Gate of God

Chapter 383: Help you sanctify

Because the victory or defeat in this battle between Fang Zhengzhi and Nangong Hao was actually already doomed from the start of the two.

The peak of Tianzhao Realm peaks back to the peak of Light Realm.

Need to guess?

This is the thought of the geniuses, but it is also the original idea of ​​Nangong Hao. He is not arrogant. In fact, he has been very cautious before the integrity of the war.

But to say that Nangong Hao, who has reached the peak of Huiguang Realm, does not even have the confidence to defeat Fang Chengzheng, that is also very unlikely.

Nangong Hao thought that he might have a fight with Fang Zhengzheng, and he also thought that Fang Zhengzhi could not admit defeat immediately, but would use various unexpected means to struggle a few times.

However, he really didn't expect Fang Zhengzhi to struggle for so long!

"What's going on? Isn't his original source of power exhausted yet?" Nangong Hao was finally surprised with a look in his eyes after confronting Fang Zhengzheng with the eighth sword.

Of course, he knows what way Fang Zhengzhi is fighting with himself, and he also knows what the price to pay in this way.


Can it last?

Of course it is impossible, because if you can desperately last for a long time, it is not called desperately, just like the last sprint when running, you can't rush from the beginning?

However, Fang Zhengzhi is now like this...

From the beginning, he started desperately, sprinting, each sword fell apart, and the sword completely supported by the original power, the power reached this level, one can imagine how much this consumption.

It is because Nangong Hao knows this consumption that he is not in a hurry.

He knew that Fang Zhengzhi couldn't hold a few swords, and he probably guessed what Fang Zhengzhi thought, but he just added a little face.

Don't want to lose too ugly.

Nangong Hao still understands this point, and, by itself, Fang Zhengzhi can take the initiative to stand up for a fair fight with him without requiring him to suppress the state.

This has given him a straight face.


Is this a bit harder?

Moreover, it seems that there is still the idea of ​​continuing desperately above the integrity. Sword after sword is constantly attacking like crazy. It feels that it is no longer desperate. It is more like a kind of vent, and free vent.

"How could this be?" Nangong Hao didn't understand it. He had experienced Tianzhaojing. He knew how much the power of Tianzhaojing was. So, even if Fang Zhengzhi exaggerates a little, it might not be too much?

This is what Nangong Hao thought.

In fact, he didn't know that Fang Zhengzheng was venting now.

For a long time, Fang Zhengzhi has not been a wasteful person. After all, he does not have a family that makes him spend money.

But this time, he found that he had something else to splurge on.

That is a sea.

A sea transformed by the power of the source.

With just a sword, you can squander all the power of the source that is full of the entire small world. This is a kind of refreshing feeling. I am afraid that only those who have experienced it will understand it.

One sword one world, another sword another world.

Fang Zhengzhi can only say one word.


The ocean of the small world is tumbling and boiling, just like evaporation, it keeps blowing white mist out of it, flooding the sky again and again, and just after it has been replenished, it is squandered by the square.

Fang Zhengzhi doesn't know how many swords this sea needs to completely disappear, but he vaguely feels that it should not be a problem for at least half an hour.

Although, there seems to be no way to defeat Nangong Hao, but if you can fight Nangong Hao for half an hour, can Pingyang girl dare to laugh at herself?

Fang Zhengzhi feels that this possibility is almost zero, which also makes his mouth subconsciously raise a smile, which looks strange in the dust.

What he did not know was that while the ocean of his small world kept boiling, the big tree in his small world was also faintly changing, and a piece of green leaves quickly grew from the branches, and the knots on the tree The fruit on the ground is changing slowly.

From the initial plainness, it began to have some faint lines. Those lines have mountains, water, flowers, grass, trees, and snowflakes...

Of course, the biggest change is the purple fruit.

Originally, the fruit had lines on it. Now, under the influence of the white mist continuously evaporating from the ocean, the surface of the fruit even has a faint glory flowing.


Fang Zhengzhi played very hilariously, and he was even more profligate.

This naturally made Nangong Hao's expression more and more surprised, because he even had a faint feeling that the power of Fang Zheng's sword seemed to be more and more powerful.


This change is so small that it is almost negligible.

However, he still felt it.

"If you really suppress the realm in Tianzhao Realm, can you win?" Nangong Hao looked at Fang Zheng, who kept waving his sword in front of him, and asked this question for the first time.

For a long time, Nangong Hao never questioned the path he chose, because the path he chose was summed up after countless thoughts and reading through countless materials.

That is the straightest path in cultivation.

Just as he remembered, it is a reason to give up "Qing Lan Jue" and choose to practice "Dragon Wu Qi Tu". Of course, his ideas are different from those who fear the difficulty of "Qing Lan Jue" and dare not choose.

He chose the starting point.

A more suitable starting point.

First cultivate "Long Wu Qi Tu", then practice "Qing Lan Jue", this is Nangong Hao's choice, a choice that has never been mentioned to any in the family.

Including, his brother Nangong Mu.

Nangong Mu chose the "Blue and Blue Tricks". What is the purpose? Of course he knew that he also tried to stop it. However, Nangong Mu insisted that then, the only thing he left was to support.

This includes, as long as Nangongmu takes the exam, he will not take it, as long as Nangongmu wants the honor, he will not fight for it.

Even more than once, Nangonghao said to Nangongmu in his heart: "Brother, after the brother fully grasps the essence of "Long Wu Qi Tu", he will definitely solve all the bottlenecks in "Qing Lan Ju" and help you succeed. Holy!"

This is Nangong Hao.

A Nangong Hao who does not seek name or profit but only pursues the cultivation of the right path.

However, now, for the first time, he began to have doubts about the right way of his cultivation, and the source of this doubt is Fang Zheng.

Compared with Nangong Hao's surprise.

The geniuses around now are completely dumbfounded, and they are guessing again and again in their hearts how long this battle can last.

Five strokes? Six tricks? Eight strokes?


One quarter of an hour!


Why is it now a quarter of an hour, and it is not over yet, and still, Fang Zheng is actively fighting to fight against Nangong Hao.

what is this? !

They can't understand it, and they can't think about it. So, they can only look at it dullly, and watch it motionlessly.


When the geniuses and tens of thousands of sergeants stared at this shocking battle, they did not notice that a group of people were standing on the cliffs of the Valley of Wind.

There used to be a place where Yan Xiu cut down several demons.

At the foot of the group of people, there is a trace like a sword, but this group of people obviously did not care, and it seems that they stepped on the trace very deliberately.

The person standing in front of this group of people was a woman, a woman in a plain white dress, who could not see her face clearly, because a silk scarf was covering her face.

But even so, it still can't hide the kind of temperament in her body.

It was a refined temperament like snow lotus, especially when she was standing on a frost-filled cliff, this temperament was added with the trait of an arrogant cold wind.

A gentle breeze blew the scarf on the woman's face, exposing the woman's beautiful and fascinating look, her pink lips, with her colorful stunning, slightly opened, which can be seen...

The woman's expression should be in a surprise.

Somewhat similar to the woman’s surprise were the men in black clothes behind her, but the expressions on the faces of the men were obviously more exaggerated.

On the woman's left hand, a figure with a black cloak all over her body was standing, a little thin and weak, with eyes like stars and eyebrows like swords.

The most remarkable thing is that there is a magic eye on the figure and forehead, bright red magic eye.

He is the Demon Tenth Star Territories are unified, worship stars.

Then, the only person who can stand next to him is the demon master, Yun Qingwu.

"Three hundred and eighty-eight ways, there are three hundred and eighty-eight ways?! Unexpectedly, the potential of this integrity is so powerful!"

"Tianzhaojing Pinnacle, you can fight with Nangong Hao, who is at the pinnacle of Huiguang Realm, for more than a quarter of an hour. I am afraid that this talent cannot find a second person in the human world?"

"Young Master, this son can't stay anymore!"

The eyes of the men in black revealed shock, and their lips were slightly opened, making a very small voice, but the voice was too small, and it still could not hide the shock in their hearts.

Yun Qingwu didn't speak, but just watched quietly, her eyes gleamed with a faint brilliance. No one knew what she was thinking. Likewise, no one dared to defy her orders.


She is the dearest daughter of Devil Emperor, she is the young master of Devil Race.

"Young Master, my sword is to take the life of Nangong Hao, or to take the life of integrity?" Bai Xing's fingers moved slightly, and a touch of starlight circulated between his fingers.

He was waiting, waiting for Yun Qingwu's decision.

Of course, he didn't need to wait, because before he came, he actually had a plan, but when he saw this scene, there was a slight change in the plan.

"Follow you." Yun Qingwu finally spoke at this time, her voice was a little indifferent, but after she said this, there was a slight hesitation in her eyes.

However, this hesitation was quickly suppressed by her.

There are not many reasons.

It is also because she is the young master of the devil.

"Thank you young master!" Bai Xing nodded. He didn't say that his subordinates understood as usual, or answered yes, but used the word thank you.

This answer sounds a bit different from what was asked.

However, it is true that Bai Xing said this, and none of Yun Qingwu and the men in black standing behind Yun Qingwu felt that Bai Xing said something was wrong.


A star light slowly lights up.

That is the light like a star, as silk as a thread, not too bright, but it contains a coldness, a coldness of killing.

Worshipping star, can stand out among the demons and take the position of all ten domains. Of course, it is not the nepotism, but the real strength.

His strength comes from his calmness, his loyalty, and one is the person he wants to kill. No one has ever lived.

Of course, the last thing in the world is an exception.

Because, the person he met was Yuan Guo, who was awaiting punishment in Zhenguofu.

It was not only a Demon Race, but even Nanyu, Beiman and other places wanted to kill people. However, Xing Yuanguo was still alive, and he often went out to fight the Quartet.

Therefore, it is impossible to blame the stars, but to blame Yuanguo.

But this time it was different.

The opponent is not Xuan Yuanguo, but Nangong Hao and Fang Zhengzheng. Moreover, Nangong Hao and Fang Zhengzheng are still in full swing, fighting for your life.

The peak of Tianzhao Realm and the peak of Huiguang Realm are not too low in any force. If they are young, they will be greatly valued.

However, what happens when they face the reincarnation of the worship star?

If this is still alive, it is impossible to worship the star.

The silver light rose from the fingers of the star worshiper and slowly ascended into the sky. It was a ray of light that almost connected with the sky, and the moment the light rushed to the sky, the star worshiper on the cliff of Fenggu disappeared. Too.

It felt like he had never appeared on the cliff of Fenggu, or, from beginning to end, he was the disappearing light.


The attention of the geniuses is now almost entirely on Nangong Hao and Fang Zhengzheng, and the eyes of tens of thousands of sergeants also pay attention to Nangong Hao and Fang Xiu pinches the fingers of the fan It was all a little white, it was excitement, it was also nervous, and in those emotions, there was a trace of rejoicing.

Very complicated emotions.

However, it was precisely because of this emotion that it was impossible for him to notice a silver light falling from the sky.

In fact, not only did Yan Xiu fail to notice, Wu Feng, Chen Feiyu, and even Teng Shisheng did not notice it, nor could he notice it.

Because that silver light disappeared after the sky fell.

That is not a real disappearance, but a message of integration. At least, when your eyes occasionally look at the sky, all you can see is the sunshine in the sky.

The same is light, the difference is that one is warm and the other is cold.

A light mixed with the sunlight falling from the sky fell with a kind of coldness, and fell between Nangong Hao and Fang Zhengzhi who were fighting **** the field. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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