be any surprises.

Martial Arts Platform No. 6.

Yu Miyin's fair and pretty face was calm and her starry eyes were cold as she looked at the boy opposite.

The young man had a handsome appearance, bright eyes, and a slight smile on his lips, and he was also looking at her.

"Tianque City, Yu Chuyin."

"Ningjiang City, Ye Ran."

After Ye Ran finished speaking, he saw Yu Chuyin moving lightly with lotus steps, his energy and blood surging, and he was ready to take action.

He quickly said: "Wait."

"What's wrong?"

Yu Chuyin frowned slightly, her voice was particularly pleasant, crisp and lonely, like the tinkling sound of spring water in a deep valley.

"It was the first time that so many people were watching, so I was a little nervous."

Ye Ran scratched his head.

Looking around, he saw that the audience from all directions in the square were all looking at him.

Whether it was ordinary spectators with shocked expressions in the stands, or various martial arts schools with astonished expressions in the stands of the martial arts halls.

Or maybe it's the confused-looking students from various schools in the school rest area, or the high-level officials from various cities including Minister Long on the main stage...

At this time, everyone was looking at him.

Yu Chuyin glanced at Ye Ran and said slowly: "I can wait for you to adjust your state, but this kind of mental quality."

"It's not good for martial arts practice."

After saying that, she closed her eyes and waited quietly.

Ye Ran smiled, he was certainly not nervous.

Instead, he felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he immediately shouted without thinking too much.

"Hello everyone, I am Ye Ran from Class 13 of Ningjiang No.5 Middle School. Our Ningjiang No.5 Middle School has excellent teachers."

“The school has a beautiful environment, a large gymnasium, a huge library, and a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere...”


For a moment, everyone in the stands was dumbfounded.

What is this guy here for?

Isn’t it a challenge? Why did you promote the school in the first place?

Yu Chuyin also suddenly opened her eyes, a bit of astonishment flashed in her eyes. After taking a deep look at Ye Ran, she closed her eyes.

Ye Ran kept talking for a long time, and his mouth was a little dry.

Cai Dao: "In short, when everyone applies to a school in the future, we will give priority to our No. 5 Middle School."

"If you come to our No. 5 Middle School, even if you can't become as talented as me, you won't be far behind. You won't regret it."



In the stands, there was silence.

People were speechless.

No. 5 Middle School rest area.

The principal's eyes widened. He had told Ye Ran that he could promote the school if he had the chance.

But I didn’t expect that it would be such a propaganda method.

At this time, a drone flew over and took photos of him.

Then a close-up of the principal appeared on the big screen in the east.

There are four big screens in the square, and at this time, the scene of the No. 6 martial arts arena is being broadcast live so that all viewers can see it clearly.

But now, the big screen on the east side has been selflessly donated and is only used by the principal.

Suddenly, the audience in the east pointed at the close-up of the principal, talking and pointing.

The principal lowered his head in embarrassment, realizing what social death is.

What's even more annoying is that the drone didn't fly away, it just stopped there and started broadcasting live.

It can be called murderous and heart-breaking.

Stand 4.

The owner of the Black Water Hall also had some bad thoughts in his mind, so he decisively sat down and hid in the crowd.


On the No. 6 fighting stage, Ye Ran coughed, "Hello everyone, I am still an honorary student of the Blackwater Martial Arts School..."

Advertising time has arrived again.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the stands were all numb.

The city's top officials on the main stage all had strange expressions.

Especially He Changqing, be silent for a moment.

I found that I seemed to be overthinking it, and there was no surprise. There was a Sheniu, and it was not just an ordinary Sheniu.


A drone quickly flew to the No. 4 stand. After searching for a while without any results, it flew away.

Seeing this, the owner of the Black Water Hall just breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment.

His expression suddenly stiffened.

On the big screen in the north, a close-up scene appeared under a banner in the corner of the stands.

A bald old man touched his bald head, smiled and chatted with a teacher and a young man beside him.

The three of them were squeezed into a small space, squatting on the ground, looking shabby and embarrassed.

And a little silly.

This time.

Suddenly, people couldn't hold back. Although this scene looked pitiful, it was inexplicably joyful, and the audience in the north couldn't help laughing.

Of course, there were also many people who yelled and cursed.

"It turns out he is a student from such a small martial arts school. I thought he was some kind of hidden genius. Damn it, he is wasting people's time!"

"It's just a waste of time, no strength, just a piece of advertising."

"Yes, what about Blackwater Martial Arts School and No. 5 Middle School? If my son joins these shabby places, I will break his legs!"

Martial Arts Platform No. 6.

Yu Chuyin couldn't help it, opened her eyes, frowned slightly and said: "Can we start?"

"Come on, the introduction will be finished soon. By the way, do you want to come to our Blackwater Martial Arts School?"

Ye Ran looked at her and said, "You have great talent. When you come to our martial arts hall, you are the second most honored student after me."

"I have something to do and need to end the game as soon as possible."

Yu Chuyin shook her head, no longer hesitating, and her figure flew out like lightning, as if a silver line was rushing straight towards her.

"Such exquisite martial arts."

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows and sighed, "I only have one chance to advertise, why don't you let me finish."

His voice was completely transmitted through the remaining two large screens.

The audience was suddenly speechless.

The graceful figure of Yu Chuyin suddenly appeared in front of Ye Ran, her jade hands joined together, and she suddenly slapped him on the chest.

At the same time, he said calmly: "I won't seriously hurt you. You still have many games, not just this one chance."

"you are wrong."

Ye Ran held her shoulders and shook his head gently.

Yu Mikuyin's body froze, feeling pressed by this palm, all the strength in her body dissipated, and her pretty face changed slightly.

No, what a powerful force...

The next moment.

The boy's plain voice suddenly echoed throughout the square through the big screen.

"You're wrong, I only have one chance to compete."

"Because... after I take action, no one dares to challenge me again!"

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