next day

Ning An had no intention of following Wen Zhiqiao to Qingshan No.15 Middle School.

Instead, immerse yourself in your own cultivation.

On the other hand, Wen Zhiqiao set out early, obviously to understand the thoughts of many students.

Matters related to fate and life!

Then Wen Zhiqiao definitely cannot make decisions for students.

Qingshan No.15 Middle School

Wen Zhiqiao told Sister Li about this matter.

"Zhi Qiao, the students' wishes must be considered in this matter."

Even Sister Li couldn't help but fell silent.

She knows that this matter is actually good for students.

But there is no guarantee of absolute safety.

When you go out into the wild, you have to fight against mutated beasts.

"It just depends on the wishes of these students!"

Wen Zhiqiao finally sighed and said aloud.

Although she hopes that every student will not give up this opportunity.

But in fact it is not that easy.

As she talked to one student after another.

Only ten people decided to participate in this special training on the spot.

More than half said no!

Obviously these people still have some fear of death.

Many high school students are still afraid of leaving the base.

Finally, there are a few left that I want to think about.

However, it is unclear whether there will be a few people who finally make up their minds.

After returning that night, Wen Zhiqiao talked to Ning An about what happened during the day.

“The fewer people there are, the better!”

"It's enough to control more than ten people."

Ning An said slowly.

He is not a middle-grade or high-grade martial artist.

But we can’t take care of so many students!

What's more, special training must be conducted based on the characteristics of these students.

If it weren't for Wen Zhiqiao's request, he really wouldn't be willing to do these things.

You must know that third-grade warriors are invited to teach you!

Just one month, so at least a hundred spiritual stones are needed.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be invited!

In the afternoon of the next day, Ning An came to Qingshan No. 15 Middle School again.

"There are a total of twelve people who chose special training!"

Wen Zhiqiao said with some complexity on his face.

There were only 12 people in the entire class of 50 who dared to go out into the wild.

Even she is somewhat powerless towards these students.

She once went out of the base with her hunting group to hunt some wild beasts.

Know the reason why warriors fight!

Without going through bloody battles, it would be impossible to make progress.


"If these students really try their best."

"Maybe there is no chance."

Ning An said aloud.

Then he took a step forward and came directly in front of these twelve high school seniors.

"I am your instructor for the special training for the next half month."

Ning An stimulated Qi and blood to continuously envelope these students with a powerful aura.

These twelve students are no strangers to Ning An.

The main reason is that they already knew that this man was Teacher Wen's husband before.

But I didn't expect that this one was so powerful.

The aura alone gave rise to a lot of fear in their hearts.

"This one must be a powerful warrior!!"

Many students made judgments immediately, and there was a lot of awe in their eyes.

In the past, some students actually had some doubts about special training.

Because according to what Teacher Wen said, there is still hope to break through the martial arts admission score after special training.

Despite the dangers, many students are willing to fight for the chance.

They know that there is a boundary between whether or not to be admitted to a martial arts university.

Life may go in two different directions in the future.

“This is the teacher’s husband Ning An!”

"Now he is a tutor at Nanjiang Martial Arts University."

Wen Zhiqiao also took the opportunity to speak out, but there was a hint of pride in his words.

Of course, part of it is to make your students more interesting.

If you cooperate a little, you will suffer less!

Sure enough, after the words fell, the faces of the twelve students present showed shock.

Instructor at Nanjiang Martial Arts University!

No wonder Teacher Wen before made them choose so carefully.

It may determine your future destiny!

To know that such existences are simply not accessible to ordinary students like them.

These students couldn't help but look at Ning An with admiration.

Instead of the previous awe!

In the era of spiritual recovery, the strong are respected.

Among them, the instructor of the Martial Arts University is undoubtedly a strong one.

Coupled with his status as a tutor, it has brought the respect of many students to a higher level.

It may come from students' natural respect for teachers.

What's more, although Nanjiang Martial Arts University ranks very average among all martial arts universities.

However, for many students, it is something they long for.

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