Commander Yang said, "Okay, we're on the tenth floor, let's take the elevator down."

"Is there an elevator?"

Ye Ran was a little confused.

"Of course there is, otherwise it would be too slow to walk down floor by floor."

Hearing this, Ye Ran looked unhappy, "There's an elevator, why are you asking me to walk for so long?"

"It's good to exercise, and walk up the stairs more often."

Commander Yang smiled.

"Exercise your uncle, your grandmother's legs!"

Ye Ran cursed in his heart.

"No kidding, above the tenth floor, generally no one lives, so the elevators above are closed all year round."

Commander Yang explained, walking towards the room on the far left.

He reached out and recognized his fingerprint on the door.

The door clicked and opened automatically, and there was a long and narrow passage inside.

At the end of the passage, you can see a glass elevator, and a man and a woman are waiting at the elevator door.

Ye Ran's pupils shrank slightly, "Isn't this a wasteland?"

"It's a wasteland." Commander Yang shook his head.

"How can such a large building be built in the wasteland, and there is electricity in this building?" Ye Ran was a little incredible.

The wasteland is completely different from the environment of Blue Star.

There is a special law in the wasteland. Any large-scale technological products will frequently malfunction when entering the wasteland.

This is why human technological weapons are not very useful.

And even if the machine does not malfunction, there is no way to get electricity after entering the wasteland.

Of course, it can be powered by batteries or generators.

But such a large elevator is not a room to turn on the light, no matter how large the battery and generator are, it will be useless.

"This is indeed a wasteland."

Commander Yang said: "But to some extent, it is not a wasteland. Let's go to the exchange counter first, and you will know when you come back."

He took Ye Ran to the elevator.

"Third Commander."

In front of the elevator, the man and woman bowed slightly to him and made way.


Commander Yang nodded slightly and walked into the elevator.

Although Ye Ran was confused, he didn't ask much. After walking in, he looked outside the elevator.

This glass elevator was actually built outside the tower.

At this time, through the glass, you can clearly see the huge black towers far apart outside.

These black towers are huge, towering into the clouds, and you can't see the end at all.

It makes people feel a little palpitating.

"Isn't this your Black Seal Tower headquarters?"

Ye Ran glanced at it and suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask?"

Commander Yang was surprised.

"You have a total of ninety-nine Black Seal Towers, but I only see a dozen here."

Ye Ran looked at the scene outside the glass and said.

He just counted the black towers outside, and there were not many.

"There are actually three Black Seal Tower headquarters. We are the third headquarters here, from the seventy-seventh tower to the ninety-fifth tower."

Commander Yang explained.

"So that's it."

Ye Ran suddenly realized.

While the two were talking, the elevator fell rapidly.

Ye Ran continued to look outside and observe the environment.

Each black giant tower was separated by a distance, and the open space outside was extremely lonely, and no one could be seen.

It seemed particularly deserted.

His heart moved slightly, and he remembered what Commander Yang said before, that only people lived on the tenth floor and above in the Black Seal Tower.

So, the Black Seal Tower might not have many people.

It was not as powerful as he imagined.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the elevator stopped, and Ye Ran looked at the number of floors. It was one floor.

The two walked out of the elevator, and the man and woman had left halfway.

The first floor was very large, and there were no rooms, but it was divided into several areas, but it was also empty.

No one could be seen.

Seeing this, Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief again.

It was good that there was no one.

The fewer people, the easier it would be for him to slip away.

"The exchange counter is over there. If you have any questions, there are artificial intelligences there, you can ask them."

Commander Yang pointed to an area.

There were dozens of identical small square counters, some of which were similar to bank ATMs.

"So advanced?"

Ye Ran was surprised, and glanced at Commander Yang. Seeing that this guy didn't follow him, he obviously didn't want to be slaughtered by him, so he shook his head and left.

He walked to the exchange counter and entered the name of An Yun.

Because Deputy Minister Xu had never been to the Black Seal Tower, the password was still the initial password.

After Ye Ran entered it, he clicked on the personal information.

An Yun: Completed 23 tasks.

Points: 1537.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but frowned. Deputy Minister Xu, this old fox, actually helped the Black Seal Tower do so many evil things.

At the same time, there were three emails in the upper right corner.

Clicking it, it was Commander Yang and Fang Jun, each with 200 points as an apology.

Ye Ran received it with great satisfaction, and then clicked the exchange button.

At this time, two little people appeared on the screen of the exchange counter, one blue and one red.

At the same time, two male and female voices sounded.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Zhi."

"Hello, my name is Xiao Zhan."

Ye Ran's mouth twitched. Which genius came up with this name.

I can't tell that a force like the Black Seal Tower also has a crouching dragon and a phoenix.

"Please choose one of us to serve you."

Xiaozhi and Xiaozhang's voices sounded at the same time.

Ye Ran pressed the blue man.

"Ding, the third generation artificial intelligence of the Black Seal Tower, Xiaozhi is at your service. What type of resources do you need to exchange?"

The blue man asked.

"The elixir for rebirth of broken arms."

Ye Ran said without hesitation.

"Please be as detailed and accurate as possible about the degree of injury and the time of injury, so that we can recommend the right spiritual medicine for you more accurately."

After Ye Ran entered the information.

The screen flashed, and then, a series of spiritual medicine patterns and notes appeared.

At the same time, Xiao Zhi's voice sounded, "Tian Cancao: Within four months, the arm can be fully restored."

"The price is 200, good quality and low price."

"Jinsha Fruit: Three to five months, the broken arm can be reborn, the price is 250."

"White Imperata Fruit: Within two months..."

Hearing this, Ye Ran frowned, "Is there any time to be faster, the faster the better."


On the screen, other patterns disappeared, and finally, only a vine-like spiritual medicine remained.

"Duanxu Vine: 800 points, half a month to one month, the arm can be fully restored, if there is a doctor's assistance, the recovery speed can be accelerated."

Hearing this, Ye Ran's heart moved slightly.

This is OK.

The injury of a broken arm is indeed not a minor injury. Even with the help of spiritual medicine, it will take a long time.

Half a month to a month, it will be fully recovered, which is already very good.

However, he still asked: "Is there a better one?"

"Points are not a problem. What I lack the least is points."

Xiaozhi replied: "Within the current authority, the best spiritual medicine is the intermittent vine. If you need a better spiritual medicine, please upgrade the authority."

"Forget it."

Ye Ran shook his head. After clicking the exchange, there were more than 1,300 points left.

He thought for a while and asked: "Recommend an S-level martial art that handsome guys must know."

Now, he only needs an S-level martial art to complete the achievement of a martial arts master.

Before, I forgot about this.

In fact, this is also a top priority. He tried every means to get it before.

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