Gao Wu: Traveling through the Killing Division, I can absorb everything

Chapter 52 Qianye Fruit, News from Hailian Chamber of Commerce!

Deep in the canyon, there is a sleeping giant wolf of an extremely large size!

"Could it be that this giant wolf is the terrifying beast that the warrior once mentioned?"

Su Ye remembered the rumor.

Only by seeing this giant wolf with your own eyes can you understand it.

What the warrior said is true!

In Su Ye's observation, he found that the breath of the giant wolf in front of him far surpassed the top beasts!

It is even stronger than the Iron Blood Dragon that was killed before!

And the Iron Blood Dragon is a pseudo-king-level beast!

This means that this giant wolf must be a king-level beast!

There is actually a sleeping king-level beast near the East China Sea Base City!

If this is said out, I am afraid no one will believe it.

"Is this giant wolf injured?"

Su Ye escaped into space and slowly approached the giant wolf.

Only then did he discover that there was a huge and hideous claw mark on the body of this sleeping giant wolf!

It looks like a mark left by some kind of eagle beast!

"The one who can injure this giant wolf must be a king-level beast!"

The more Su Ye thought about it, the more incredible it was!

How could two king-level beasts appear near the East China Sea Base City?

Whether it is a human warrior or a powerful beast, if you want to quickly improve your strength, you need to use high-quality resources!

And the resources near the East China Sea Base City are definitely not as good as those of the medium-sized base city and the large base city.

"Could it be...there are some treasures near this canyon that attracted these two king-level beasts?"

Su Ye's mind moved, and then he began to explore the canyon.

Of course, even if he has a primary space talent and can escape into space, he has to be careful.

Otherwise, once this king-level giant wolf is awakened, if the other party sees through his hidden space, it will be a bit scary!

Su Ye is not the opponent of this giant wolf now.

"Huh? What kind of flower is this?"

About a few minutes later.

Su Ye found dozens of blue flowers growing on the cliffs somewhere deep in the canyon, which are extremely gorgeous.

Moreover, these flowers exude a faint smell that is hard to describe.

But after inhaling it into the nasal cavity, it has a refreshing effect, which is somewhat extraordinary!

Su Ye hurriedly used the golden watch to explore.

"Yes! It's actually the Blue Nether Flower!"

After a moment, Su Ye looked slightly happy.

This flower, called the Blue Nether Flower, is a material used to refine the Yuan Qi liquid!

It is worth a lot!

"Collect it!"

The next moment, Su Ye's mind moved, and all these blue flowers were collected into the space ring.

For the next period of time, Su Ye visited many places in the depths of the canyon and harvested a lot!

"This is! Golden Lotus Fruit!"

At a certain moment, Su Ye seemed to have discovered some treasure, and his expression was overjoyed!

I saw a light golden fruit tree, rooted in a pile of rocks, absorbing the Yuan Qi of heaven and earth by itself, and on the branches, there were more than a dozen golden fruits!

And this fruit is called Golden Lotus Fruit, Su Ye learned after the prompt of the golden watch.

This kind of fruit can allow the masters of the Grandmaster Realm to accelerate the tempering of the 72 Yuan Meridians in their bodies!

Thereby quickly improving their strength!

Su Ye did not break through to the Grandmaster Realm, so he naturally could not use these golden lotus fruits!

However, he could collect these golden lotus fruits and give them to the Hailian Chamber of Commerce to obtain a place to go to the large base city!

In the reminder of the watch, Su Ye understood that the golden lotus fruit was powerful and valuable!

So many golden lotus fruits must be enough for Su Ye to exchange for a place!

After all, for the Hailian Chamber of Commerce, it doesn’t matter whether Su Ye is brought or not.

But if Su Ye is brought, he can get a good treasure.

They will definitely be happy!


Su Ye picked these golden lotus fruits one by one and put them into the space ring with satisfaction.

With these golden lotus fruits, Su Ye finally doesn’t have to worry about not being able to go to the large base city in the future!

Su Ye continued to spend some time, almost walking through the depths of the canyon, and harvested some resources again.

"By the way, should we go to the location of the giant wolf?"

Finally, he looked at the location of the giant wolf and hesitated.

In the depths of this canyon, there is only that place, which Su Ye has not explored yet.

After a while, Su Ye still planned to go and take a look.

Of course, if things are not good, he will definitely evacuate immediately!

Time passed slowly...

Su Ye was getting closer and closer to the location of the giant wolf.

A few minutes later, Su Ye had come to the side of the giant wolf!

The distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters!

At such a close distance, feeling the pressure of the king-level beast, Su Ye held his breath and concentrated, not daring to be careless at all!

"What treasure is this?"

Then, Su Ye saw a nine-zhang-sized blue treasure tree planted behind the giant wolf!

Compared with the size of the giant wolf, this treasure tree is like a small sapling.

But after Su Ye used the golden watch, he was surprised to find that.

The golden watch showed.

Unable to detect!

"Strange, this golden watch is a treasure given to Chen Kuohai by the Hailian Chamber of Commerce, how could it not be detected?"

Su Ye frowned.

Then, he thought of something.

Unless this treasure tree is of a very high grade and rare, its value is far beyond ordinary treasures!

In this way, it makes sense.

After observation, Su Ye found that this blue treasure tree had thousands of blue leaves, but only one fragrant red fruit!

"This must be an unimaginable treasure!"

Su Ye stared at the red fruit and guessed in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't take the treasure tree away, otherwise, it would definitely alarm the giant wolf!

He could only settle for the second best and pick the fruit!

"Don't wake up..."

Su Ye carefully picked the fruit while silently chanting in his heart.

One minute later.

Su Ye successfully picked the fruit!

Afterwards, he immediately put the fruit into the space ring.

Run away!

Almost instantly, Su Ye ran away quickly!

Away from the giant wolf.

The giant wolf was still sleeping and didn't find the treasure it was waiting for!

It has been taken away by Su Ye!

After returning to his residence.

Su Ye took out the fruit, carefully observed it, and thought.

"Let's call you Qianye Fruit!"

Su Ye gave this fruit a random name and threw it into the space ring again.

This fruit is too mysterious, and he doesn't plan to use it casually at present.

It's better to put it away first.

When he follows the Hailian Chamber of Commerce to Tianfu Base City, he will secretly look for relevant clues after he becomes stronger!

It's not too late to deal with this fruit after finding out clearly.

In this way, more than half a month has passed.

During this period, Su Ye continued to refine his vitality and increased his strength.

At the same time, he also went to the wilderness area and used up the remaining three absorption times. Not only did his strength and speed improve a little.

He also successfully improved his speed talent to a high level!

But other talents have not changed much.

During this period, the Jinshi beasts also found some pretty good resources and treasures.

But compared with Su Ye, they are still a step behind.

In the early morning of this day.

Chen Kuohai suddenly came to Su Ye's residence.

He walked up to Su Ye and said excitedly.

"Su Ye, there is news about the Hailian Chamber of Commerce!"

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