Zhongzhou City,

The major screens on the streets are playing an urgent news.

"It is reported that a demon rat frenzy has occurred in the north of Zhongzhou City, and tens of millions of demon rats have begun to sweep across the wilderness."

"Although we don't know what caused the demon rat tide, the number of demon rats this time is at least tens of millions. If they attack Zhongzhou City, it will cause serious losses to Zhongzhou."

"Near Zhongzhou City, major military bases have sent powerful warriors and fighters to suppress the beasts."

In the picture,

It is an endless wave like a black tide, sweeping across the land.

Wherever the black wave passes, no grass is left.

Thousands of demon rats, flashing scarlet bloodthirsty eyes, revealing hideous teeth, any living existence will be eaten up by the demon rats.

Whether it is a powerful beast or dead grass and trees.

Under the demon rat frenzy, they are all crushed.

The military strongmen will definitely be able to stop the demon rat tide, but when will they arrive?

If the military experts had arrived a step late, and this terrifying wave of demon rats had swept to the gathering place outside the wilderness, I don’t know how many people would have died.


Wenrou was very obedient and had been practicing hard.

But she had just come out of the practice tower when she saw this news.

Her palms tightly grasped the corners of her clothes, and there were even mental fluctuations in her eyes.

"Don't be in trouble."


On the alloy chariot,

Bai Zhi had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

But she still couldn't get rid of the black demon rats behind her.

Although Lu Yuan had been operating the poisonous dragon and killing the demon rats.

But the number of demon rats was too large. On the top of the mountain, he could still rely on the terrain advantage to block most of the demon rats on the periphery, and he could still deal with it.

But now it's more troublesome.

These demon rats are like waves, sweeping in, and no existence can resist such a wave.

Of course,

If Lu Yuan and Bai Zhi just want to escape, there will be no problem.

But if so many demon rats invade the gathering place of humans in the wilderness, it will be a big trouble.

Even, the demon rat tide may impact Zhongzhou City.

The demon rats must be repelled!

Lu Yuan's face was serious.

Then he turned over and jumped from the car window to the roof.

"System, merge three S-level talents!"

This is Lu Yuan's last trump card.

Three S-level talents can be combined into SS-level talents.

Domineering, telekinesis awakening, and super-limited flash!

These three talents are all super powerful abilities. After any one of them is upgraded to SS level, it will greatly help Lu Yuan's combat power.

But if you want to repel such a large-scale demon rat tide, it is definitely impossible to kill them all.

So there is only one choice, Lu Yuan decisively said: "Domineering!"

At the same time, he urged telekinesis for the last time.

Control the twenty-four poisonous dragons and enter the bracelet space one by one.

[Lose: Domineering (S+), Telekinesis Awakening (S), Super Limit Flash (S)]

[Gain: SS-level-Domineering! ]

Look at the ferocious rat king surrounded by millions of demon rats.

Lu Yuan slowly raised one hand.

"Get lost!"


The invisible and intangible breath emerged from Lu Yuan's body, but all the demon rats felt an irresistible momentum.

It seemed that the person in front of him was not a human.

But a giant dragon that could destroy the world.

This breath was too strong and even affected the real things. Starting from Lu Yuan, a fan-shaped momentum pressure appeared in front of him.

It spread for more than a thousand meters.

Under the invisible pressure, trees and rocks all exploded, and the ground was slightly dented.

I don't know how many demon rats lost their lives under the deterrence of this breath.

Even the huge demon rat king lost the will to fight under this blow.

With his tail between his legs, he began to run back without saying anything.

The Rat King had fled, so naturally the other demon rats turned and fled as well.

They all started to run back like crazy.

Under the threat of domineering power, in the eyes of the demon rats, Lu Yuan was the thing they feared the most.

This was actually the mental damage caused by the threat of domineering power, which could make the weak afraid or even die.

This was also the strongest part of "domineering power".

Lu Yuan turned over and sat in the co-pilot seat of the alloy chariot.

Bai Zhi was stunned.

This was the first time that Lu Yuan saw a stunned expression on Teacher Bai Zhi's face.

"Is this your ability of the second awakening?"

Bai Zhi was a little confused.

Because this was not the power that an S-level talent could cause.

This was an SS-level talent ability!

Bai Zhi never expected that the ability Lu Yuan gained after the second awakening was actually SS-level.

You know, on Earth, it takes a lot of effort to awaken an SS-level talent., is very difficult.

Moreover, Lu Yuan used a very special ability, which could actually deter the tenth-level Demon Rat King.

The Demon Rat King seemed to be scared.

Without the control of the Demon Rat King, the tens of millions of rats naturally retreated.

Bai Zhi couldn't imagine it at all.

What kind of ability is this.

"Lucky." Lu Yuan was also a little surprised.

But he was surprised by the power of SS-level domineering.

It was dozens of times that of S+ level.

Under the deterrence, even the tenth-level Demon Rat King was scared.

Lu Yuan looked back at the black wave receding.

"Wait until the strength is strong enough, and then clean up the demon rat tribe."

"At that time, I must see what is in the ruins."


One day later.

An alloy chariot rushed into the gate of Zhongzhou City with the roar of the huge engine.

The alloy chariot has been dyed red with blood.

The body of the car was also covered with scratches, as if it had experienced a very tragic battle.

Everyone focused their attention on this damaged alloy tank.

"Thank you for your hard work!" The warriors guarding the city saluted with great respect.

All warriors who fought life and death with ferocious beasts in the wilderness deserve respect.

Because they are all heroes who save mankind.

Lu Yuan also straightened his face and nodded slightly.

After this trip to the wilderness, he realized the danger of fighting with ferocious beasts.

After returning to school,

Lu Yuan simply washed and changed his clothes, and then came to the classroom of Class 3 of the first year.

After entering Class 3 of the first year.

Lu Yuan found that after more than two weeks of tempering, the classmates had become different.

They all had less student spirit and more murderous spirit.

They all became warriors!

Lu Yuan had already sat in his seat, and no one had noticed him yet.

Because everyone was watching the big screen.

Wilderness live broadcast.

"It is reported that a mysterious strong man took action and killed tens of thousands of demon rats in one blow, frightened the demon rat frenzy, and saved countless lives."

The picture shows the area destroyed by Lu Yuan's domineering aura.

All the trees and rocks within a few thousand meters were destroyed.

The whole class opened their mouths wide in shock.

"Wow, is this the lethality that a human can cause? It's so terrifying."

"So strong, and did you pay attention? There are no injuries on the bodies of these demon rats, so this should be a mental attack."

"Could it be a mentalist?"

"I don't know... This kind of predecessor has far exceeded our cognition."

Ye Liuyun also widened his eyes. He sensed the power in his hands and muttered to himself.

"My domineering aura must be strengthened hundreds of times to achieve this level."

Ye Liuyun is a very proud person.

But at this moment, facing such a terrifying attack, he can only look up.

"Lu Yuan, you're back!"

Su Lie walked in carelessly, and after acknowledging his own shortcomings.

He became very confident.

His whole temperament changed dramatically.

But after getting close to Lu Yuan, Su Lie couldn't help but shudder.

Lu Yuan gave him a very dangerous feeling.

It seemed that this was not Lu Yuan, but a beast in human skin.

"I haven't seen you for half a month, and you've become more perverted..." Su Lie sat in his seat obediently, mumbling softly.

After finding out that Lu Yuan was back.

The whole class was very excited.

"Boss, you are finally back."

"The big devil is back. In this Zhongzhou Province freshman competition, our class will definitely lead the whole school and crush the whole province."

"With Lu Yuanzai, other schools should forget about competing for the first place."

"It is said that after this freshman competition, the elite training camp will be opened directly!"

"That is an elite training camp. It is said that the top talents from various families will participate."


Add more chapters for the boss [Eh Leilei]!

Thank you for the master certification (360-degree bow)!

At the same time, thank you for everyone's comments and gifts. Thank you everyone, love you.

I will continue to work hard!

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