The morning light is faint.

Dawn pierces the darkness.

It shines through the mountains and rivers.

Spider-Man Cafe in the dry city of Almaru, Alabasta

"Everyone is almost here, but what is going on this time? First there was the heavy rain, and then the elusive boss called for everyone to come. This time he is probably going to announce something big."The

Spiderman Coffee Shop owner, an elegant woman wearing a white and green pirate headscarf, wiped her coffee cup and whispered to herself


The door of the coffee shop opened.

A tall, dull man and a dachshund squeezed into the shop.

Behind him followed an old woman with heavy makeup.

"Mr. 4, it's all because you're so heavy, pressing my old waist... it hurts... it hurts!"

The senior agent of Baroque Works, the mole man MissMerryChristmas, complained unhappily.

"No... sorry!"

The tall Mr. 4beb was immediately embarrassed and apologized humbly.

"Oh ha...

"Hurry up and get out of my way, rude woman and disgusting booger man, don't block my way~"

Baroque senior agent, tough shemale Feng Kelei, codenamed Mr. 2, stepped on the ballet steps and circled over

""Oh my, Mr. 2, your dance is still as disgusting as ever."

A thin man with a big"3" hairstyle elegantly held a cup of black tea and said sarcastically.

Next to him followed a little girl who looked about ten years old, carrying a drawing board and some paints on her back.

Although she looked like a little girl, her qualification to appear here represented her identity.

She was also one of Baroque's senior agents, a person with natural superpowers, codenamed Miss Golden Week.

"What did you say? Mr.3, my swan dance is the best in the world!"

Feng Clay shouted angrily.

"Are you mocking me by showing off your waist flexibility in front of me? You stinky shemale!"

Merry Christmas, Miss, your mouth is as loud as fried beans.

""Old woman, shut up! I'm tired of hearing your voice!"

Miss Valentine scolded.

Suddenly, the elegant coffee shop turned into a market, noisy and bustling.

""Well, don't argue. Since you are all here, how about you tell me what you think about the rain yesterday?"

The coffee shop owner Pola mediated.

Hearing this, all the senior Baroque agents were silent.

When they heard that it was raining in Alabasta yesterday, they were also confused.

Although they didn't know who the boss was, they could probably guess that the continuous drought in Alabasta might be related to their plan.

However, now、、、

The plan that they had worked so hard on for three years suddenly went down the drain.

A rain wiped out all their efforts over the past three years.

Who could stand this?

"When we get there, I will definitely ask the so-called boss what is going on."

The old mole woman Dorofi expressed the thoughts of all the senior agents present.

Ding~ ding~ the clock struck eight in the morning.

The door of the cafe opened again.

The tall man with green hair dressed as a monk was about to appear.

He was the last senior agent of Baroque Works, Mr. Dazbonis of the West Sea Bounty Hunter.


The coffee shop owner Paula clapped her hands, took off her glasses, and untied her hair tie.

"Now that everyone is here, let's set off now and head to the dream city! The man we haven't met yet and call the boss is still waiting for us!"



At 8 o'clock in the evening, the amphibious transport turtle Binchi arrived at the Dream City Rainland.

It carried Baroque and other senior agents all the way to the underground of the Rain Banquet in the Pyramid Casino. In the middle of the large underground conference room, there was a conference table made of precious precious trees.

The marble floor was also covered with a layer of precious fur carpet, which was extremely luxurious.

Exquisite lamps were hung on the ceiling, illuminating the entire conference room as bright as day.

"The boss will be here soon, let's eat first!"

The tall and royal sister Nicole Robin smiled and invited the senior agents to take their seats.

"MissallSunday, there is no need to keep us in suspense now!"

Miss Valentine pouted her lips. She was dissatisfied with Robin, who was better in both appearance and figure than her.

"Dream City Rain! Casino Rain Banquet! Even an idiot like Mr. 4 can guess the answer.……"

Miss Merry Christmas kept talking

""Smith, another cup of black tea, and some more senbei!"

Miss Golden Week, who had sat down early, had already had a cup of black tea.

"Octopus parfait is indeed the most delicious, another one!"

The tough shemale Feng Kelei devoured it without hesitation.

"Why is my favorite lemon cake not here? Do you look down on me? Asshole!"

Miss Valentine yelled rudely

"Hey, Mr. 5, this is the first and last time, don't flick your booger into my cup!"

Elegant Brother 3, Gardino, was angry.

The huge conference room was in chaos. At a certain moment, a wind blew through the closed underground conference room.


The taciturn top killer Mr. Dazbonis narrowed his eyes and looked at the head of the conference table.

The armrest of the swivel chair that was originally empty and facing away from them now had two hands on it, indicating that someone was sitting there.

""Guhehehe" a sinister laugh followed.

The noisy meeting room suddenly became silent.

All the senior agents stopped playing tricks and focused their attention on one place.

"Nice to meet you, my senior agents. I don't think there is any need to introduce my identity any further. Let's get straight to the point.……"

The swivel chair turned, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile grinned and appeared in front of everyone without any cover.

"The Utopia Operation begins now!!!"


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