Gate of Technology

: This is a contribution to humanity! (Hi Dapu Ben thousand!)

Crystals, already severely affected by civil strife, have no energy to manage those mineral planets on the edge of the empire.

Besides, even if they want to control them, they don't dare.

The main force has been lost, and the garrison guarding the other three border lines cannot be easily transferred.

Many managers of the planet now stand on their own hills. They can't even manage it. Where can they still have the energy to control the life of the machine.

So they can only bite their teeth in the face of zero invasion!

And Zero is also carrying out the predatory plan while learning the technology of Crystal Spirit quickly there.

The part learned through war is actually only less than half of Jingling's entire technology, and there are many technologies related to life.

These techniques are also very useful at zero.

He directly converted these technologies, and then transferred the data to the technology department of the technology crystallization company.

At the same time, the entire department will be notified of the new information.

The technology department of the technology crystallization company has cultivated a lot of scientific research talents. With the company's powerful power and wealth, no one ever thought about resigning.

However, in recent years, because Cheng Yuan and Zero have not come up with any new technology, they have each developed their own interesting things.

It's just that the progress is a bit slow, and although some new things have been developed, the value is very modest.

After these technologies were made public in the department, they immediately caught the attention of all researchers, and they were also very excited.

After waiting for several years, I finally saw something new on it!

They immediately gave up the research at hand and focused on the development of zero-dumped technical data.

Because the technology this time belongs to life, it is not difficult for these researchers to understand.

Wang Enci is a member of the scientific research department. Upon receiving the news, new technologies have appeared. He first opened the technical department's database.

At first glance, the dense information directory is full of screens!

Wang Enci looked at the number of pages, and there are nearly 70 pages in the directory alone!

"I'm relying, is this ready for a big fight?" He glanced brightly at the technology names in the catalog.

However, he soon discovered that many of these technical materials belong to the medical and mechanical categories.

Little information is available on biological and physical aspects.

It took me more than an hour to learn about it in detail, and one of the techniques caught Wang Enci's attention.

Application and Development of Biological Spiritual Power

Spiritual power is very mysterious. According to the current scientific understanding, spiritual power probably describes an individual's emotions, will, and cognition.

Through these three different performances, it will affect the fluctuation of mental power.

When a person is emotional, he can burst into considerable power, but then he becomes very tired.

When a person is determined, he will not be affected by external interference.

When a person's cognition is clear, his spirit is calm and quiet.

These are the conceptual descriptions of mental power, but there is no clear answer as to what true mental power is.

So when Wang Enci saw the application of spiritual power, he immediately became interested.

He would like to see if the so-called mental power application is like in a novel or a movie, some incredible things will happen.

With such expectations, Wang Enci opened this information.

From the beginning to the end.

It took Wang Enci 13 hours to fully read this material about the application of mental power.

After reading it, Wang Enci was a little disappointed.

This material about the application of mental power is, to put it plainly, the same as in those science fiction movies, when you think about it, you can start a certain tool or machine.

Of course, this requires the two parties to stay connected.

In other words, this is a technique that completely liberates both hands.

For example, watching TV, whenever you want, the TV at home will automatically turn on.

The room is a bit hot, and if you think about it, air conditioning will bring air conditioning.

In other words, this gadget is a technology that is convenient for life, there are no such strange things.

The main thing is that Wang Enci found that this technology is still incomplete, and it is still in the imagination stage. If the expected effect is achieved, it is not mentioned at all.

Although Wang Enci wanted to study this topic in depth, if he thought about it carefully, he didn't have any foundation in this aspect. Even if he wanted to study, there was no beginning!

With a sigh, he gave up to continue the research, but he still made a copy of this material, ready to have free time in the future, it's okay to look at the research and pass the time.

There are many people who also found this information, but most of their final thoughts are the same as Wang Enci.

This kind of technical information, like the air tower, really prevented them from using it.

Some people skip it, and some people are ready to study it when they have time.

After all, this material describes the future very well, as long as you use your brain to solve the problem.

At home, Cheng Yuan naturally knew about the science and technology department. Although he also wanted to see what information was available, he still resisted.

He was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, he would be addicted to the laboratory for a long time.

Continue to be an idle seeder at home.

On the other hand, in the case where the progress of the research on the Zerg warship has not progressed, some people can't help it.

Although research work lasting for several years or even decades is commonplace.

However, some people are more anxious. Besides, some people have clearly cracked everything, but they just don't take it out.

This makes them very upset.

After unhappy, they collectively discussed and decided to violently demolish!

They didn't believe it, they just demolished this Zerg warship and couldn't find the intelligence of the other warship?

When this proposal was handed in, high-level officials from various countries immediately started discussions.

Although it is a discussion, it basically depends on Huaxia's decision.

After careful discussions on the part of Huaxia, the proposal was rejected.

The reasons for their veto are good. First of all, the materials of the opponent's warship are unknown. Whether they can be disassembled remains to be verified.

Secondly, I don't know the overall structure of the battleship. In case of accidentally detonating which energy source during the dismantling process, the consequences are definitely not what they can bear!

Finally, after UU Kanshu is demolished, can they really get what they want?

There is no answer to this question.

Facing the official questioning, the experts who proposed the dismissal were also baffled.

Because they don't know the result after dismantling.

"It still seems too anxious, we can't be impetuous, take it slowly, even if it takes ten or even a hundred years, it is acceptable!"

An expert bowed his head with emotion.

Other experts are indignant. Cheng Yuan has solved these problems. Is it impossible to make the information public? This is a contribution to the entire humanity!

Rushing black ants say

1,000, sprinkle flowers and celebrate.

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