"How beautiful she is, how abnormal her brain is."

In the corridor, Ye Ran couldn't help but mutter.

The two sisters of the Jiang family are indeed the most beautiful peers he has ever seen.

But this white-haired sister is indeed a little too lively, just like a neurotic middle school girl.

"Sending me dragon blood fruit so openly, there are generally only two possibilities."

Ye Ran put the wooden box into the Hengyang Ring, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The first possibility is that Jiang Yu is sure that no one from the Black Seal Tower is watching him now, so he is so relieved to meet him.

The second possibility is that the Black Seal Tower has thoroughly investigated him and knows that he will not leave in a short time.

So he is left here, and will only take action against him after finding the right opportunity.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran's heart sank slightly.

The matter of the Black Seal Tower must be resolved quickly, otherwise there will always be a thorn in his heart that cannot be eradicated.

Back home.

Ye Ran took out the black box as soon as possible.

The black wooden box was opened, and inside, a round fruit as red as blood was placed in the center.

The fruit was only the size of a fist, covered with many small scales, vaguely forming the shape of a dragon's body.

At first glance, it looked like a dragon was wrapped around the fruit.

Very majestic.

A faint fragrance emanated from it, penetrating the heart and spleen.

Ye Ran took a deep breath and picked up the dragon blood fruit.


Half an hour passed quickly.

Ye Ran slowly opened his eyes, moved his body, and a crisp sound of crackling sounded.

"Is this the physique of a third-level warrior? It's really extraordinary."

He felt the power coming from his body and sighed.

One step difference, a world of difference.

After taking the dragon blood fruit, he successfully improved his physique to a third-level warrior, and even exceeded it by a lot.

After all, the dragon blood fruit can help martial artists below the level of martial artists to directly improve by one level.

Although his physique is not as good as that of a martial artist, he is still a leader among the third-level warriors, surpassing 90% of the third-level warriors.

"Test your combat power."

Ye Ran took out the test belt. After his physique improved, his overall combat power also improved.

The test results came out soon.

[Combat power: 1250. ]

Although his combat power did not improve much, his bare combat power finally entered the ranks of third-level warriors, plus various martial arts.

His ultimate combat power is not mediocre even among third-level warriors.

"The upper limit of the blood and qi of a third-level warrior is 2000. At the peak of the third level, the combat power is about 2500. At the top of the third level, the combat power is about 2000."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered.

This is the combat power standard calculated by the Wumeng, and if he uses the Spirit Flame Body and the second-level Heavy Water Palm.

The ultimate combat power can also reach about 2000.

In other words, now he has reached the top combat power of the third level at the level of a first-level warrior.

If this spread out, even the masters would be furious.

Because it was too horrifying.

Ye Ran suppressed his joy, and when he thought of the Spirit Flame Body, he thought of the black soft armor under the bed.

Although the soft armor was an S-level combat weapon, it was already very damaged.

And there were certain hidden dangers.

So, if the value was not too high, it would be fine to let the Gold Devouring Sun Flame devour it and improve the Spirit Flame Body.

S-level combat weapons also have good and bad ones.

Ordinary S-level combat weapons are worth tens of millions, and high-quality S-level combat weapons can reach a sky-high price of 20 to 30 million.

Of course, the combat weapon was so damaged that Ye Ran estimated that it was only five or six million.

But no matter what, it was still a huge sum of money.

Ye Ran took out the black soft armor from under the bed and put it into the Hengyang Ring.

Pingyi Jinren, only when the treasure is put into the space ring and it belongs to him completely, will the progress be displayed.

However, before he could check the progress of Pingyi Jinren and how much it increased.

A light ding sound came.

[With a billion people: progress (115 million/100 million), achievement completed, reward 1000 achievement points, comprehension doubled! ]

Ye Ran was stunned.

He stared blankly at the achievement panel, which showed that he had completed with a billion people.

The next moment.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was horrified.

That black inner armor was not an S-level battle weapon, but a master-level battle weapon!

Only a master-level battle weapon could be worth more than 90 million yuan even if it was so badly damaged!

Ye Ran's body trembled slightly. A master-level battle weapon, who is the mysterious person in Su Qin's family?

Moreover, this is too generous, a master-level battle weapon...

His head was buzzing.

After a long time, Ye Ran finally came out of this shock and calmed down.

He calmed down and looked at the black soft armor.

At this time, the gold-eating sun flame was flowing out of his palm on its own, turning into a tongue shape, licking the soft armor constantly.

Knowing that he wouldn't let her devour it, but being too greedy, she could only use this method to satisfy her craving.

"Grandmaster-level warrior, no wonder you are so excited."

Ye Ran still had some feelings, retracted the Gold Devouring Sun Flame, and observed the black soft armor again. As he checked, his face was a little uncertain.

This kind of inner armor has a repetitive pattern, which means it is mass-produced.

And it can be mass-produced, and there are even Grandmaster-level ones among them.

It can be imagined that its owner must belong to the giant power, so this black soft armor is really a hot potato.

But fortunately, even if he doesn't sell it, he doesn't need it, so it's not a loss to let the Devouring Gold Sun Flame swallow it.

Ye Ran just finished thinking.

The Devouring Gold Sun Flame surged out from his palm again, turning into a golden flame puppy, squatting in his palm and nodding frantically.

While nodding, his tongue drooped.

If it wasn't made of flames, he would probably drool.

"Go back first, I'll think about it."

Ye Ran was a little helpless and took back the Devouring Gold Sun Flame.

This black soft armor was severely damaged, and there was basically no master power on it.

Unlike the black dragon scales, it was just right for the Devouring Gold Sun Flame to swallow it.

As a master warrior, it must be made of top-level metal, so it's normal for the Devouring Gold Sun Flame to be so excited.

But at the moment, he hasn't really thought about how to deal with this black soft armor.

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