Ye Ran walked off the fighting stage.

Among the three people on the ground, only Wang Boyu, who was the first to strike, was not knocked unconscious.

But at this moment, his face was pale and he was completely lost. He still couldn't believe that the three of them were killed instantly without any effort.

And the one who defeated them turned out to be a boy of the same age as them.

This kind of blow was fatal to him.

"Are you...really only seventeen years old?"

Wang Boyu's voice was slightly trembling.

Ye Ran stopped and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Wang Boyu suddenly laughed miserably, "It turns out that we have been fighting for so long, and the real strong people don't even bother to fight with us."

"Your strength is not bad, but your combat experience is average."

Ye Ran shook his head and said: "There should be very few people who have experienced a real life and death fight, right?"

Lin Boyu originally wanted to refute, but was suddenly choked.

Indeed, the three of them had a smooth journey, and their respective families protected them as treasures.

Even if they became warriors, they were not allowed to enter the wasteland.

Not to mention competing with other warriors.

And their opponents have always been people of the same generation. To be honest, how much combat experience can young people of this age have.

Therefore, they have never doubted that their combat experience is actually very average.

On the contrary, I am proud of it...

"Although you come to the underground fighting arena often, you must only fight with each other and not with other warriors here, right?"

Ye Ran asked.

"How do you know?" Lin Yubo was stunned for a moment.

"Because you are too proud."

Ye Ran said slowly: "You have always believed that your opponents are only two other people. As for the other warriors here."

"You are so old and you have broken through as a martial artist. Your talent is too poor and you are not worthy of being your opponent, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yubo's pupils shrank suddenly.

The three of them came here at the request of their respective elders.

Originally they didn't bother to come, but in order to cope with it, they would come every once in a while to go through the motions.

And their thoughts were made clear by Ye Ranqing!

He was silent for a long time and said, "Thank you, I understand."

After that, he left with the other two people.

Ye Ran felt a little emotional when he saw this. He vaguely remembered that these three people were still out of his reach a few months ago.

Now, they can all be easily defeated by him.

He walked towards the warrior who had just started trading.

The other party and the warriors around him all looked silent and a little confused.

A warrior who has just broken through the warrior realm and can have 200 combat power has a huge impact on them.

As for the middle-aged warrior, he felt like shit in his heart.

It’s true that he won’t be punished.

But seeing the awe-inspiring looks around him, he couldn't help but straighten his clothes, showing an enigmatic look.

As if to say, you guessed it right, I have outstanding eyesight and have long seen the strength of this young man.

"Did you really just break through to become a warrior?" Someone couldn't help but look at Ye Ran.

As soon as I spoke, I felt a little regretful.

I feel like I asked a stupid question.

This young man comes every day. When he came here two days ago, he was still a quasi-martial artist. If he has not just broken through now, how long can he still break through?

Ye Ran pondered for a moment and said honestly: "Actually, I am still a quasi-warrior."

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes wildly.

Madhu, only a ghost can believe it. A quasi-warrior with more than 200 combat power, he really thinks we are stupid and believes whatever we say.

Seeing this, Ye Ran shook his head inwardly.

That's how people are. Sometimes when you tell the truth, he doesn't believe you.

But this also plays into his heart.

Then, he got the money he earned from the opening warrior.

Excluding the principal, I made a total of 120,000 yuan.

Although one person only bet one or two thousand, he couldn't stand the crowd, and the bet more than tripled.

"Including the 50,000 I had before, it's 170,000."

Ye Ran was extremely surprised and sighed. Sure enough, the stronger you are, the easier it is to make money.

More than a month ago, he was still having a headache because of the 20,000 martial arts registration fee, so he had to go to the slaughterhouse to kill chickens to make money.

Now you can earn more than 100,000 per game.

But make money quickly and spend money quickly.

Warriors have always been the most expensive profession. Any martial arts or a handful of weapons can cost hundreds of thousands.

At this time, the top of the stands.

The master of the fighting arena with the dark gold mask appeared at some point.

He was looking at Ye Ran quietly.


Amidst the crispness, a girl's voice sounded with a hint of indifference.

Next to him, the thin man in black had a complicated expression and said with some shock: "Is it possible to reach more than 200 combat power just after breaking through to the warrior level?"

"It's normal."

The master of the fighting arena said calmly: "As long as you have accumulated enough and have a solid foundation, it is not uncommon for a warrior to take a large amount of Qi and Blood Powder to rapidly increase his strength after breaking through."

"Although 200 combat power is not much, it is not nothing, but..."

He paused and said slowly: "However, this is a genius who can only appear in a top city with developed martial arts."

"In a small third-tier city, such a genius can be said to be unprecedented."

"Ningjiang City, haha, it's a bit interesting."

The master of the fighting arena suddenly smiled, "Let me see the true limit of this genius."

"The real limit?" The thin man in black was stunned.

The next moment.

The powerful voice of the master of the fighting field suddenly echoed throughout the fighting field.

"The Warrior Thirty Total Victory Challenge is open. All first-level warriors can participate. If you reach ten total victories, you will be rewarded with a D-level combat weapon."

"If you reach twenty total victories, you will be rewarded with a top-level D-level martial arts."

"If you reach thirty total victories, you will be rewarded with a C-level combat weapon or martial arts, or 300,000 cash!"

The voice fell.

The fighting arena was silent for a moment, and then it boiled instantly.


Ye Ran was shocked. What a big deal.

The other warriors in the fighting arena were also surprised and happy, and a little shocked.

As expected of a martial arts master, he was generous.

Whether it was a C-level martial arts or a combat weapon, by comparison, the value was much higher than the 300,000, and it was difficult to buy it even if you had money.


The fighting arena owner's deep voice sounded again, instantly suppressing the noise in the entire arena.

He said calmly: "There are only two rules for the challenge."

"The first rule is that each person can challenge as many times as he wants, but he cannot rest or replenish his energy during the challenge."

"The second rule is that the draw is completely random. Whoever is drawn is the winner. You cannot change your opponent. For actors who lose on purpose, their rewards will be cancelled and they will not be allowed to enter my fighting arena again in the future!"

The rules are very simple.

Everyone has several challenge opportunities, but they have no time to rest or recover their energy.

In addition, the draw is random. In addition to strength, luck also matters. If you meet an opponent of the same strength, you may run out of energy in one game.

Of course, strength is still the hard truth. As long as you are strong enough and defeat your opponent quickly enough, you can ensure sufficient energy.

But this is still a long battle.

Everyone looked a little solemn.

Ye Ran also looked thoughtful. In this case, among so many people present, there are probably not many who can really win in the end.

He adjusted himself and prepared for the battle.

At this time, his eyebrows suddenly moved slightly, and he vaguely realized that someone was looking at him.

He looked up instinctively.

At the top of the stands, the owner of the fighting arena with a dark gold mask was looking down.

The dark gold mask covered his face, so he could not see his face, but only his deep black eyes.

Ye Ran was a little surprised and quickly looked away.

"Your perception is very sharp."

The owner of the fighting arena chuckled, "You should have reached the limit of mediocre combat awareness. At this age, it is really amazing."

"Let me see what you can achieve, five consecutive wins, or ten consecutive wins..."

He murmured softly with a burning gaze.

"Genius, what the Black Seal Tower likes to do most is to kill geniuses..."

Next to him, the thin man in black silently lowered his head.

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