“I didn’t expect that it would attract the Governor’s attention.

Even Ning An murmured with some surprise.

When he was defending the Qingshan base, he didn't think so much.

More importantly, they just want to defend the entire Qingshan base.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of!

After all, he was born in Qingshan, so how could he endure Qingshan being robbed.

I have never thought about other bases in the southwest region, this time it is a bit awkward.

The Qingshan base is highlighted.

However, Qingshan Base performed outstandingly this time.

But it still cannot change the problem of its own weakness.

No matter what happens, I will be looked down upon in the future.

If a poor student is looked at by a high school student, he will probably not be able to see where he will go.

The only thing that surprised Ning An was the reward given by the governor.

Twenty million spiritual stones!

For the Shu City base, there are really not many spiritual stones.

However, for the backward city lord of Qingshan Base, it is a large amount of resources.

Take a look at how much Ning An did with the 50 million spirit stones before.

Now there are 20 million spiritual stones, plus this harvest of exotic animal meat.

Qingshan Base has accumulated a large amount of resources.

At least this year will be better.

As for next year, I hope that the strength of the warriors in the base will increase and become more powerful.

In terms of taxation in various aspects, it can make the finance of Qingshan Base better.

In addition, Ning An also saw something.

"It seems that the Governor is very dissatisfied with this loss of other bases."

But it's understandable. Other bases can do better this time.

Ning An didn't dwell too much on this issue.

Because a phone call interrupted his thoughts.

"Xiao An, congratulations to your Qingshan Base for being in the limelight this time.

Congratulations came from Jiang Hekang.

The former Dean of the School of Alchemy at Nanjiang Martial Arts University did not expect that this Ning An would do such a thing.

Able to lead Qingshan Base to prominence.

And the most important thing is that his own cultivation has reached the fifth level of martial arts.

In less than a year, this person went directly from the peak of the second level to the fifth level.

Even Jiang Hekang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Because the speed of progress is too terrifying.

Jiang Hekang speculated that this Ning An had some hidden special talent and had a physical constitution of 250.

In the Shenxia Federation, there are no examples of great achievements.

Not even a minority!

Some people have done some research too!

That's because some hidden special talents and constitutions slowly awaken in the process of cultivation.

It is said that the Shenxia Federation has stepped up research on some hidden special talent and physique detection instruments.

Because if the existence of hidden special talent and physique is awakened, he can basically be regarded as a genius.

Of course it’s hard to say exactly!

Because no matter how to detect the hidden special talent constitution, the Shenxia Federation has not yet researched it.

It would only take three hundred years for the spiritual energy to recover.

The concept of hidden talent and physique was proposed only a few decades ago.

The main reason is that there are relatively few examples of late bloomers.

In addition, many geniuses’ talents and physiques are directly displayed.

At the beginning, I didn't think about this.

The more Jiang Hekang thought about it, the more he felt that Ning An had this possibility.

He couldn't help but want to transfer Ning An back to Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

In fact, it's not just Jiang Hekang who thinks this way.

All the powerful people in Nanjiang Martial Arts University think this way.

Because Ning An is young, there are more possibilities.

Now Nanjiang Martial Arts University is already considering the next generation.

Although the scores of Nanjiang Martial Arts University in the college entrance examination have been increasing year by year in recent years.

However, many students' qualifications are above average.

There is a long way to go before a genius, let alone a genius.

Currently, students from Nanjiang Martial Arts University have graduated in the past twenty years.

The highest level of cultivation is only sixth grade, and there is only one person.

It hasn’t been long since the breakthrough!

This man chose to join the Shenxia Federation Military after graduating from university.

It was destined to be impossible to return to Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

Although there are many fifth-grade people, most of them are close to the age of forty.

Although there is still a lot of potential, the final cultivation level can be considered foreseeable.

Originally, Nanjiang Martial Arts University was considering whether to spend a lot of resources next year.

We need to recruit at least one or two geniuses.

After all, we have to consider the future. The current group of people who established Nanjiang Martial Arts University are quite old. (bcab)

Although after becoming a high-level warrior, one can extend one's lifespan.

It won't be a problem to support it for another few decades.

But be prepared for a rainy day and always think about the future.

People without thought, he must worry about!

I never thought that Ning An would appear out of the blue, which would make many powerful people in Nanjiang Martial Arts University shine.

This person was born in Nanjiang Martial Arts University and stayed there for several years after graduation.

It can definitely be regarded as a very popular one!

Facing the call from the dean, he didn't show any surprise.

After his fifth level martial arts cultivation was exposed.

Then it is definitely impossible for Nanjiang Martial Arts University to have no reaction.

Although he was sent to Qingshan Base, Nanjiang Martial Arts University did not give up on him.

After all, if you give up on yourself, the previous batch of resources will not be approved.

What's more, leaving aside Nanjiang Martial Arts University, this dean has helped me a lot.

"Dean, I haven't heard your voice for a long time and I'm still a little used to it!"

Ning An couldn't help but speak out with a lot of ridicule.

Facing this dean whom he has known for many years, he became more and more relaxed.

Of course, it also has something to do with the improvement of one's own cultivation.

Strength brings more confidence!

"You're a brat!"

"Okay, when are you going to go back to school?"

Jiang Hekang really didn't care about the ridicule, but got into the topic and asked aloud.

Now with Ning An, he has entered the fifth level!

He also needs to respect Ning An's opinion.

After all, Nanjiang Martial Arts University wants to train this person, not restrict Ning An's development.

Facing this dean's inquiry, even Ning An couldn't help but fall into thinking.

He did consider when to return to school before.

After reaching the fifth level, the Castle Lord's Mansion at Qingshan Base began to be a little unable to satisfy its own cultivation.

If you want to satisfy your own cultivation, then the only option is school.

However, Ning An still has a lot of reluctance to leave Qingshan Base.

"Let's wait until the college entrance examination is over in June before I step down.

Jiang Shunyuan finally answered aloud.

Now there are only a few months left before the new year's martial arts college entrance examination.

He also plans to organize a joint special training for all base high schools.

Each school selects some top students to enter the joint special training camp.

Although this is somewhat unfair to ordinary students.

But in the era of spiritual energy recovery, there is no fairness.

If you want to become a martial artist and get admitted to a top martial arts university, you have to fight for everything by yourself.

Because these things were not completed, An had no plans to return to Nanjiang Martial Arts University.


"But the school will send you a batch of resources."

"And boy, have you ever considered taking up a position in the school."

Jiang Hekang agreed after thinking for a while.

Obviously Ning An has his own persistence.

If it had been anyone else, they would have abandoned Qingshan Base and returned to Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

He was more than happy!

Because this person is not someone who will do anything for the sake of martial arts.

Rather, it has its own set of principles.

"Dean, you should send more school resources."

"As for what position I hold, do I have any leisure duties?

"The kind where you can get benefits and don't have to work."

Ning An thought for a while and then spoke out.

He probably knows some of the goals and ideas of the school.

He didn't have much opinion on this!

He is bound to Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

It's basically impossible to break away.

Of course, he never thought about leaving Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

So now when facing this resource, I feel at ease.

"Where can there be so many idle jobs?"

"The specifics will depend on the school's arrangements. This is not just a matter for our college.

"But it shouldn't be too busy."

"But one thing is that you are no longer restricted by the rules for mentors and apprentices."

"By the way, your previous loan of tens of millions of spiritual stones has been written off by the school." 1

"Let this be your reward!"

Jiang Hekang said angrily.

The school will definitely consider giving this person as much time as possible to practice.

"It depends on the school's specific arrangements."

"Also, I would like to say that the school is very atmospheric!"

Ning An said slowly.

Tens of millions of spiritual stones will be given to him at will, but this is not the Nanjiang Martial Arts University he knows.

From a certain perspective, Nanjiang Martial Arts University is actually quite stingy.

I didn't expect to be so generous this time.

Although it smells like investing in the future!

But it is undoubtedly a good thing for Ning An.

Even after becoming a fifth-level warrior, tens of millions of spirit stones are still a considerable amount of wealth.

And in addition to the canceled loan, there is also a sum of resources for him.

He feels like he is being treated like a biological son at Nanjiang Martial Arts University!

There is no way, Jiang Mudao University has not only started investing in Ningling.

He also invested in other fifth-grade martial artists from Nanjiang Martial Arts University.

But currently Ning An has the most investment value and is also the most promising one.

After finishing the call from the dean.

Ning An continued to deal with the affairs of Qingshan Base.

Although he plans to return to Nanjiang Martial Arts University after the martial arts college entrance examination is over this year.

However, before that, things at Qingshan Base still have to be arranged.

And he was not in a hurry to talk about this matter.

Ten days later!

Qingshan Base finally eliminated all the effects of this battle.

The compensation has been compensated, and the calculated merits have been recorded in the officials of the Shenxia Federal System.

In addition, the reward has also been rewarded.

Many of the participating guards and warriors received a fairly generous amount of resources.

Including the rewards given by the Governor to the entire Qingshan Base, Ning An also did not retain any of them.

The main goal is fairness and justice!

This move also convinced many people.

In the past, the Lord of Qingshan might not dare to covet some resources.

But I also use these resources to make some articles, such as allocating more to people close to me.

This still resulted in a lot of complaints.

What a pity is how these merits are defined.

It's not that clear, so I can't do anything even if I complain.

Ning An, on the other hand, is completely rewarded according to the merit.

In fact, it was Ning An who really contributed the most in this battle.

However, Ning An wanted nothing more than a little fourth-grade exotic animal meat.

You must know that all these fourth-grade beasts were killed by Ning An.

After this incident spread, it also attracted the attention of the entire Qingshan Base.

"City Lord Ning is still too kind."

"He really loves Qingshan Base!"

"Obviously I have the most merits, but I only got a little something.


"And I guess it was given to Teacher Wen and is of no use to me anymore.'

Many people in the Qingshan Base even talked about Ning An.

There was even more admiration and adoration in his words!

From stranger to admirer, it only took Ning An half a year.

Ning An actually feels that she hasn’t done much.

But for Qingshan Base, Ning An has indeed done too many things.

Now, with the tide of strange beasts, it proves the value of what Ning An has done.

Without the guards to improve their strength and cooperation, etc., it would be really difficult to defend.

"Husband, why did you give up so many resources?!"

"In terms of merit, you must be worth at least five million spiritual stones.",

Wen Zhiqiao looked at Ning An with the same confusion and asked.

Although she knows that there is no shortage of spiritual stones now!

But their family is rich and only has a few days to live, and this is five million spiritual stones.

Even if it is taken, the entire Qingshan base will not say anything.

After all, my husband performed impeccably in this tide of alien beasts.

"no need!"

"There are some things more important than resources.'

Ning An just shook his head and said loudly.

Five million spirit stones really meant nothing to him. In those two special days, the school sent him resources worth thirty million spirit stones.

And this is just the first batch, there may be more in the future.

With no shortage of resources, the batch of resources he belongs to is used for special training of high school students.

At least starting from him, the situation of Qingshan Base's weak martial arts college entrance examination began to change.

This is more meaningful than him accepting this batch of resources!

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