Ye Ran walked out of the tree hole and took a glance.

Outside the cave, there was no trace of the yellow monkey, and the body of the black-striped python had long disappeared, leaving only a pile of dirty blood.

However, the Blood Shadow Saber was still stuck in the soil not far away.

He felt a little better, walked over and picked up the Blood Shadow Saber.

The dead monkey was not there, maybe it had left, or it was looking for him in the underground cave, and the two just happened to be staggered.

But no matter what, just go back and take a look.

Ye Ran wiped the Blood Shadow Saber, picked up the long knife, and walked back to the tree hole.

At this time, he realized that the tree in front of him was so big.

The trunk was thick and huge, four or five times that of other trees. It looked like the king of all trees.

Ye Ran was a little surprised. He was only concerned with escaping before, but he didn't notice that the tree was so big.

His expression was slightly solemn.

In the wilderness, only powerful beasts can have a territory with an excellent environment.

Such a huge tree is extremely rare. The one that can occupy it to build a nest must not be a simple beast.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Ran still walked towards the tree hole.

This is the outer area. There will not be too powerful beasts. At most, they are level 2.

And with his current strength, as long as he does not encounter the top level 2 beasts with a combat power of 800 or 900.

Even if he can't beat it, running away is no problem.

He moved quickly and walked into the tree hole in a few steps.

As soon as one foot stepped into the tree hole.

Behind him, an angry roar suddenly sounded.

Ye Ran turned around and saw that the yellow barbarian ape seemed to have just returned not far away. He roared at him angrily, and at the same time, he glanced at the tree hole behind him with some fear in his eyes.

"Oh, you didn't leave?"

Ye Ran grinned, and his eyes gradually became dangerous.

If you don't leave, let me carry you away!

Without saying a word, he raised the blood shadow war knife, and his figure suddenly burst out and rushed straight towards the yellow barbarian ape.

The yellow wild ape was stunned. Although he couldn't figure out why this human boy suddenly went crazy and dared to fight with him.

But it was just what it wanted. The heart of a human, especially a warrior, was delicious!

The yellow wild ape grinned at Ye Ran, then turned and ran.

"You want to distract me, what's here?"

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows slightly. He also saw the fear in the eyes of the yellow wild ape just now, but when he glanced around, there were no other strange beasts.

Unable to find the reason, he didn't think about it anymore and chased after it immediately.

The yellow wild monkey ran a distance, and after being two or three hundred meters away from the tree hole, he suddenly turned around and rushed over.

Ye Ran's expression did not change. He was not panicked, but a coldness flashed in his eyes.

The blood shadow war knife in his hand suddenly chopped out!

He didn't hold back his strength for this knife, and burst out with all his strength.


The air seemed to twitch violently, and the blood shadow war knife turned into a blood shadow, chopped down vertically like lightning.

A bit of disdain flashed in the eyes of the yellow monkey, and he punched fiercely.

On its fist, there was actually hard black armor, which seemed to be for defense, and the yellow monkey was very confident about it.

However, the next moment.

The moment the long sword and the fist came into contact, the hard black armor on it was torn apart.

The yellow monkey also screamed and retreated in panic holding his arm.

Ye Ran stood still. Although there was a strong force coming, it was still within his tolerance, so he did not retreat a step.

In other words, his pure strength now completely surpassed this yellow monkey.

However, several cracks appeared on the blood shadow war knife.

Ye Ran frowned slightly. After all, the blood shadow war knife was just a high-imitation imitation. The price of the real blood shadow war knife of the combat soldier level was more than ten times lower.

In addition, he fought all the way and fought with strange beasts. Now the blade can't bear it, which is normal.

Ye Ran retracted his gaze and continued to kill the yellow monkey.

Now, after breaking through the limits of the warrior and the human body, all his previous injuries have healed.

His spirit and energy have reached a new height, and his physical condition is exceptionally good.

He fully exerted his outstanding combat awareness to the extreme.

Therefore, at the moment of fighting, he shook the yellow monkey away with a knife, and then hit his chest with a strong palm.

Heavy water palm!

After the blood and combat power surged, the heavy water palm also underwent a qualitative change.

When this palm was slapped, the sound of rushing water waves suddenly sounded.

Although the yellow monkey was repelled and the door was wide open, he reacted very quickly and punched out fiercely.

Fist to palm!

There was a dull bang!

The yellow monkey flew backwards immediately, and his body hit the Li Mu beside him fiercely.

It stood up, as if it was completely enraged.

He punched his chest twice with force, and then rushed over again.

Ye Ran remained calm, holding the knife in one hand, the knife light flashed like lightning, and chopped it down fiercely.

The long sword was penetrated by the fierce force, and the blade was straight, without the slightest tremor, and it just chopped fiercely on the fist of the yellow wild monkey.

This blow was even more powerful than the previous one.

The yellow wild monkey was directly chopped away, and the black flesh armor on the fist was once again cut with a deep wound.

It roared, its eyes were bloodshot, full of dissatisfaction and madness.

Ignoring the pain, it stood up and rushed forward again.

Impossible, this damn human boy, not long ago, could only be chased by me, he couldn't be my opponent!

Ye Ran looked calm, and chopped several more times.

Each blow chopped fiercely on the black flesh armor on the yellow wild monkey's fist.

The flesh armor, which was already torn, suddenly became bloody and horrible.

The yellow monkey seemed to be crazy, fighting and retreating again and again, and even though he was seriously injured, he had to fight with Ye Ran.

Ye Ran looked calm, and finally, he chopped down again.

The blood shadow war knife broke with a click.

Seeing this, the yellow monkey was stunned for a moment, and then ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

Damn human, you are dead this time!

It laughed grimly and rushed towards Ye Ran.

Ye Ran did not dodge, but just looked at the yellow monkey's fist quietly.

The yellow monkey was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that his fist slowly fell down.

Its fist was chopped off by the last knife just now!

In an instant, the yellow monkey showed horror. The fist was its most invincible weapon, how could it be chopped off like this?

It no longer had the dissatisfaction just now, turned around, and fled madly.

Ye Ran bent down and picked up the Blood Shadow Saber that was broken into two pieces on the ground, one of which was the blade.

Then, he threw it out suddenly.

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