Gao Wu: Traveling through the Killing Division, I can absorb everything

Chapter 184 Trading the God-Forging Pill! 24 treasures!

"I can give you 24 treasures for opening up the brain area, and each one is enough for a warrior with star-level talent to open up 0.5% of the brain area within half a month. 24 can help a warrior with star-level talent to open up 12% of the deep brain area in a year!"

"For warriors with extraordinary talent, the effect is not as good, and they can only open up about 4% of the deep brain area within a year. Treasures that can assist in opening up the brain area are very precious. You also know the value of treasures that can allow a star-level warrior to open up 0.5% of the brain area within half a month. I can provide 24, which is already sincere enough!" Yunshan said.

"Okay!" Su Ye nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's swear to trade!" Yunshan said happily.

He traded two God-Forging Pills for his children. He got married very late and had a son and a daughter. The son was named Yunhe, who was also a combat genius and was expected to impact the five-star king level in the future, but he only had extraordinary talent.

His daughter is younger and has just been promoted to the king level, but she only has extraordinary talent.

Therefore, he must prepare treasures such as the God-Forging Pill for his two children, and this kind of treasure has always been out of stock. Even a powerful Yunzong does not have many such treasures, and he is just an ordinary emperor of the Qinzong.

There are so many emperors and so many extraordinary martial kings. If everyone wants to exchange for this kind of treasure, Yunzong will not have enough God-Forging Pills.

He couldn't get treasures such as the God-Forging Pill from Yunzong. He also sent people to the temple space, but last time, no one got treasures such as the God-Forging Pill. He had no choice but to look for trading information, hoping that someone would trade the God-Forging Pill.

Finally, a king-level warrior in the Loose Cultivator Warrior Alliance contacted him. He was a warrior he had favored before, and provided him with God-Forging Pill trading information.

After the transaction was successful.

Qin Shan breathed a sigh of relief: "Now, my two children have a chance to reach the Saint level!"

Su Ye obtained 24 treasures for opening up the brain area, 4 more than originally expected, and these treasures for opening up the brain area are also much better than ordinary ones. This deal really made a lot of money!

After returning.

Su Ye immediately began to use the treasures to open up the brain area, and at the same time turned on the three-fold time acceleration.

Boom! ! ! !

The deep brain area was quickly opened up under the influence of the divine consciousness and the treasures, and the speed was much faster than before.

"Such a treasure can allow a star-level warrior to open up 0.5% in half a month, but I have a Yaori-level talent, and I can open up 0.5% of the brain area in 3 days, and I can also accelerate the time three times, so I can open up 0.5% in one day in the outside world!" Su Ye murmured.

Sure enough, after a day of retreat, Su Ye opened up 0.5% of the deep brain area.

The key is that one treasure can sustain his cultivation for 2 days, that is, one treasure can open up 1% of the deep brain area, and 24 treasures are enough for him to open up 24% of the deep brain area within 48 days.

This speed is incredible!

"It is still faster to use resources. My current deep brain area has been opened up 12%. When this batch of treasures is exhausted, it will be able to open up 36% of the deep brain area. By then, my strength will definitely increase!" Su Ye said excitedly.

Practice! Practice!

There are almost 9 days before the reporting time, and he can go on the last day.

In a blink of an eye, 8 days have passed.

At this time, Su Ye's deep brain area has been opened up to 16.5%.

"It's time to leave!" Su Ye ended his retreat and prepared to go to the fifth-level space crack.

Before leaving, he told Wang Jie and the people of Wudi Pavilion, and left the Tianhe Super Base.

Southeast direction, 700,000 kilometers away

This is the location of the fifth-order space crack guarded by the Tianhe Super Base City.

Su Ye flew all the way and came here, and saw a huge space crack that was thousands of meters long, as if the sky was broken open.

Looking at this space crack, Su Ye felt that the third-order space crack near the Tianfu Base City was simply a piece of cake.

Many large formations were also arranged on the human world side of the space crack. The power of many large formations exceeded the top formations, and they should be star-level formations.

At the same time, a large army was also arranged here, as well as many king-level, saint-level and even emperor-level strongmen.

Su Ye vaguely sensed that the terrible aura emanating from several castles made him very frightened.

Seeing Su Ye coming, a king-level immediately flew over and clasped his fists and said: "Great Sage Su Ye, please follow me!"

"Okay!" Su Ye followed the king-level through layers of guards and entered a huge fortress, and then received a token.

This token is one of the credentials for entering the space crack. It is to prevent fierce beasts from sneaking into Blue Star. After all, in this era, there are all kinds of talents, and there are also disguise talents. People in Tianhe Base City naturally know about disguise talents, so they set up tokens.

If a person dies, his token will also be broken. Only if the person carries the token he has refined can he pass through the array light curtain on the surface of the space crack, otherwise there is no way to get through.

Su Ye passed through the space crack and soon saw a huge base.

Compared with Tianhe Base City, this base is undoubtedly much smaller, but in terms of defense, this base is more solid than Tianhe Base City.

There are no tall buildings in the base, only huge castles and palaces. Each palace and castle is made of very solid stone and has defensive formations.

This is very costly, but there is no other way. Otherwise, the base will be destroyed by a beast attack.

For example, in Tianhe Base City, many tall buildings are not solid, but they are built like this because the base city is safer.

And this is the front line of the battle, and it is impossible to build those flashy tall buildings.

After entering the base, Su Ye reported under the leadership of a guard and officially stationed in this base.

In the next few days, Su Ye had a preliminary understanding of this base.

First of all, there are not many people in this base. Most of them are strong men above the king level, and there are a few masters. These masters are the army jointly invested and built by major forces, responsible for dealing with attacks from some top beasts and high-level beasts.

After all, many beasts have low IQs and don’t understand the power of the base at all. They attack people when they see them, and these problems are handled by the army.

Under normal circumstances, except for some special tasks, the strong men above the king level practice in the base.

But now, normal practice is impossible, because there are often some saint-level beasts and emperor-level beasts nearby, and the strong men above the saint level are often sent to investigate the situation.

Su Ye is new, so he has a month of rest period, and he must go to perform tasks after a month.

Not long after, Su Ye met a few acquaintances in this base.

Yuehui Saint and Wang Feng.

Yuehui Saint also impacted the saint level. For some reason, she, as the saint of Tianyue Sect, was also sent here, while Wang Feng was unlucky, but she was selected as an ordinary saint.

This day.

Su Ye and Wang Feng sat in a fortress, drinking tea and chatting.

"Su Ye, are you afraid?" Wang Feng said.

"What are you afraid of?" Su Ye said with a smile.

"War!" Wang Feng said solemnly: "According to the current situation, there is a high possibility that a war will break out between Tianhe Base City and the beasts, and it may even be greater than before!"

"In such a war, I don't know how many Saint-level people will die, and I'm afraid that many Emperor-level people will die!"

"I still remember that 20 years ago, Tianhe Base City fought with the beasts of this fifth-level space crack, and was directly driven out of the space crack and returned to Blue Star for defense. Twenty Emperor-level people died in that battle, and three of the Emperor-level people at the level of the Thirty-Six Emperors died."

"It was not until ten years ago that we broke into the space crack again and rebuilt this base. I was not qualified to participate in that battle. I didn't expect that this time, I had just stepped into the Saint-level by chance, but was sent to guard here. I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for me to step into the Saint-level, alas!"

"Let it be, someone has to stop the beasts, right?"

Su Ye smiled.

"That's right!" Wang Feng was silent for a moment, then shook his head and smiled.

Su Ye knew Wang Feng's worries. After all, Wang Feng was just an ordinary Saint, and Saints at his level were most likely to fall.

Once the war came, he would definitely be targeted by Saint beasts. Once he encountered a slightly stronger Saint beast, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

Once he could not stop it, the only result would be death.

His chance of survival was less than 10%!

Anyone who knew that his hope of survival was not great would be in a bad mood.

Therefore, all ordinary Saints who were selected would not be in a good mood when they really realized that the war was coming.

In the past few days, Su Ye had seen too many Saints with gloomy faces.

But there was no way. The beasts were going to invade the earth, and humans were going to protect their homes. The two sides would inevitably fight.

This war was inevitable!

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