Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Hot pot

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"What the **** is hiding in there !?" Olfa's eyebrows curled together, a strange creature they had never encountered before.

Not even recorded in the Empire's database!

Compared with the metal creatures they came into contact with, this creature hiding in the fissure is more puzzling.

Those purple crystal clusters will actually be the food of the other party, and this creature attaches great importance to its own food, and normal methods cannot collect them at all!

If you want to get purple crystal clusters, you must first solve the problem of this creature.

But the question is how can he solve this problem?

Looking at Olfa in a daze, Bei Yi could only secretly sigh in his heart. He knew too much about Olfa's nature and was very stubborn.

I ca n’t even pull it when I pick it up.

He was worried that Olfa would follow these clusters.

In this way, he may stay with Olfa indefinitely and keep him in such a lonely place, which is simply a crime.

If he changed places, he might be quite willing.

After all, neural networks can connect to the empire, and he can spend boring time in neural networks.

But it was too far away from the empire, and he could only use the internal network for recreation, which easily made him feel boring.

"Orfa, I think you can go back and think about this problem slowly. We still have to wait for this creature to leave and try your new invention."

Bei Yi felt that it was necessary to persuade Olfa not to be too entangled in what was just now. Anyway, this kind of biological capture is impossible to capture, just observe it from a distance.

Besides, the study of such creatures can be done in the empire.

The empire is already being cultivated. He can observe as much as he wants. There is no need to come to such a remote place.

This place is worthless in Peyer's eyes!

A technologically backward crystal empire was still smashed by Su An, where he lingered.

Races like Jingling, if there is no order given from above, he will not waste energy to deal with them.

After all, all the information about this ethnic civilization was brought back by Su An, but the data empire didn't see two points at all, and it was not as good as the new species that Su An brought back.

In other words, in their eyes, the crystal empire has no value.

For things that have no value, they either leave them alone or simply wipe them out.

Fortunately, the Crystal Empire is just not the object of destruction.

It is not that they despise the resources occupied by the Crystal Empire, but that this silver disk galaxy is too far away from their empire. Occupying this empire's territory will not only be unable to obtain effective benefits, but it will also become a drag on the empire!

Too far, transportation costs alone are higher than the resources here.

If there are any very special resources here, they may be able to tolerate high transportation costs. Unfortunately, this little civilization has nothing to praise.

Therefore, after high-level discussions, this civilization was directly ignored by them, leaving a coordinate to prove that there is a civilization here.

If the crystal spirits knew that their proud empire had no value in Zerg's eyes, they didn't know what it would feel like.

In turn, although he didn't look down on the crystal spirit, Bei Yi noticed another problem.

In the details of Su An, he saw the former officer of Su An, Overseer Lee!

The Overseer was sacrificed in this star field, the cause of death was besieged by those creatures, and finally he died alive.

Although this method of death was a bit shameful, he felt something was wrong.

How could Lee, as the Warlord, break into the biome alone, in danger?

What about Deputy Admiral Su An, and what about other auxiliary generals?

Where were they then?

Bei Yi always thought that there was something tricky in it, but the high-level officials did not plan to check it, because Su An brought them very valuable creatures.

They have turned their attention to creatures, and Lee's death is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

There are too many examples of the Overseer dying outside. An Overseer ten thousand years ago, even if he did not die, would face various martyrdom after returning.

After all, for thousands of years, all the overlords who died with him during the same period were **** dead, even if they were not dead, they were dying.

As soon as his veteran Warlord appeared, how did these newly-inspected Warlords, high-ranking Warlords, and the Warchief see him?

In the past 10,000 years, the terms of the two chiefs have passed. Lee's existence can be said to be very awkward!

And Su An is different, he is just an aide.

They can be ignored in their eyes, even if they are thousands of years ago?

That's why the top management doesn't care how Lee died, and his death can save them a lot of trouble.

After all, among the old guys who didn't die, friends who might be beneficial may be. If these old guys ask for it, shouldn't this benefit go up one level?

It's okay to have more Overseers, but more Overseers can affect the interests of many people.

High-level people do not check, but Bei Yi is very interested in this matter.

He wondered how Lee died.

Of course, he wasn't thinking of revenge for Lee. He didn't know how many generations he had spread. When his family was active, his ancestors were not born!

The two have no relationship at all. The reason he wanted to know what was going on was because he really wanted to know what caused Li to enter the biome alone.

He was very curious, so when he returned from the original, he found the special warship data of Warlord Lee in the old chip replaced.

From the chip, he got the last coordinates of the warship Lee ’s ship.

It's not far from this place!

He wanted to see it, but looking at Olfa who was still in a daze, Pei felt a headache.

If he offered to go to the warship's warship, Ofar would never agree.

Rather than looking for that useless old warship, it is better to stay here and study this weird and magical life exclusion zone!

"Do I want to run over to observe it alone?" Bei Yi frowned.

He was a little hesitant. Was there any danger in the past?

Although he was curious about the reasons, but let him risk his life to explore, he totally disagreed.

He didn't twitch his head, and it wasn't like that.

"Orfa?" Bey couldn't choose for a while, and couldn't help but scream again.

His question Olfa hasn't answered yet.

"What?" She was called twice in a row, and Olfa awakened. He looked at Beyond in amazement, wondering.

Bei Yi suddenly felt a terrible headache ~ ~ He repeated the words just now: "I said, we still wait for this creature to leave, test your new invention, and then study this. We have to test Send the data results back. "

"Oh, you're right, just as you said. I'll go back and think about it. I'll wait for the large scanner in the spacecraft, and you can prepare it." Olfa dropped this In a word, he hurried away.

Beyond speechless, he felt that he couldn't keep up with Olfa's brain circuit.

After Olfa left, Bei Yi was relieved, then his expression suddenly became serious, and he ordered: "Prepare the scanner and clean up the tiny monitoring devices around. I don't want to be caught by the crystals. Keep watching. "

Bei Yi did not even guess and directly placed Cheng Yuan's surrounding monitors on Jingling.

In Pey's opinion, such a group of horrible creatures emerged around his country. If he was not monitored 24 hours a day, he would not feel at ease.

Not to mention a weaker civilization?

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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