Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: Set off again

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

The worry in Su An's heart was not unreasonable.

If the growth of these creatures is out of control, he will doubt whether the black hole grenade can kill this thing once it becomes the same shape as the planet in the forbidden life zone.

After all, these creatures are not afraid of space attacks!

He now began to wonder how the empire would solve these creatures that seemed to have no suitable means to destroy them!

But these things can only be considered in Su An's mind, the same old saying.

People talk lightly.

He was just an Overseer, with a large swarm of high-ranking Overseers and Archon and the governing governor on top of it, and even the highest representative of the Chieftain was beyond his imagination.

In general, he is only a little man on the third tier of the empire.

Suan and End left the academy under the watchful eye of Marty.

After they came out, they found that they did not get any useful information when they came to the institute. The only gain was a new task.

And this task doesn't look very good.

This made Anxin depressed when he wanted to do something big.

"Su An, do you say we are going to collect data this time?" Ender was reconciled, and as a motivated Overseer, he hoped to accumulate more credits so that he could see himself.

"Did you have other ideas?" Su An glanced at the unwilling An De, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't be too anxious, your life is still alive, it is anxious but easy Make a mistake! "

"You should know the strength of the empire's punishment." With a kind reminder, Su An turned back and asked, "I'll go back and prepare now, how about you?"

Ender was awoken by Su An, and his unwillingness gradually disappeared. Thinking of the empire's punishment for violations, he sighed: "I'll go back and prepare."

"Then let's do it together."

The two came together to the space port, and as soon as they came over, they saw the lieutenant of Ender rushing to report: "Overseer, a group of people who claim to be staff of the Institute have been placing some small fighters in our transport ship, All our fighters have been pulled away. "

The lieutenant said angrily and resentfully, apparently that the group's actions had annoyed him.

Ander twitched, but when he thought of the order from a senior level, he comforted his lieutenant and said, "This is with my consent, sorry to forget to say hello to you."

"That was the case." When the lieutenant heard it from Ender, the anger on his face had dissipated a lot, but he still muttered angrily: "But these people are too annoying to do things, and they all have your approval. Yes, why do n’t you just explain it in plain language, here comes the look of a commander, and sips on our soldiers. ”

The expression on Ander's face was condensed, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes, but the anger was quickly hidden, and he said in a deep voice: "Forbearance, after all, people are directly at the top."

Ender's performance gave Su An a very surprised glance at him, but he did not expect that this guy who looked at the **** impulse with carelessly would also behave like this.

"It doesn't seem to be an accident that it can become an overlord." Su An secretly said in his heart.

"Ander, despite telling me, I ’m going to continue my studies first, the empire is developing too fast, and this old man is almost unable to keep up with the times." Su An smiled at himself and laughed at An. De said.

"Okay, I won't be polite." Ender grinned, as if he had recovered.

Su An nodded, then returned to his own exclusive battleship.

Watching Su An leave, Admiral An De said with emotion: "The Superintendent Su An actually lived for 10,000 years, but really lived a long life."

Ender slaps in the head of his lieutenant, and laughs, "If you want to live that long, I can put you into a frozen hibernation state."

"Overseer, don't make fun of me, I try to live well, as long as there is no accident, maybe I can live for 10,000 years." The deputy scratched his head and laughed.

"Okay, if you retire now, you can fulfill your dreams." Ender looked at his lieutenant silently, turning his head and urging: "Hurry up and stare at those people, then gather our own fighters OK, how can our things be taken away by those people? "

"Oh." The lieutenant responded, preparing to execute Ender's order, but he just turned around, stopped suddenly, and asked in doubt: "Overseer, where is our battleship? We need to re-apply for a transport ship. ?"

Ender thought about it for a while and replied, "No, it's assigned directly to the generals. Don't they always want more fighters, give them now."

"it is good!"

After the lieutenant left, Ender's smile disappeared completely.

This academy's approach to cut and play makes him very angry! The two sides are not a system at first, and there is basically little connection.

No, it should be said that there is no connection at all.

Even if the research institute develops any new weapon, it has nothing to do with him. After all, even if the new weapon is assigned, his superior will assign it to him.

This time I had contact with the Academy, which was quite good. Both the staff who showed them the way, and the supervisor Marty were very kind.

But now, his favor is completely destroyed.

He feels that the people in the institute are the type of smiling tiger with two sides and three swords. On the surface, he speaks politely, and once he does something, his nature is exposed!

As he walked towards his exclusive battleship, he began to think about how to trouble the people of the academy without delaying his mission.

His soldiers can let themselves fight and scold themselves!

But outsiders are definitely not allowed to give pointers!

In particular, the two sides are not yet a department, what qualifications do they have in front of him! ?

Anxious to teach them a meal, the big deal let the military talk to them!

Although this idea made Ender very excited.

However, he still held back ~ ~ he let the deputy tolerate for a while, and as a result he made such a move, it would be too disgraceful.


The staff of the academy is very fast. Without having to wait for Ander and Su An for a long time, they received the news that the fighter plane had been put away and they could set off.

After receiving the news, Ender and Su An showed different expressions.

Su An frowned, and he was haunting with anxiety and worry.

But soon he felt that something was wrong. Isn't his recent worries too much? Is it because of his aging?

He twisted his body and felt nothing wrong with his body.

Ender sneered and ordered: "Go!"

He already thought of a way, didn't the people in the institute want more and more detailed data? Then give them more detailed and deeper data!

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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