In the woods.

The screams of the teenager and the wild laughter of the middle-aged man were heard.

The girl in blue was the vice-captain of the black mask team.

On her fair face, veins bulged faintly.

He said coldly: "This bastard, I asked him to kill someone, but he actually played with it!"

Hearing this, another middle-aged man said nervously: "Vice-captain, I will teach this guy a lesson and deal with that unlucky boy by the way."

As he said this, he walked quickly towards the dense forest.

He cursed in his heart as he walked.

"This bastard, what time is it, he still has the mind to play, what if he angers the vice-captain and kills us with a sword?"

"Damn, I don't know what kind of good stuff can make this bastard so happy. When I play with you, I never see you scream so loudly."

"Fuck, it's really hateful."

The more the middle-aged man thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and hurried into the woods.

As soon as he entered, when he was about to curse loudly, he suddenly froze and stared at the handsome boy opposite.

"Fuck, what a good product, what a top-notch product!"

However, the next moment.

His face turned pale.


Why is this young man holding a knife...


A dagger shot out and pierced his forehead, and then his body fell to the ground helplessly.

Ye Ran retracted his gaze and looked at the middle-aged man kneeling in front of him.

He said slowly: "Keep laughing, don't stop."

The middle-aged man saw that his companion had just come in and was killed directly. He was sweating profusely on the spot and trembling all over.

"If you don't laugh, you will die!"

Ye Ran exerted a little force with his palm, and the long knife on the middle-aged man's neck immediately moved forward, leaving a blood mark directly.

The middle-aged man was horrified and urinated.

He laughed wildly immediately. Although he was laughing, tears as big as beans kept dripping, and his eyes were full of fear.

Devil, woo, this is a devil.

Ye Ran also screamed once or twice to confuse the blue-clothed girl outside.

At the same time, he continued to ask, "How many people are there in your Black Mask Squad?"

"Including the captain, 28."

The middle-aged man kneeling on the ground said with tears and snot, and just after he finished speaking, he burst into laughter.

The scene was a little weird.

"Is your captain a level 3 warrior?"


After getting confirmation, Ye Ran's eyes became slightly solemn. There really is a level 3 warrior.

He continued to ask, "Who is the strongest besides the captain?"

"The two deputy captains are both level 2 warriors. The deputy captain outside now has a combat power of 700..."

Soon, Ye Ran asked all the information.

It must be said that this Black Mask Squad is indeed strong. In addition to the captain, there are a total of five level 2 warriors.

The strongest among them is another deputy captain, who has the strength of a top level 2 warrior.

"A top level 2 warrior has a blood value of 900. If the martial arts pattern is good, the combat power may exceed 1,000."

Thinking of the martial arts pattern, Ye Ran couldn't help but touch his back.

There is an ivory martial pattern, but it can only provide 3 combat power, which is ridiculous.

If he is not far from the second-level warrior now, he can immediately choose to change a martial pattern. He is really afraid that he will die.

"I have answered, can you let me go?"

The middle-aged man said timidly.

"Don't worry, since I have made a martial arts oath and said that I will not kill you with my own hands, I will definitely not do it."

Ye Ran said skillfully, and let go of the long sword.

The long sword fell immediately.

The middle-aged man was also very surprised and turned around to run away.

He just ran a few meters.

Ye Ran kicked the long sword that fell, and the long sword shot out instantly.

With a swish, it suddenly pierced through the middle-aged man's chest.

"I said not to use hands, but not feet?"

Ye Ran muttered, then narrowed his eyes and looked out of the forest.

Since there are only 700 combat power.

Then stay!

He no longer concealed and suppressed, and all the blood and qi in his body suddenly released, and his body rushed out.

Outside the woods.

The blue-clothed girl's face changed slightly, something was wrong.

How come it has been so long, and none of the two people came out.

There is a problem!

Without saying a word, she turned around and left.

Her long-standing habit of vigilance made her have no intention of staying, and she had to leave as soon as possible.

At this time, she suddenly found that a strong blood and qi fluctuation came from the forest.

She was immediately shocked.

The second-level warrior is really the one who killed Wang Ming!

Damn, how did he suppress the blood and qi and hide his breath?

The blue-clothed girl gritted her teeth and turned around without thinking. Although she was a second-level warrior, her combat power was not outstanding.

Even the blood and qi value was higher than the combat power.

The reason why she was able to sit in the position of deputy captain was just because of her wisdom.

However, no matter how fast she was, she was still faster than the dagger that suddenly shot from behind.

Ye Ran almost used this dagger as a hidden weapon.

The moment he saw the girl in blue, he threw it out suddenly. The exquisite control of Qi and blood made the dagger he threw fast and accurate.

It shot at the back of the girl in blue with incredible accuracy.


The girl in blue turned around to block, and the slender silver sword in her hand slashed down like lightning.

The next moment.

Her delicate body trembled, and she was actually shaken away. The dagger also cut through the clothes on her shoulders, revealing her snow-white shoulders, leaving a deep blood mark.

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, somewhat unexpectedly.

Although he used all his strength in this dagger, he was not really using hidden weapons after all.

He did not know any hidden weapon-related martial arts.

After throwing it out, it was inevitable that the attack power would decrease.

A normal level 2 warrior with a combat power of 700 should be able to take it without any injury.

Why, this woman was so reluctant to deal with it?

"The blood and qi are very weak, and she was forced to rely on the blood and qi to improve her realm."

Ye Ran knew what was going on, and took the opportunity to speed up and catch up.

Although the two were far apart, the speed of the girl in blue was obviously not as fast as his, especially after being injured, she paused for a long time.

Seeing this, Ye Ran frowned, feeling that the other party's combat experience seemed to be extremely poor.

But he was worried that this was the other party's trick.

After all, this woman had almost been tricked by the previous series of tricks, so he had to be on guard.

However, at the moment of approaching.

Ye Ran still caught up with her in one step, and decisively punched her directly in the chest.

No matter if she is pretending or she is really weak.

Beat her up first!

His thundering fist was fast and fierce. The girl in blue was about to parry when she was blown away and fell heavily to the ground.

However, Ye Ran's face changed slightly at the moment of being hit.

The chest is so hard. Is it an inner armor?

Such a hard inner armor is at least a war weapon.

Ye Ran was a little shocked. Defensive war weapons have always been less common than offensive war weapons, and the price is also more expensive.

But usually, there is no market for them, and you can't buy them even if you want to.

The girl in blue barely climbed up, pointed the slender silver sword in her hand at him, and said weakly: "Don't, don't come over!"

Ye Ran was stunned again when he saw the silver sword.

Then a huge wave of waves rose in his heart.

C-level war weapon!

This is a top-level C-level war weapon. He had seen it in the Warrior Building. It is worth 500,000!

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