Gao Wu: When A Person Reaches Thirty, His Superpowers Are Refreshed

Chapter 176: Lament From The Northwest Governor

Tianshan base

The entire base has entered a state of martial law.

From the airport to the Governor's Palace, Ning An and others could still see the guards on the roadside.

Each guard carries a lot of technological equipment.

It is mainly used to detect aliens.

After so many years of spiritual energy recovery, instruments for detecting alien races have long been invented.

In fact, as long as it does not meet the characteristics of human beings, it can be determined to be a foreign race.

Of course, if there are some special examples!

Then it’s okay to grab it first and then confirm it.

It is said that in the decades since the instrument was invented, several errors have occurred.

The accuracy rate is actually very high!

It is a pity that although there are many instruments, the whereabouts of this high-quality alien statue have not yet been found.

Many people even suspect that Rizun Gaopin is no longer at the Tianshan base.

This is why the entire Northwest Territory is on lockdown.

Not only the base, but also many places in the wild are monitored.

In addition to the escort, Ning An and others also saw some costumes that did not look like people from the northwest region.

It should be reinforcements from other regions!

The battlefield pressure in some areas is not small, and high-level warriors are not so easy to support.

It can only support some middle-grade warriors.

It is still possible to form a group for some field exploration.

Of course, there are still risks, but this is a high-end product.

If this high-grade one takes action, even a sixth-grade one will not be able to withstand it for long.

But as long as it is discovered, many high-quality products in the entire northwest region will also support it.

It was impossible to let this high-ranking member of the mutant race escape.

It’s not that the Shenxia Federation doesn’t invite beings above the ninth level to take action.

The main reason is that this high-ranking foreigner seems to have a treasure on his body.

Can block some probes!

The result is that the Shenxia Federation can only use these relatively old-fashioned methods.

Soon the group of people had arrived at the city lord's mansion.

The Tianshan base is not the central base in the northwest region.

In this way, the City Lord's Mansion was only temporarily requisitioned.

Kong Chenghu, the governor of the northwest, even stood in front of the city lord's palace to greet him personally.

Although this governor is a ninth-grade existence.

But this time the ones from the southwest came from the third and eighth grades.

When he received the news from the base airport, Kong Chenghu couldn't help but be stunned.

Obviously he didn't expect Southwest to be so loyal!

Three eighth-grade warriors were dispatched.

You must know that an eighth-level warrior is no cabbage.

Even the northwest region is stronger than the southwest region.

However, the number of high-quality products is not much greater.

Afterwards, Kong Chenghu checked the status of these three eighth-grade warriors.

The first is Jiang Hekang, this one is not unfamiliar.

The main reason is that Jiang Hekang is a high-level alchemist, but he has many contacts with people from the northwest region.

Next is Wang Xingqiu, who was born in the federal army.

Although he has never served in the Northwest Army, he is somewhat famous among the federal military.

In the end, Ning An and Kong Chenghu felt a little strange and familiar.

When he saw Ning An's information, Kong Chenghu finally remembered.

This is not that Nanjiang Tianjiao!

Previously, this person caused a sensation in the entire Shenxia Federation.

Kong Chenghu had also heard of it, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because there are still a lot of things happening in the northwest region.

Including that as the governor, he has less time.

Now after reviewing Ning An's experience in detail, he can't help but sigh.

This time, a real dragon really appeared in Nanjiang.

According to Ning An's progress, even a ninth grader wouldn't dare to underestimate him.

Moreover, it is still necessary to have a good relationship with Nanjiang.

Because Nanjiang killed many high-ranking members of the Barbarian tribe.

As a result, in the current Nanjiang battlefield, the side belonging to the Shenxia Federation has a great advantage.

Maybe if there is a problem in the northwest region in the future, we can ask for some help from the Nanjiang battlefield.

It is for this reason that Kong Chenghu chose to greet him personally.

Face this northwest governor!

Ning An and others were very calm.

After all, they have come into contact with a lot of Ninth Grade people.

The gap between the eighth and ninth grades is not as big as imagined.

After some pleasantries, Jiang Hekang, as the leader, also took the lead in expressing his stance...

"Governor Kong, are there any places that have not been explored so far?"

"I'm waiting for a few people to get ready!"

After all, Jiang Hekang and others have not forgotten their purpose of coming to the northwest region.

Now it is still important to find this high-quality alien.

"Come in with me!"

Kong Chenghu said without hesitation.

As the governor of the southwest, he was also very anxious in his heart.

He had never thought about such a big problem on the Tianshan battlefield before.

However, he needs to command many people, so he can only sit at the Tianshan base.

Soon Kong Chenghu asked his assistant to get a communication device for Ning An and the others.

The first is to facilitate communication, and the second is that this device marks the places that have been explored before.

I also marked the number of times I explored it!

After all, just checking it out is definitely not safe.

This high-ranking alien does not have a fixed position.

Maybe it's not impossible to hide in a place you've been searching for before.

After having this device, Ning An and the other three eighth-level players immediately took action.

As Grade 8, they have a lot of places to search.

Although many places in the northwest region are deserts.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, many Shalu appeared.

These sand beasts are social creatures!

Once the target is found, they are the kind that will not stop fighting.

It greatly limits the search range of 4.1 under high quality.

If a high-quality person can step into the sky, there is no such restriction.

Although some sand beasts have some flying abilities, their flying abilities are average.

You cannot set foot on the sky that is too high!

Secondly, for Gaopin, quantity can no longer stop them.

Kong Chenghu did not limit which area Ning An and others must explore.

Just let Ning An and others choose.

Ning An and others are here to support, but they are not under the command of the northwest region.

"Boy Ning, go in this direction."

"Brother Wang, which direction do you go?

Jiang Hekang quickly assigned their respective tasks.

Naturally, Ning An and Wang Xingqiu would not refuse. .

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