Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: He doesn't need to work hard

"Xiao Lian, it's easy to misunderstand your words." Although Cheng Yuan was sitting in the living room, Guo Xiaolian said clearly at the door.

"Your body has something wrong. Am I wrong?" Guo Xiaolian stared at Cheng Yuan, unreasonably.

"... I just don't think the news will have a good impact." Cheng Yuan quickly explained.

"I don't care if the impact is good or not, these people come to you at every turn, and you don't owe them anything, why do you bother you every day?" Guo Xiaolian was dissatisfied with this.

Without affecting her own life, she didn't mind Cheng Yuan to help others do something, but the behavior of these people has seriously affected their lives.

And Cheng Yuan is sick now, where can I go out with them again?

"Xing Xing Xing, you have big breasts, you are reasonable!" Cheng Yuan didn't want to argue with Guo Xiaolian on such a trivial matter, and said that he didn't want to care about those things.

"Well, you Cheng Yuan, what are you talking about!" Guo Xiaolian was so anxious that she would hit him if she rushed up.

Cheng Yuan smiled, he didn't hide, he directly hugged Guo Xiaolian who flew over him.

After being held by Cheng Yuan, Guo Xiaolian realized that she had been fooled.


The two were arguing at home, but didn't know that it had been a shock outside.

The informed senior officials were very curious about what happened to Cheng Yuan, but they received the news, and Cheng Yuan accompanied his wife to play outside and go home.

The whole person does not seem to have any problems! ?

"Isn't that what Guo Xiaolian said so intentionally?" Someone doubted.

"But you can explain why Cheng Yuan suddenly changed his attitude towards life. He now stays with his parents and children at home every day. Do you know the reason for this change?" Another person retorted that he agreed with Cheng Yuan's body. This view of the problem arises.

After all, a person's life habits suddenly change, it must be that he has something wrong, either physical or psychological, and the surrounding environment changes.

"I don't think we can rush to conclusions, or let people know the situation first. We have no reason to speculate that it won't help much."

After hurried discussions, immediately a team of hundreds of people was dispatched to Mars for an undercover investigation.

Not only that, while sending a team to investigate the situation, they also started to make some secret preparations, such as how should Cheng Yuan's body really have problems, how should they act.

Nothing is impossible!

As said before, if the technology crystallization company is a pure technology company, then Cheng Yuan has a problem. Although the impact will be great, it will definitely not make them nervous.

But the technology crystal company is not only a technology company, but also a super enterprise with armed forces.

They can not care who the technology crystal company is in charge of at the end, but they must know who inherited Cheng Yuan's control of those fleets!

And the person in charge of the fleet, her personal character, life, language habits all need to understand in detail, and then cater!

This is one reason why they want to suppress the technology crystallization company!

As a big country, you have to deliberately cater to the heirs of a company, who can feel comfortable inside.

They are not slaves of the Qing Dynasty!

Although Cheng Yuan knew in his heart that Guo Xiaolian's words were likely to have a great impact, he never expected that a hundred-person team would be sent directly to Mars for a secret investigation.

And they are ready to start studying the personality preferences of their heirs!

If he knew, he would tell them seriously, don't guess, the heir's two things haven't been combined yet!

Now I am busy!

One month later, Cheng Yuan received a message from zero.

During the plundering process, a golden planet was discovered at zero. The entire planet is a huge gold mine!

Except for the thick space rocks on the surface, the interior is pure gold!

Since Jingling's circulating currency is not based on gold, this planet has been treated as a junk star by them, and it is used to discard junk.

A golden planet!

After Cheng Yuan got the news, he only issued one command, that is, dig!

Although more gold may depreciate, but that depends on the situation!

At present, human beings have not only one earth, but also a Mars!

Materials are becoming more and more abundant, and the purchasing power of currency is also rising, so it represents the devaluation of labor!

What will happen?

Workers' wages will decrease because the purchasing power of money increases, which means that the ratio of enterprise input and harvest is unbalanced.

One product of the original company sold 500 yuan, if 50 of them were the wages of workers.

Then when the purchasing power of currency rises, your goods depreciate, 500 yuan becomes 300 yuan.

Does the company dare to pay 50 yuan for the workers?

According to normal standards, it should be regulating prices and managing the market.

However, the materials of the two planets can not be solved simply by adjusting them. Otherwise, what are the extra things to waste?

When the capital countries had excess capacity, they consumed this excess capacity through colonization.

But now, they have no new colonies to consume this part of production capacity.

Then it is necessary to print a new currency to ensure that the currency does not increase excessively.

The printing currency needs gold as the base currency standard.

Although it looks stable and harmonious at present, this hidden danger has been buried when Mars was connected to the earth. There is no outbreak now, it's just time!

Now this golden planet can just solve this problem. As for more mining in the future, will there be another problem caused by the surplus of gold.

That is the problem that needs to be solved in the future, maybe they will have a brand new currency system at that time.

As for credit points, it has been popular for several years, but it still cannot completely replace the current monetary system.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yuan relayed this to Zheng Jia.

After all, it is now a truly global common economy. If something goes wrong in this regard, it will affect the lives of all humankind.

This will indirectly affect myself.

So this can be regarded as helping himself. Of course, he must stand up to him.

Sitting in the office of the brand-new technology crystallization company building, Zheng Jia is very leisurely. Since Mars, the modern intelligent development has not required her to handle many things at all. She only needs to read the work report once a week, and then Just look at the company's overall report for a month.

After leisure, Zheng Jia is also considering another issue, which is his lifelong event.

After all, she is almost 40 people, anyway, you need to find a partner, right?

Accidentally received the news from Cheng Yuan, after Zheng Jia finished reading, he seriously considered it and called the secretary.

"Let the public relations department release a new news, the company found a pure gold planet."

The secretary froze. Although she didn't understand the special purpose of such a short message, the order from the president was naturally obedient.

As soon as this news was released, ordinary people just envy the technology crystallization company to make a big profit, and then analyze what impact it will bring after the surplus of gold.

But for the economists who have been focusing on economic issues, they celebrated one by one, the news came too soon!

They are worrying about how to solve the economic crisis caused by inflation ~ ~ The news is just rain in time!

At the same time, high-level officials in various countries are also faint. It seems that if Cheng Yuan's body has a problem, it is really a lie by Guo Xiaolian!

After investigating this month, they found that Cheng Yuan was eating well, sleeping well, and happily every day. He didn't see anything wrong with him!

As for why the attitude of life is changed, the analysis of the experts is that he may feel that he does not need to work too hard, and he is very satisfied with the current life.

This conclusion is also supported by many people. After all, Cheng Yuan's current influence, his status, and his wealth do not require effort.

You can enjoy life in peace and quiet!

Rushing black ants say

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