“Hmph, you will make a lot of money, and the first time you hug your sister in your arms, you will hug a big beauty like me.”

Su Yun snorted twice, and before he could continue speaking, he was hugged by Fang Wen with one hand.

He jumped up and once again dodged the lizard monster’s attack, shattering the earth and flying rubble.


The lizard monster watched Fang Wen dodge many times, and became more and more angry, further opened its blood basin and mouth, and in the dark throat, black silk threads continued to spread, strangling towards Fang Wen.

Countless silk threads spread, sweeping the earth like a violent storm, leaving potholes one after another.

“How many tongues do you have?” It is good to use as duck tongue, and it can be regenerated, and it can be supplied to a factory at one end! ”

Seeing this, Fang Wen complained, causing Su Yun in his arms to laugh out loud and retorted:

“Who would eat such a disgusting thing.”

“Makes sense.”

Fang Wen nodded, looking at the black silk thread that blocked several dead corners, in fact, he was not ready to dodge.

Previously, it was only to confirm whether the lizard monster had more means of attack to prevent it from sneaking attack.

Now it seems that the lizard monsters that are angry like this will only attack with the black silk thread that replaces the function of the tongue, as if the stomach is full of black silk threads.

This black thread is more like its body.

“In that case, let me try how powerful the Earth Soul Rank monsters are!”

The corners of Fang Wen’s mouth rose slightly, and his eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent.

Since obtaining the seven-star [Nirvana Flame], whether it was hunting treasure rats or killing mountain ghost leaders, he had never used his full strength.

There is no other reason, just that they are too weak.

However, now, he finally encountered the monster of the Earth Soul Rank that gave him great pressure, and he still held Su Yun in his arms, which could be said to be extremely difficult.

“But that’s fun!”

Fang Wen looked at the dozens of black silk threads that broke through the air, holding Su Yun with his left hand, holding the void with his right hand, and the billowing flames burned, as if pinching a small sun, and the hot heat wave surged.

A huge fire knife that was seven meters long appeared in his hand, as if holding a mythical weapon, and swung it towards the sky.


Countless fire snakes boiled, and along with the flame long knife, they cut out in the sky, directly cutting off the black silk thread in the sky.


Countless black silk threads broke and were ignited in the air, turning into countless sparks and falling, like a beautiful rain of flames.


And in this rain of flames, the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird flew in with its wings and directly grabbed the eyes of the lizard monster with one claw.

Rip and pull!

The Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird tore through its claws and directly grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood on its left face.

However, the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird just glanced at it contemptuously, waved its wings, and directly set off a flame tornado, instantly shrouding it, as if heavenly fire had descended!

It was covered in terrifying, hot flames as if to burn it into char.


The lizard monster was hit hard, let out a roar of pain, and its huge body began to twist, as if it wanted to regenerate these “tongues” again.

However, Fang Wen would not give him this opportunity, and his figure burst out like a cannonball.


The huge flame long knife dragged on the ground, bursting into countless sparks while leaving a black trace, like the traces of burning weeds in the autumn wilderness.


Seeing this, the lizard monster roared, stimulated its potential to break free from this flame tornado, and a large amount of flames burned on its body, but quickly retreated.

At the same time, the forelimbs leaned down, directly lifting huge stone slabs and flying sand towards Fang Wen.

However, Fang Wen’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and the long knife in his hand cut out, directly splitting these huge stone slabs in two, and at the same time stepping on the stone slabs and continuing to rush over.


With a slash, a huge knife mark was directly torn on the lizard monster, blood sprayed, and even the Sensen white bone inside could be seen.

But before he could continue, the lizard monster turned sharply and pulled its tail back, knocking Fang Wen back.


The lizard monster also did not expect to be forced to such an extraordinary level by Fang Wen, and roared, and a large number of black silk threads spread on its body.


Only this time it was not as an attack, but wrapped around the body, and covered with the wound just now, turning his dark green scale armor black.

The black lizard monster’s vertical pupils became more and more brutal, and directly rushed towards Fang Wen, and Fang Wen was not afraid at all, and directly swung his sword to cut a huge arc of fire in the air, and the fire shone.


The huge fire knife slashed down, directly hitting the head of the lizard monster, and the fire snake rose, splashing countless sparks flying.

But this knife did not decapitate it, only cut off the black silk threads that covered it, leaving a slender blood mark on its skull.

And granulation quickly grows in the wound, which heals rapidly.

The lizard monster took the opportunity to open its blood basin and tried to swallow Fang Wen into its abdomen, but was shocked by Fang Wen’s knife.

One man and one beast began to fight, and the terrifying flames swept through, constantly slashing at the body of the lizard monster, but they were all blocked by the powerful defense of the black silk thread.

“What’s that?”

“Someone is fighting, is it the special department coming?”

“What a powerful flame, but why does that person look a little familiar?”

“This person is so strong, we are saved!”

The people in the residential building also saw the battle outside and also looked at it.

They looked at Fang Wen who was pressing the lizard monster, and their eyes began to shine with hope.

After all, who is willing to die if they can live?


And the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird is also constantly spraying flames, sweeping like a fire god, constantly interfering with the actions of lizard monsters.

After all, before advancing to the Earth Soul Stage, the Talent Spirit was still in a state between the virtual and the real, and could not be combined with the host to exert its power perfectly.

Two transcendent fourth-order monsters capable of suppressing the Earth Soul Class Monster Fight are already extremely powerful.

Moreover, Nirvana is only an immortal phoenix healing ability, not a destructive ability.

After all, the talent that Fang Wen stole was just one of the many talents of the Immortal God Phoenix, but it was also the immortality of the core talent!

Although blood stains continued to appear on the lizard monster, it soon grew granulation and began to repair itself.

Although the price is to consume its own flesh and blood, it is enough for its huge four-meter-tall body to last for an hour or two.

Fang Wen also chopped repeatedly, the tiger’s taste was slightly numb, looking at the panting monster, he couldn’t help but sigh:

“How could it suddenly become so hard, it really deserves to be a monster of the Earth Soul Level!”


The Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird chirped, its body burned with white-gold flames, its figure flew in the air, and its body spread a pitch-black aura, shrouding the lizard monster and beginning to absorb the vitality on its body.

A large amount of green light mist appeared on the lizard monster and was stripped away, and then swallowed by the black aura.

Draw on life!

This is exactly the mutant ability born after the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird fuses the flame of Nirvana, and can absorb the vitality of all things to grow.

Since the lizard monster wanted to rely on regeneration, the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird directly extracted its vitality and let it decay in its flesh and blood.

As the vitality continued to be plundered, the lizard monster’s size rapidly decayed, as if it had been devoured by some invisible monster, and its body shape began to be unstable.

The Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird was just the opposite, as it devoured a large amount of life, the white-gold flames on its body also began to rise, becoming brighter and brighter!


Like a phoenix roaring, the sound boom nine skies!

As a top A-level talent spirit close to S-grade, it completely showed its brilliance at this moment!

Even if it is only the transcendent fourth order, it can suppress the earth soul monster!


The lizard monster felt the ever-passing vitality in its body, turning its originally violent emotions into deep fear.

It looked at the terrifying Skyfire Xuan Bird in the sky, and the fear in its heart began to spread, and it even turned around and prepared to escape.

Because its instinct is already warning that if it continues to stay, it will definitely die.

“Want to run?”

Fang Wen saw the lizard monster’s movements, and instantly understood that the other party wanted to escape.

If the battle continued, the other party would definitely die, but if this kind of defensive Earth Soul Rank monster was bent on escaping, Fang Wen would not be able to kill it instantly.

Being able to cross a great step and defeat it is already the limit.

If it took a little longer, he would have had a chance to kill, but now he couldn’t completely cut off the defense of that black silk thread.

Let’s not talk about how much disaster this monster will cause when it enters the city.

Its defensive ability alone was so strong that it could even resist the flames of the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird.

This is already Fang Wen is also very hungry, wanting to kill the lizard monster and steal its talent.

If you wait for the special department to come and kill it, you will definitely take it away, and you may also have to check your own information, and there is basically no chance to approach the monster corpse to steal talent.

“What should I do, is there any way to increase the power of the knife in a short time, break through its defenses and kill it?”

Fang Wen ordered the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird to continue to suppress it and prevent it from escaping, while constantly thinking in his heart.


He saw that the sparks on the ground that were left by wielding the fire knife could be extinguished at any time, but they were still standing tenaciously in the wind.

It’s like being alive, doing everything to survive.

And so on….

There is life!

Life Mood!

What if you integrate the artistic conception of life into the knife?

PS: The fourth is more to collect! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes!

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