Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Bold guess

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

"No!" Zero shook his head, he said strangely, "The shape of the heads we recovered did not change much from the previous ones, and it was completely impossible to compare with those in the life exclusion zone!"

This abnormal growth contrast made Cheng Yuan realize that there seemed to be some changes that he didn't know.

They are all metal organisms hatching in the same batch of embryos. Why is there one that grows very fast, but one that is very ordinary?

Theoretically, the energy in the forbidden area of ​​life is definitely not as much as the outside. If it grows faster, the outside grows faster than the inside, right?

Are there really any good things in the forbidden zone?

"Check the reason." Curiosity arose, making Cheng Yuan a little bit itchy.

If he can find the reason, does it mean that he also finds some kind of richer and higher quality energy?

If you think about it, even a metal creature with a huge volume like a star can support it. If such a material is well researched and utilized, the benefits it brings will be extraordinary!

"Um." Nodded his head and responded.

Cheng Yuan is curious, and he also wants to know why!

And at this moment, a special guess popped out of his mind!

"Cheng Yuan, don't you think it's weird?" Zero asked questioningly.

Cheng Yuan didn't respond for a while. He thought it was nothing about the growth of metal organisms. He answered very seriously, "Yeah, it's strange, this kind of polarized growth is too extreme."

"..." Zero helpless glanced at the seriously thinking Cheng Yuan, said with tears of laughter: "I mean the restricted area of ​​life!"

"Forbidden area of ​​life?" Cheng Yuan also responded at this time. The conversation between the two was not on the same line. He smiled awkwardly, and then continued to ask, "What's wrong with the restricted area of ​​life?"

Zero seriously explained: "We now know that space is full of all kinds of energy, and the most basic dark energy is all over the universe. How would this space be formed without energy? And I think it The original volume of space is not as it is now! "

This problem stunned Cheng Yuan.


If there is no energy in the forbidden area of ​​life, how is it formed?

Doesn't this completely contradict the previous theory?

"Is it because the basic energy has disappeared that this space has gradually shrunk?" Cheng Yuan was horrified. If this conclusion holds, does it mean that excessive use of dark energy will have some effect on the universe space he is in?

Although he does not need to consider this issue at his current level of utilization, he is very interested in this kind of theoretical research.

Hypothesis, hypothesis!

This hypothesis is based on a certain theoretical basis, crazy ideas and guessing.

There are even some hypotheses that put aside the theoretical foundation directly and say what you want!

Ling Ke doesn't have as many other ideas as Cheng Yuan, he said worriedly: "I suspect that there is a substance that can absorb a large amount of energy in the restricted area of ​​life, because the existence of this substance has led to the emergence of the restricted area of ​​life!

And now, for some reason that we don't know yet, this kind of material has a connection with our metal creatures such as fusion or devouring, which has led to their crazy growth! "

"It seems quite reasonable to say so." Cheng Yuan pondered for a moment, thinking that this statement is indeed very likely.

After all, the energy of a space cannot disappear for no reason.

Moreover, this space is not small, at least so far he has not formally confirmed the size and scope of this forbidden zone of life, but based on the exploration records of the Zerg warship, there is a relatively vague answer.

"Then what do you think now?" Cheng Yuan asked.

If the zero guess is true, he can't let the life penalty zone continue to keep the exit wide open.

Because if you keep this state, the metal organisms inside will continue to grow, so he doesn't care much about the growth of metal organisms.

After all, as long as these creatures are not out of control, there is no problem.

The point is, if the strange substance that can crazy absorb energy is mixed from the life forbidden zone to them, then the problem will be a big problem!

If the entrance to the wormhole near the solar system is his outpost, then the entrance to the restricted life zone is his transit station.

This line is related to his plundering of the crystal empire!

He didn't want to make himself lose this channel that took a lot of resources and time to build a good channel because of this unknown problem.

In particular, he is now uniformly equipped with a dark energy reaction furnace. The appearance of this gadget has directly grasped his lifeline! He would never allow this unknown substance to appear to them!

"I think we need to observe it for a while, and wait for the Zerg thing to pass by." Zero thought for a while and replied.

Although Cheng Yuan really wanted to block the entrance of the space immediately, he was right about zero. Now he still needs to observe for a while. After all, it is just a guess and he can't confirm anything.

Maybe their guess is wrong, but metal creatures will not consume it as part of their evolution!

Because according to their guess, the energy demand of this substance is also huge.

But their metal creatures also need energy. There is a competitive relationship between the two. How can metal creatures grow so fast under these conditions?

Therefore, it may be zero-guessed that the two have some kind of connection, either becoming a symbiote or being engulfed by metal organisms and becoming part of their evolution.

If it is the former, then he needs protection.

If it is the latter ~ ~ Cheng Yuan will consider whether to get more embryos to send in?

This is not his greed.

But the existence of the Zerg has put too much pressure on him. If he can create a batch of such troops, even if the Zerg strikes, he will not be like he is now.

At least with metal creatures, he may be inadequate on offense, but definitely defensive!

As long as he has something to protect himself, he doesn't have to cower.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan agreed with the zero approach.

However, this possibility may also be swallowed, so Cheng Yuan commanded: "Zero, prepare another batch of embryos."

Zero stunned, and then he reacted quickly, he worried: "We are not sure of the specific situation yet, will this ..."

"Don't worry, at least prepare yourself!"

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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