Gate of God

Chapter 1006: myth

"Really rushed in!"

"Is he just a holy place?!"

"Although Yan Xiu killed Lord Ning Ling, but with his cultivation base and realm, it should be right to wander outside, so rushing in, is he not afraid of death?"

The two demons' army looked at Yan Xiu rushing into the breath of death, and was really shocked.

Find the act of death.

In their hearts, the breath of death stands for death, not to mention fighting in it. It should be fortunate to be able to spend a quarter of an hour in it.

But Yan Xiu rushed in like this?

Are you really not afraid of death?

Not only the two demons were shocked, but the disciples of the Human Alliance, as well as some sect masters, were also shocked. After all, they also thought that Yan Xiu was too impulsive.

Under the current situation, the situation in the breath of death is unclear. The safest approach should be to first unite Yan Qianli and Heping Yang, and kill the outside rain together.

As long as Lin Yu is dead.

Well, even if the battle between Fang Zhengzhi and "Qiu Qi" is defeated, mankind still has hope for victory. After all, "Qiu Qi" must win Fang Chengzheng at a price that is certainly not low.

By that time, the three men would join forces to deal with "Qiu Qi".

I hope there will be at least 30% to 40%!

"This Yan Xiu is so impulsive, the death breath under the cloth of "Qiu Qi" is so powerful, he just rushed in like this, don't he know the significance of this battle?"

"Yeah, it's too young to be calm enough!"

"Unfortunately, there was already hope to reverse the situation, and now he will be buried in his hands again."

Several sect masters in the Human Alliance sighed.

"Old Man Mu, don't you want to say something?" Mo Shanshi saw Mu Qingfeng next to him not speaking, and he could not help asking.

"Say what?" Mu Qingfeng asked back.

"About Yan Xiu's approach?"

"Alas... there is nothing to comment on, I'm not surprised at all." Mu Qingfeng shook his head. He also knew that Yan Xiu's approach was a bit impulsive.

But what about that?

Yan Xiu was impulsive, and Fang Zhengzhi was not like that. A year ago, Fang Zhengzhi killed Yanyin Palace alone for Yan Xiu. The impulse was speechless.


Mu Qingfeng looked at the figure that disappeared in the breath of death, and also sighed in his heart. It turns out that there are really such friends in this world.

"Not accidentally?" Mo Shanshi fell into contemplation when he heard Mu Qingfeng's words, but soon, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, really should not be surprised, after all, the people trapped in it It’s Fang Zhengzheng, and the one who rushed in was named Yan Xiu!"

"Yeah...because he is Yan Xiu!" Wu Yu'er looked at Yan Xiu rushing into the breath of death, and there was also a sigh in his eyes.


Yan Xiu did not know what the outside world said.

He was wrapped in the red armor formed by Shura Dao, and directly broke the breath of death with Shura Dao, and immediately rushed into it.

"Wait for me, be sure to wait for me!" Yan Xiu's eyes were bright red, and the red armor on his body was constantly rotted by the breath of death around him, but he didn't care at all.

Because he had only one idea in his heart, and reached Fangzheng's side with the fastest time.


Finally, Yan Xiu rushed to the middle position of the breath of death. Here, because of the battle, the breath of death became thinner on the contrary.

Yan Xiu's eyes quickly noticed the two figures standing in the middle.

"Found it!" Yan Xiu rushed towards the blue figure close to him without any hesitation, because he knew that the figure was upright.

However, half of the time, his body suddenly froze in place, and at the same time, his eyes full of bright red light also glared round.


"Huh? Yan Xiu?" Fang Zhengzhi heard the voice behind him, and also glanced back subconsciously, and immediately saw Yan Xiu rushing in.

"What about Qiu Qi?" Yan Xiu's eyes looked at Nangong Mu not far away. He saw the black cloak covered in Nangong Mu and the gray breath coming from Nangong Mu.

There is a breath of death.

However, he did not believe that such a weird scene in front of him was just because, like Fang Zhengzheng, he could not imagine a fact that made him unbelievable.

"Nangongmu is Qiu Qi, and Qiu Qi is Nangongmu." Fang Zhengzhi naturally could see the surprise in Yan Xiu's eyes and explained.

"Understood, let's go." Yan Xiu nodded without asking again.

Because Fang Zhengzheng has made it very clear, "Qiu Qi" is Nangong Mu. Even if he doesn't want to believe it in his heart, he said it from Fang Zhengzheng's mouth.

"Yan Xiu, let's go. With your strength, you can stay here for a quarter of an hour." Nangong Mu glanced at the red armor covered by Yan Xiu and said.

"A quarter of an hour is enough." The silver-bone blood fan in Yan Xiu's hands moved, blocking the breath of death around him, and didn't seem to care.

"Well, that's enough." Fang Zhengzhen heard this and nodded gently.

Originally, after seeing Yan Xiu coming in, he also had the same idea as Nangong Mu and wanted Yan Xiu to leave immediately because Yan Xiu could not stay here for too long.

However, he did not say this sentence.

The reason is that he knows that Yan Xiu will not leave. Since Yan Xiu will not leave, it would naturally have no meaning to waste time to persuade.

"I'll go first." Yan Xiu said no more, and rushed towards Nangongmu.

"You don't have much time. If you go together, there may be a ray of life." Nangong Mu's hands in the blue and blue swords moved towards Yan Xiu.

Just a random blow.

The speed is almost extreme.

One blue and one blue light, struck Yan Xiu one after the other.

However, Yan Xiu did not evade.

Because, he knew that there was integrity behind him.

And as Yan Xiu expected, just as the blue and blue swords were about to hit Yan Xiu, several chains of different colors also rushed out of Yan Xiu's back, which was hellside. Health lock, every chain has a glorious glory flowing on it.

"Boom!" The Hellside Health Lock collided with the blue and blue lights, making a loud noise, and shattered the two swords directly.




At the moment when the **** lock and the blue and blue swords collided, Yan Xiu's mouth also gave a cold drink, and at the same time, the silver bone blood fan in his hand was cut towards Nangongmu.


The bright red light turned into a crystal giant sword in the air, and on the hilt of the giant sword, a crimson **** lock was tied.

"Huh?!" Nangong Mu's eyes narrowed.

He knew clearly that Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu had not seen each other for a long time. Not only did they not meet each other, there was also a huge gap between the strengths of the two.

under these circumstances……

The two can actually cooperate to such a degree?

what is the reason?

Trust? !

Nangongmu's footsteps receded quickly towards the rear, but the bright red sword wrapped in the hell's lock had been cut above his head.

"Crush me!" The blue and blue swords in Nangongmu's hands moved again, and two swords, one long and one short, made a cross gesture above the head, and at the same time, a cross sword rushed up.

But at this time...

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Sura unity!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The bright red giant sword was also stained with a golden light in an instant, as if it had become alive, the space was cut directly sharply.

The figure of Nangong Mu shuddered.

Because, the bright red sword above his head was not broken as he expected, but the blue sword in the blue and blue sword in his hand had been broken into two pieces.

Sword broken!

However, it was his sword that shattered!

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spewed from Nangongmu's mouth.

Nangong Mu was injured, but this was not what Nangong Mu cared about most. What he cared about most was why Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu had been separated for so long, but could they still cooperate to this extent?

The main thing is...

The strength of Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu is obviously no longer at the same level.

Two people who are not on the same level can also perfectly integrate the moves and create more powerful moves than one.

Why exactly?

Can trust, trust between friends, really reach this level?

Nangongmu has been expecting a friend in his life who can make a heart. In the past, he once thought he had found it.

But not long ago...

He chose to give up.

Give up friends, give up friendship, give up the persistence in the heart, only because of the blood flowing from the descendants of Yan Emperor, only because of the mission he had to do.

"Hahaha..." Nangong Mu smiled, his body trembling unceasingly, and the madness and pain of his laughter, and his face became terrible and terrible.

is it wrong?

Are you really wrong? !

One voice after another kept echoing in his mind. He thought of meeting Fang Zhengzheng for the first time. He also thought of playing Fang Zhengzheng on the ring for the first time.

Perhaps, I once had friendship.

Perhaps, he should stand beside Fang Zhengzhen and fight against the two demons together with him.


There should be no more.

Because he has already made a choice, choosing a path destined to never have friends, a path destined to be lonely.

But he can no longer look back.

This is the character.

He did not want to regret returning to the original point after choosing.

Like many famous ministers in history, they can betray once when the country is dead, but they cannot betray twice or three times.

Nangongmu chose to betray.

Betray friendship, betray his friends, then he will not change again, even if he knows that the road is full of darkness, he will surely go on persistently.

"I have betrayed my friendship. I can't betray the family anymore. Founder Cheng, Yan Xiu, you are all going to die today!" Nangong Mu's eyes were bloodied.

An extremely intense red light poured out of him.

"Boom!" A sky thunder fell, it was a blood red sky thunder.

It fell on the top of Nangongmu's head and converged into an extremely huge blood sacrifice figure. Eight extremely complex symbols lit up on the blood sacrifice figure.

Blood sacrifice, all directions!

At the same time, Nangong Mu's body also spewed a white branch like a substance. Those branches rose rapidly and spread, as if to merge with the blood sacrifice figure above his head.

"Blood sacrifice figure and **** tree?" Fang Zhengzhi's gaze condensed. Such a scene was obviously very strange, and, most importantly, he did not remember such legends in his previous life.

Is it not recorded?

Fang Zhengzhi is not sure what connection this world has with the world of the previous life, but he vaguely feels that many myths of the previous life are reproduced in this world.

For example, the natural disaster recorded on the stele.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the legend of the female disaster repairing the sky.


similar? !

Suddenly, Fang Zhengzhi's mind seemed to find a way of thinking. Yes, it was exactly the same. The myth of the previous life is not completely consistent with the story of this world.

It's similar.

Although it may seem like a small difference, it gave Fang Zhengzheng a brand-new idea.

God Tree...

Speaking of the record of the **** tree...

Fang Zhengzhi's mind quickly flashed the various kinds of **** trees in the past, and among them, there were five **** trees, and the first one was the "Undead Tree".

This is a **** tree recorded in the Shan Hai Jing The fruit can live forever.

Some exaggeration.

However, if placed in this world...

But it can be understood that the fruit of this tree is very powerful. Once eaten, it can be sanctified by the flesh, and the life span and strength increase rapidly.

At this point, it seems to have some connection with the **** tree of Nangongmu.

At the beginning, Nangongmu and Nangonghao ate the fruits of the **** tree. Then, their strength suddenly increased greatly, and they stepped directly into the holy realm from the reincarnation.

In addition, there is a record of a **** tree.

Legend has it that it grew up on the East China Sea, where the sun goddess Xi He once drove up from here for her son Jin Wu.

And this tree is rumored to be the connecting door between God Realm, Human World, and Underworld. Only when Hou Yi stood on the top to shoot the sun, and stepped on it, it was difficult for people and God to reach the Three Realms.

These seem to be two different legends and records, but putting these two legends together seems to be very similar to the **** tree of Nangong Mu.

But what is the blood sacrifice picture?

Nangongmu wants to merge the blood sacrifice figure and the **** tree, why?

Fang Zhengzhi still didn't quite understand it for a while, but he vaguely felt that there might be unusually terrifying changes in it.

Blood sacrifice figure...

Emperor Yan?

While on Tianchan Mountain, Nangong Hao and Demon Emperor Bai Zhi seemed to mention a bit.

The God Tree was planted by the Yan Emperor after the war. Only the descendants of the Yan Emperor can control the power of the God Tree. This is not too difficult to understand.

However, there is a little honesty but I don't quite understand.

What kind of connection is there between the blood sacrifice figure and the **** tree?

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