Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Annoyed not to talk

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"Freeman, new news came from the technology center, and a dramatic energy fluctuation was detected at the ruins, just three hours ago!" A councillor hurried to Freeman's office and handed a report to Freeman Freeman.

Since the information network was deemed insecure, many important information files are now transferred to the most primitive way. Although this will be very troublesome, it will at least make them more secure in their hearts.

Upon hearing the ruins, Freeman's calm face changed slightly. He quickly put down the matter at hand and asked nervously, "What's going on?"

The actions of the Zerg are vividly remembered to this day. He remembers the Zerg now, and his heart can't help shaking.

The opponent is too powerful, so strong that he has no idea of ​​resistance!

Obviously, in the battle thousands of years ago, they still did not divide up and down, and the two sides suffered damage in the battle.

The ruined battlefield is a very good proof.

But why were these zergs expelled by them for thousands of years in the forbidden area of ​​life, but they could destroy them as soon as they came out!

Compared with thousands of years ago, the strength they showed is simply a gap between the two dimensions!

For thousands of years that expelled the Zerg, he thought he was now many times stronger than before, but they were even more powerful under the Zerg weapon, and they had no ability to resist!

The reason is terrifying!

Freeman even suspected that the battle thousands of years ago was simply playing with the Zerg!

The reason why they were able to expel the blockade was probably because of the other's carelessness.

Looking at Freeman, who suddenly changed his face, the MP also said nervously: "Not very clear, the staff of the Science and Technology Center said that there were several small energy fluctuations in the previous year, but those energy fluctuations were not this time. Strong, so it has not been reported. "

Upon hearing that, Freeman frowned deeply, and the horror of the Zerg made them give up the surveillance of the ruins directly.

Not only the ruins, but when the Zerg began to destroy the empire, it was a little bit of cannibalization from the ruins.

At that time, the other party was almost reaching their central star!

As a result, the other party suddenly stopped the destruction. Although this made them escape, but so far they dare not easily go to the places that have been destroyed by the Zerg.

At best, they also sent some mercenaries to explore in the past.

Because they did not dare to use the jump engine, the exploration process was very slow. So far, they have only maintained energy response monitoring on the ruins.

Until now, they had no idea what was going on there.

Are the Zerg still there? Did they suddenly stop attacking and fight against mechanical life?

He also knows the strength of mechanical life. Although the number of opponents seems small, almost every unit is elite.

Especially the horrible bee colony tactics, once approached enough to easily destroy a huge fleet!

Thinking of mechanical life, Freeman's eyes suddenly flashed, maybe the Zerg and the mechanical life were really fighting?

As soon as this idea emerged, the irresistible spread of madness quickly occupied Freeman's brain.

Although this speculation made him a little excited, if the Zerg and the mechanical life were fighting, their crystal spirits would be able to take advantage of the fishermen.

The point is which one of the mechanical life and the zerg is stronger.

If the difference between the two sides is the same as they and the Zerg, then it will be white.

But even if there was a 1 in 10,000 possibility, Freeman didn't want to give up. He calmed down and commanded: "So, transfer the Third Army to the direction of the ruins, and increase the intensity of exploration. There must be a sudden stop of the Zerg. Why, we must find out! "

Although he would like to say that the Zerg is most likely to fight with mechanical life, as the chief of the Senate, he cannot say some uncertain guesses.

He must be responsible for his own words and deeds!

Just like Clo, if he saw the emergence at that time, he would just stop talking.

This will not happen the next series of things.

With the first lesson, Freeman didn't want to come again. If his guess was wrong, it might be more cruel to greet them once they were discovered by the Zerg.

At the first hearing, this member of parliament suddenly became hesitant. He said swiftly: "The speaker, it may be difficult to increase the exploration."

"Why?" Freeman frowned, dissatisfied. "Is it not enough?"

"It's not that there aren't enough people. It's because the mercenaries are brave, but it's impossible to let them go straight to death!" The embarrassed member of Parliament.

Those mercenaries are very smart one by one. They know what tasks can be taken and what tasks can't be taken.

Like exploration missions, just exploring the periphery of the destruction area, these mercenaries are naturally very willing, because the periphery area is not dangerous. Although it is close to the destruction area, there is no risk.

Unlike inside the destruction area, because a large number of stars collapse into wormholes, causing a unique energy vortex to form in the entire area.

These vortices can easily **** the spacecraft and crush it.

In such a dangerous place, there is not enough powerful spacecraft, and it is simply to die if you go in.

Therefore, exploring mercenaries in the outer area will naturally not oppose it, but once the task involves the destruction of the area, no one will take it directly.

He has not released missions such as exploring the interior of the destruction area. Unfortunately, he has been on the information network for more than a year and no mercenaries have accepted it.

So when Freeman said that he would step up his exploration, the member of parliament suddenly complained.

If he doesn't make it clear now, Freeman will ask him in the future, but he will have to cook it directly.

Freeman groaned for a moment and said, "Since we don't want to go, we increase the commission, and there will always be people who want to go."

Mercenaries are not for money, as long as they are willing to pay a large price, there will always be no fear of death.

Members thought about it, then nodded: "Let's try it."

"Well." Freeman thought about it and said, "In addition to sending hires, send another team to bypass the destruction area and go to the ruins to see."

Although the detour takes a long time, it is better than doing nothing.

"I see." The parliament responded, and then came up with a document saying, "In the report that His Excellency Ogundim passed back from the front, many commanders of the border garrison have announced their participation in the Resistance."

Freeman's face became very ugly at the mention of it.

"What's going on with them, haven't we already said we're going to try Grius publicly? Don't they even want to wait for this time?"

When the member saw Freeman's face dark, he quickly explained: "It's not that they don't want to wait, but that they don't believe our trial. They think all this happens because of our pampering!"

"What !?" Freeman was furious, slaps his hands on the table, exasperated. "Don't believe our trial, don't we have any fairness in their eyes?"

The MP lowered his head, then carefully took out another document, saying: "This is a piece of information circulating on the Internet. It lists the different judgments of ordinary people and officials when they violate the law for nearly three thousand years ... "

Freeman suddenly turned black.

He yanked the data angrily and looked carefully.

I saw that there were many discriminatory judgments listed above. For example, an ordinary person took a thousand crystal coins that had been swiped because of a machine error, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

And a savings bank official embezzled tens of millions of coins, but only sentenced to two years, and the execution was postponed!

There are thousands of such cases alone. In addition, there are almost all cases involving suspected violations of law, and almost all are judged lightly.

The ordinary people are punished according to the so-called laws and regulations.

If these cases really don't show anything, but they are collected and compared by the people who are interested in it, this will become the object of condemnation.

Freeman had to look at it roughly, shaking with anger.

"Why, I don't know any of these things?" His angry voice echoed in the office, causing the member of the report to wince.

"Speaker, you usually need to deal with the whole empire. Small things like this will naturally not appear in front of your case. Even if someone wants to send it to you, it may be stopped by your assistant and thrown away."

With a careful look at the expressionless Freeman, the MP continued: "Moreover, this kind of thing is a big thing to change a family in the eyes of ordinary people, but in some people's eyes it is just a trivial matter ..."

Having said that, he couldn't go on. This is how different perspectives look at things. Many things that are very important in the eyes of ordinary people are a trivial matter to them.

Even if they do this, what can ordinary people do, howling doesn't change anything.

But now the emergence of the rebel army ~ ~ makes these trivial things in the eyes of big men, but ordinary people have found a source of support to rely on.

You people in the parliament don't care. Well, let's go to the rebels to handle it for us!

After these materials were published on the Internet, more people became dissatisfied with the Senate, and more ordinary people chose to support the Resistance.

More importantly, these materials also shake the minds of many border garrison commanders.

Absolute rule has created absolute decay. The rule of the Senate for tens of thousands of years has long been corrupt inside, and many commanders are wondering if it should be changed.

Freeman threw the data in his hands fiercely to the ground, and now he didn't want to talk anymore.

Watching Freeman slumped in his chair expressionlessly, the MP disappeared and gave a careful glance before turning quietly to leave.

At this time, let the Senate President be alone.

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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