Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 138 Blood slave sin blood culture dish! News about the catfish spirit

Chapter 138 Blood Slave - Blood of Guilt Petri Dish! News about Catfish Spirit

Yunhu Antique Street.

Bai Yu calculated that this seemed to be his fourth time here.

This time he went straight to Hongyue Antique Shop.

As soon as he entered the shop, Bai Yu saw Yu Chen.

But Yu Chen looked ruddy at this moment, not as pale as a vampire.

In addition to him, there were several other employees in the shop.

To be precise, they were all blood slaves!

A girl who was lying on a recliner stood up immediately, adjusted her posture, bowed slightly and said: "Welcome to Hongyue Antique Shop! Do you want to buy antiques or sell them?"

Li Yunbin talked to her: "Hello, we are here to find the store manager."

"Manager? The store manager doesn't see outsiders."

"We know the store manager."

The girl obviously didn't believe it. She looked at Bai Yu and others and said: "Really? Do you know what our store manager's last name is?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Chen on the side whispered: "They are also that kind of people. They have been here before."

Hearing this, the girl was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Ah? The store manager should be in the backyard. I'll go ask the store manager."


While the two were talking, Bai Yu was observing the five blood slaves in the store.

The woman sat on the chair at first, very leisurely.

There were three slightly stronger and fierce-looking people chatting in the corner, very messy.

Seeing someone coming, he picked up the broom, but he was still dawdling.

Only Yu Chen looked more honest. He was always cleaning, and the floor he swept was also very clean.


‘Boss Zheng Guoyi is a strong man in the Spiritual Sea Realm! It would be easy for him to educate these people. ’

‘But why would he let them do this? ’

And this Yu Chen is suddenly worth five intelligence points! What’s going on?

Does he have any secrets that I don’t know?

Just as Bai Yu was thinking, Zheng Guoyi walked out of the backyard, and said, “Come upstairs with me.”

Bai Yu and others followed him immediately.

As soon as they entered the second floor, Zheng Guoyi waved his hand and set up a barrier.

Li Yunbin took out the information he had prepared in advance.

Zheng Guoyi took the information with a smile and said, “I didn’t expect you to continue to get involved.”

After that, he glanced at Bai Yu, but didn’t say anything, and looked directly at the report.

Li Yunbin had read this report, and when he came over, he also told Bai Yu and others about the content.

The most important point pointed out above is that sin blood seems to be a sacrificial energy that can open an unknown forbidden door.

It is related to the ancient god!

However, this ancient god may be different from the ancient gods in myths such as Overlord Xiang Yu.

It’s just that the energy in the blood sample is too chaotic at present, and the various components have not been studied, so not much information about the ancient god of the forbidden door can be analyzed.

After reading the report, Zheng Guoyi nodded and said, "It seems that there is not much difference from what I guessed. These people who drank the sin blood potion are just breeding farms, a culture dish for nourishing more sin blood energy."

"Mr. Zheng, the superiors have allowed us to handle this case with full authority. Can you tell me more details?"

"I asked you for 10 blood slaves before. When you came just now, did you notice anything abnormal when you saw the 5 blood slaves below?"

Li Yunbin asked in confusion: "Is the skin rosy again?"

"This is just an appearance."

Bai Yu said: "Some people are lazy? Different attitude?"

"It's a bit related."

Speaking, Zheng Guoyi continued: "I did a small experiment on this group of people."

"I didn't show my strength in front of them, nor did I manage them. Instead, I chose to let them go and even allowed them to go out and move freely."

"When they have some evil thoughts in their hearts, the sin blood energy will continue to grow."

"And I every once in a while , will extract their blood. It was found that different components in these people's blood have increased, and this component may be related to their recent behavior and thoughts. "

"If this continues, these originally inferior blood slaves will also enter the second stage. If they are lucky, they can survive the second stage and enter the third stage. "

"Of course, not everyone's energy is pure evil energy. For example, Yu Chen, the energy in his body does have a sense of evil, but it seems to be within the controllable range. If the concentration increases, it may be able to break away from the identity of the blood clan and become a special alien creature. "

"It's not just him who is special, there are two more, but they are not in the store now. "

"From this point of view, the ancient god energy in the sin blood should be a lot, more complicated than imagined. "

"Or, the fallen blood clan at the source of the sin blood is very strange! This may also be a problem that the blood clan itself has not studied clearly. I want to use the special characteristics of our human body to conduct in-depth research to supplement their Tao. "

Seeing this, Li Yunbin naturally asked more questions.

Bai Yu was full of confusion while listening.

Since Yu Chen was mentioned in the information, he was naturally very interested in Yu Chen.

Leaving the vampire identity and becoming a special alien creature?

It sounds like a big secret!

This information must be exchanged!

There is also a way to make up for them, which is consistent with what Yang Ju said, 'An alien dragon is not a real dragon, and an alien god is not a real god! ’ It’s the same thing.

After talking for about 20 minutes, Boss Zheng Guoyi took out the specially processed blood samples of these ten people.

As a strong man in the spiritual sea realm who has obtained the blood of a blood Earl, he naturally has the ability to control some blood energy.

This is why the research institute needs to take samples from him.

After everyone finished talking, they walked downstairs.

Bai Yu scanned around and found that these guys had been pretending, and there were almost no traces of cleaning on the ground.

If you use horror movies to describe it, when you turn your back to this group of people, they are staring at you.

But when you look at them, they will continue their original work.

Bai Yu definitely couldn't stand this kind of environment.

But Boss Zheng Guoyi is a rather special kind of alien. He also likes night activities, and his mentality is a bit different from that of humans.

How could he, a powerful person in the spiritual sea realm, worry about ten blood slaves turning the world upside down?

Walk out of the Red Moon Antique Shop.

Bai Yu originally planned to go back quickly and deliver the medicine to Director Yang.

Then, after lunch, he went back to the training room to practice and take a look at Yu Chen's information.

But who knew that Bai Ling would respond.

‘Brother Bai Yu, that fat-headed fish is here, something seems to be wrong. ’

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the crowd at the lake begin to stir up, with some children shouting excitedly.

"Wow~! Look! It's a big whale!"

"Mom said it was catfish."

"How can a catfish be so big?"

Not only the children were so excited, but even the adults swam out crazily, wanting to sit on the back of this big whale, ah, it was a big fat catfish.

Liu Feifei blinked and said: "If I don't have any tasks, I would also like to experience it!"

While communicating with Bai Ling, Bai Yu said: "We showed up when we were dealing with it before. It's not appropriate to go there at this time."

"Hmm~ Okay."

Everyone stopped and watched for a while.

There are indeed more and more people visiting the lake.

Some of them definitely know about the existence of the extraordinary world.

When they saw this big catfish, they had a different mood!

After staying for a while, Bai Ling said in the soul sea: 'The fat-headed fish said that he encountered several monsters on the east side of the lake, and their appearance is...'

‘Let’s talk about it together when we get off the bus. ’

'OK! ’

No need to guess, Bai Yu knew it was the Tide Demon.

It's just that it's hard to say whether this monster's information should be redeemed or not.

Maybe an unfamiliar species? A slightly special ability?

Kill one for research!

Not long after Bai Ling finished speaking, the catfish spirit left the lake and swam toward the deep water.

The crowd was naturally a little regretful.

Li Yunbin said: "Let's go, there are still other things to be busy with."


in the car.

Bai Ling couldn't hold it in anymore and flew out directly.

After seeing Bai Ling, Liu Feifei and Qin Wanqing couldn't help but touch its little head.

"Ah~ Bai Ling is so cute!"

Hearing this compliment, Bai Ling felt very happy, and his body also emitted a little white aura.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about what information Catfish Spirit reported just now."

Hearing this, Bai Ling landed on Liu Feifei's head, and Liu Feifei pointed her finger at Bai Ling on her head.

"The fat-headed fish said that he encountered a new monster he had never seen before. It is about seven or eight meters long. It looks like a mermaid, with a face that looks a bit like a human and two long braids."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yunbin said: "This should be the Tide Demon."

Bai Ling blinked his cute eyes, then looked at Brother Bai Yu, wondering if he should continue to tell the story.

Bai Yu thought about it and asked, "Captain, does this tidal demon have any abilities?"

"Gathering water vapor in the air, causing huge waves, and powerful water magic energy. In the water, they can direct the pressure of the water flow and explode with power beyond the power of mines. In currently known cases, they can even destroy 10,000-ton cruise ships shell."

Bai Yu immediately looked out the window.

Due to the battle the night before yesterday, Bai Ling triggered huge fortunes and caused a huge amount of water vapor to fall from the sky.

So it's been sunny these days.

Is it possible that there will be heavy rain?

"Captain, is there any relevant information?"

"That's not the case anymore."

"All right."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Not yet, but I think the Kraken clan must make a big move. Maybe some large creatures will appear."

"The ports in the eastern part of Yunhu are currently under strict surveillance."

"But judging from the situation reported by the catfish spirit, a tidal demon has already appeared."

Although I would say that the Tide Monster is relatively small, the underwater detector can handle it. But if you say it this way, it always feels like quibbling.

And Bai Yu might be hinting at something, but it's just not convenient to say.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yunbin nodded and said, "That's right. I will talk carefully with the people in Yundong District and Jiangdong District."


Then of course I went back to the bureau, had lunch, and went to practice.

Bai Yu immersed himself in learning new techniques, while the others were preparing for promotion to Lingyuan.

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