Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 89 Six major book pages strengthened! Lei Family Black Blood Case

Chapter 89 Six Big Pages Enhanced! Lei Family-Black Murder Case

After instilling it for about two minutes, I accumulated enough energy to summon 5 Thunder Talisman Heavenly Soldiers.

This is also the summoning limit of this book.

As for the strength of the Thunder Talisman Heavenly Soldier, it has a certain relationship with the strength of the user.

At present, Bai Yu can only summon level 6 or 7 Thunder Talisman Heavenly Soldiers at most.

But that’s not the point!

The energy of the five Thunder Talisman Heavenly Soldiers is not the limit of the book's endurance. He can continue to input it!

However, Bai Yu's own spiritual energy is obviously not sufficient.

Without any hesitation, he took out the thunder scepter that Bai Jiao took into the bead for safekeeping.

Bai Ling couldn't hold it in anymore, and flew out at this moment. Looking at the book with thunder and lightning in Bai Yu's hand, he asked curiously: "Brother Bai Yu, what are you doing?"

"This is a thing of the ancient gods. It seems to require a lot of lightning power. I plan to see if I can crack something if I pour it to the limit."

"Then I'll guard Brother Bai Yu."


Bai Yu took out the golden page of the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Technique, attached it to his right wrist, and began to pour thunder and lightning into it.

As expected, this secret technique of peace began to suck in like a bottomless pit.

The room began to be filled with the power of thunder. If anyone came in, they would be immediately paralyzed and their limbs would twitch.

When the injected spiritual energy was enough to create a hundred Thunder Talisman Heavenly Soldiers, there was a 'buzz' sound, and the golden pages suddenly emitted violent fluctuations.

Bai Ling immediately protected Bai Yu, emitting water vapor from his body to form a shield.

Thunder raged, and one person and one dragon were rushed away by the terrifying impact.

On the contrary, the surrounding walls, which looked quite extraordinary, were not affected.

When he looked at the book again, Bai Yu was extremely excited.

Done! I'm done! ! !

At this time, the six pages in his body suddenly flew out on their own.

The newly appeared seventh page bloomed with dazzling energy, turned into six rays of light, and began to pour into the six pages.

In Bai Yu's feelings, these six pages have been strengthened.

Especially the first one! ! !

"The information only said that it can be fused with the first one, but it didn't mention that all six pages were strengthened."

"It seems that the feedback energy when the page was first activated was missed, resulting in only one page being strengthened."

"Hahaha~ It looks like I've made a lot of money this time!"

He could feel that on the first page, there were more powerful secrets that could be learned and needed to be explored step by step.

On the second page of the Tracking Technique, there are currently four spiritual techniques: Tracking Technique, Thunder Spear, Talisman Water, and Thunder Talisman Heavenly Weapon.

And it’s much more powerful than before!

On the third page, in addition to the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Technique, Bai Yu feels that he can get a huge amount of power from it, which can be regarded as an absolute killer move!

After getting such information, Bai Yu was naturally even more excited.


“The harvest is much more than expected!”

"Beautiful! This attack looks more certain."

"The original me would definitely not have been so anxious to obtain this secret technique of peace and try my best to complete the fusion."

Looking at Xiaoding next to him, he was no longer in a hurry to explore.

Mainly because he was really not familiar with this thing and couldn't figure it out.

The pages are different, they are his main source of power now! Sensitive.

Walking out of the training room, Bai Yu could be said to be walking with a wind in his eyes.

After a while, we came to a place where a group of big shots were having a dinner.

At a dinner party of this level, everyone is walking around. In other words, those top bosses only need to sit back and wait.

As soon as Bai Yu walked into the dinner hall, Liu Feifei and others came over.

Seeing the smile that couldn't be hidden on Bai Yu's face, Liu Feifei asked curiously: "What? Did you get a big benefit?"

"Hehe~ That's a must! Now maybe I can educate you, Sister Feifei."

Liu Feifei pouted and said "unhappily": "Why do you think about bullying me every day? You don't even know how to say good things like protecting my sister and me."

After a few habitual fights, Li Yunbin and Qin Wanqing came back after paying respect to several big shots.

Their status is not low! Some rich people came to get close to her.

Wang Chongfei also came over to toast, and even chatted with Bai Yu for a few words.

What surprised Bai Yu was that Lei Wenjie's group also came over.

I saw Lei Wenjie, who had a few tufts of purple hair, looking cool, with a smile on his face, and said, "I heard that brother Yun Bin has done well recently?"

"Okay, it's just luck."

"Then I heard that there has been a case of a pregnant woman with black blood in your Jiangnan District recently, and there are ways to deal with it. You should also know that I am responsible for this case. Why don't you share the information?"

“Share or share?”

"We are mainly responsible for this case now. We have more information. If we share it, we will really suffer a bit. Do you want some other benefits in exchange?"

Li Yunbin didn't ask what the benefit was, but just shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's investigate each one, so as not to get involved and cause more trouble."

What he was thinking about was that the existence behind this case was related to Bai Yu.

So he must have a hand in it.

If they find out first then, with Lei Wenjie's temperament, they might even cause some trouble.

"Oh well."

Lei Wenjie didn't care. He already had more information, and with the help of professors sent from above, he had already developed a drug that could slightly suppress leukemia.

With the help of the professor who is responsible for the evil god behind the black blood case, he didn't think he would be a step behind!

He took the initiative to come up mainly because Li Yunbin has solved the case very quickly recently, and wanted to test his words. Now it seems that it didn't work.

After a brief chat, Lei Wenjie left.

Bai Yu and Sun Yi in his team looked at each other.

Although Sun Yi was not in school, he obviously remembered Bai Yu from his eyes.

After the group left, Bai Yu couldn't help asking: "Captain, how is your relationship with the Lei family?"

"It's a normal relationship. However, the competition is fierce. And I don't like the Lei family's style of doing things."

At this point, Li Yunbin suddenly thought, how did Bai Yu know about the Lei family? From which channel did he know about it?

However, he didn't ask.

Maybe they had some contact in normal times.

After Bai Yu got this answer, he relaxed a lot.

In this way, even if something happened to the Lei family later, the captain would not react too much.

As soon as Lei Wenjie left, Wu Hao's third uncle, Wu Yuming, came up with his children and started chatting with Li Yunbin.

He can only be regarded as a slightly ordinary rich man.

Judging from his posture, he mainly wanted to introduce his children to Li Yunbin.

Li Yunbin had met Wu Yuming several times before and had a few polite conversations.

Wu Hao took this opportunity to raise his glass and came to Bai Yu, saying, "Have a drink?"

Bai Yu did not have any aversion to Wu Hao.

They had only met three times before, and there was no conflict on the court.

Yunhu, this man left the scene tactfully.

At the party, this man had a conflict with Li Wan'er.

Now he came up to talk, but he did not feel annoying.

On the contrary, he felt that Wu Hao was a rational and smart person.

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