Inside the Blackwater Martial Arts Hall.

Training area.

Two groups of people were confronting each other. On one side were a dozen students from the Blackwater Martial Arts School, and on the other side were three or four students wearing blue clothes.

On the clothes, it says Lan Meng Martial Arts School.

The master of the Blackwater Gym looked ugly, "These students from the Blue Dream Martial Arts Gym are here again!"

"What's going on?" Ye Ran asked.

"You should know that the Blue Dream Martial Arts Gym is also here, right?" the leader of the Black Water Gym said.

Ye Ran nodded slightly.

This area is the most prosperous area after the city center, so many martial arts schools are established here.

The most famous among them is Lei Ming Martial Arts School, followed by several major martial arts schools such as Lan Meng Martial Arts School.

"Lameng Martial Arts School cannot compete with Lei Ming Martial Arts School. In order to snatch students, we have set our sights on these small martial arts schools around us."

The owner of Heishui Hall sighed: "We come to play every day, and the few students who are already there are all snatched away by them."

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows. This kind of thing happens often.

But usually martial arts schools with similar strengths or conflicts will kick each other out.

Generally, large martial arts gyms will not kick out small martial arts gyms. It is indeed a bit unkind for Blue Dream Martial Arts Gym to do this.

At this time, several people from the Lanmeng Martial Arts Hall continued to jeer.

"Stop staying in this shabby martial arts gym. There is nothing to teach in this small martial arts gym. Look at your senior brothers, they are not bad at talent, but they have been taught to be useless!"

"Don't bully others too much!"

A young man from the Blackwater Martial Arts School gritted his teeth.

"What? You don't accept it?"

At the Lanmeng Martial Arts School, a young man in the lead said with a smile: "If you don't accept it, just try two moves. As long as you can beat me, I can kneel down and apologize to you!"


Suddenly, a surprised young voice sounded from behind.

Everyone in the Blue Dream Martial Arts Hall turned around and turned pale when they saw the Master of the Black Water Hall with a sinking face.

But he quickly thought that the other party was the master of the hall and would not attack juniors like them easily.

Only then did I feel a little at ease.

Then, they saw a handsome young man approaching.

"Are you also from the Blackwater Martial Arts School?"

The young man who led the Lanmeng Martial Arts School frowned.


Ye Ran smiled and said, "What I just said still counts? If I win, will you kneel down and apologize?"

The young man from Lan Meng Martial Arts School stared at him for a few times with some suspicion in his eyes.

This kid is following the owner of the martial arts gym. It seems that his identity is not simple. He may have two brushes.

Or else...

"As a gentleman says, a horse is hard to catch. As long as you can defeat me, Brother Fan, the four of us will kneel down and apologize to you!"

Suddenly, a voice cut in obliquely.

Among the four people in the Lanmeng Martial Arts School, there was a little fat man who was very arrogant and airy.

The leading boy was stunned.

He cursed the little fat man in his heart, but he could only brace himself and said, "Yes, as long as you can beat me."

"But I forgot to introduce myself. My health value is 70, and my combat power..."

The words are not finished yet.

The leading boy's face changed. He watched helplessly as a hand grabbed him. He wanted to resist, but found that the hand was incredibly fast!

Almost instantly, he grabbed the back of his neck and threw him out like a chicken.

The direction of the throw happened to be the direction of the other three people.

Before the other three people could react, they felt they were hit hard by a strong force, and they were knocked upside down.

Suddenly all four people fell to the ground.

It all happens in an instant.

In the eyes of the students at the Blackwater Martial Arts Hall, the handsome young man who followed the gym owner seemed to have stretched out his hand.

The four students from the Blue Dream Martial Arts School who were suffocating them were all knocked over!

"With one move, four of them were killed instantly!"

The students at the Blackwater Martial Arts School, after being in a daze for a short time, became so excited that their faces turned red and their necks thickened.

too strong!

Where did the museum owner find this boss? He’s so fierce!

The owner of the Blackwater Hall was also confused.

I couldn't help but touch my smooth bald head to confirm that I was right.

Then, there was shock and confusion in my heart.

This Ye Ran's strength should have reached the level of a quasi-warrior!

So, is Lei Ming Martial Arts blind?

A quasi-martial arts genius kicked away, turned around, and made a man with more than 70 health points an honorary student. He was not sick, was he?

No, Lei Ming Martial Arts School is so blind!

The owner of the Black Water Hall was ecstatic, finally realizing that he was afraid that he had missed something!

I still picked up a super treasure!

Ye Ran walked up to the four people in Lanmeng Martial Arts Hall and looked at the four people who were making sounds of pain.

He smiled and said, "Who said just now, if you lose, kneel down and apologize."


The other three people all pointed at the confused little fat man.

The leading boy, with a personal grudge, kicked the little fat man on the butt and kicked him out.

Ye Ran looked at the little fat man with a smile.

The little fat man shook his head in horror, "Brother Fan said it first, I'm just adding, don't hit me!"

Ye Ran continued to look at the leading boy.

The leading boy was about to vomit blood, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "If you have the ability to beat me to death, just kneel down, it's absolutely impossible!"

Ye Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, a hint of danger flashed in his eyes.

"I hate people who don't keep their word."


The owner of the Blackwater Pavilion came over and smoothed things over: "They are all young people, and they are inevitably impulsive. Just let them apologize."

Ye Ran nodded, said no more, and left it to his disposal.

Soon, the four people from the Blue Dream Martial Arts School apologized and left in despair.

The leader of the Blackwater Hall enjoyed the respectful and adoring gazes of the students, coughed, and patted Ye Ran on the shoulder.

"This is an honorary student of our martial arts school, Ye Ran. Come and meet him."

"Hello everyone."

Ye Ran's expression was gentle, without any pressure like before. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he was very approachable.

There are not many students in the martial arts hall, only about twenty.

A few simple greetings.

The leader of the Blackwater Hall was worried about causing Ye Ran's displeasure, so he dispersed the students and took him to the master's room.

In the owner's room, the two signed an agreement.

Ye Ran also received half a year's salary, a total of 60,000.

Maybe the owner of the Blackwater Hall was afraid that he would run away early and signed the contract until the end of the college entrance examination.

After signing the agreement, the owner of the Black Water Gym smiled and said, "You want to see the martial arts skills of our martial arts gym, right?"

Ye Ran nodded, with a rare look of expectation in his eyes.

The leader of the Black Water Hall touched the ring on his hand, and suddenly ten martial arts books of different colors fell on the table out of thin air.

"These are all the martial arts skills in our martial arts school."

Ye Ran glanced at the ring on his hand in surprise, "Space ring?"

The space ring is a space treasure made from strange minerals in the wasteland. It has its own space inside, which is extremely rare and precious.

"That's right."

The leader of the Blackwater Hall smiled, then pointed to the martial arts and said: "These ten martial arts range from D level to B level."

"B-level martial arts?"

Ye Ran was slightly surprised, and quickly searched for it, and soon found the B-level martial arts.

Heavy water palm!

The power of the palm is powerful and thick, and rocks can be easily destroyed with one strike.

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