Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: Quantum transmission

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Bei Yi watched the crystal warship that rushed over fiercely, and the whole man was stunned.

What are they doing?


Ten thousand kilometers can be said to be a very long distance on some planets.

However, in the universe, every space is thousands of kilometers of space-class battleships and spaceships. Ten thousand kilometers is a gap of several positions.

At this distance, the other party has not rushed towards them with deceleration. Isn't this suicide?

Bei Yi said to his deputy in amazement: "Do they think they can break through our energy barriers by impact?"

The lieutenant replied solemnly: "The weak are always self-righteous."

Bei Yi was very satisfied with this answer and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, ignorance can indeed give people courage."

Bei Yi grinned, without any action, watching the Jingling fleet crashing into him very calmly.

Only the main gun of the spacecraft continuously fires pulse guns to weaken the strength of the energy shield outside the opponent's ship.

Cheng Yuan's behaviors of Zerg's non-dodging and dodging are all seen.

The other party's approach did not make Cheng Yuan feel anything wrong.

Ignorant people are confident, powerful people are also confident.

Ignorant people are self-confident because they know nothing about power and think they can beat their opponents.

Strong people are confident because they see the weakness of their opponents, so they are not hurt by the weak.

However, in other respects, these crystal warships copied by Cheng Yuan may not be comparable to the Zerg warships. However, on the energy shield, he is confident that he can compare with the technology of the bug.


The golden energy shield first hit the blue energy barrier of the Zerg spaceship. The collision between the two energies lasted for less than one second, and the golden energy shield broke directly.

Cheng Yuan's warship then hit the energy barrier of the opponent's ship without any hindrance, setting off a circle of energy ripples.

"Oh, what a stupid way."

Bei Yi smiled sarcastically, watching the other ship's break, fragmentation and explosion on the energy barrier calmly.

As he calmly admired this majestic scene of destruction, the lieutenant whispered, "Overseer, the energy value of the barrier has been falling."

Bei Yi's smile on his face suddenly closed, and frowned, "What's going on, how much energy would such a collision consume?"

"It's not clear why, but it definitely has something to do with the other party," said the deputy, ashamed.

Bei Yi could not find the reason at first, and the expression on his face gradually became cold. He snorted and said, "What's going on with Olfa, did the research spaceship send it out?"

The deputy quickly responded: "Yes, it has been sent out."

"Come down, get out of the fight with a quantum jump, and gather in the direction of the third arm 30,000 kilometers. Prepare the quantum beam!" Bei Yi's good mood was completely destroyed.

Originally, I wanted to see how the other party felt that their opponents were intact after using this drastic method.

Unexpectedly, the other party was using an unknown method to quickly consume their energy barrier.

This made him realize that the unscrupulous collision of the other party was not a decision without a mind, but a premeditated plan!

Perhaps the interior of these crystal warships is empty and there are no creatures!

The thought of Beyi's face turned black.

The lieutenant glanced at the crystal warships that were hitting the energy barrier one after another, and he quickly executed the order.


A swarm of spacecraft, wrapped in a golden energy shield, crashed into a Zerg Vanguard ship at great speed.

However, just before the swarm of spacecraft was about to hit, a layer of white light suddenly flashed on the other side's spacecraft, and then the Zerg spaceship became transparent and disappeared in an instant.

The swarm spacecraft swept away.

"What technology is this?"

Cheng Yuan and Zero's eyes widened. They saw all the Zerg spaceships quickly disappear from the entity, and then disappeared in the twinkling of light.

By the time they returned to God, the other party had appeared 30,000 kilometers away as a whole.

Although this distance is not very far, that is, a few breathing times can pass, but the problem is that a pale beam of light came instantly after the other party appeared at the other end.

This pale beam is very different from the energy beams they have seen before.

Around the beam of light, you can clearly see the white unknown particles floating around the beam, and then the strong light bursts, illuminating the entire screen, and Cheng Yuan lost their sight in a short time.

After about a minute, the full screen of white gradually dissipated, and then Cheng Yuan and Zero only saw that there was nothing in the screen.

All their battleships are gone!

"This is ..." Cheng Yuan didn't know what to say for a while, just a spaceship, and it was so easy to destroy a fleet.

This is already an absolute crush on technology.

As Cheng Yuan thought about the technical gap between the two sides, Zero suddenly called out: "Cheng Yuan, the situation is weird!"

"What's wrong? It's just that a fleet has been destroyed. What's weird?" Cheng Yuan is unknown. So, in his opinion, isn't it normal for the Zerg to have the ability to destroy their fleet?

Anyway, this is just a tentative test, and it is good to succeed. If you fail, you can accumulate experience.

Zero said with an unbelievable expression: "But I have just received the quantum signal of the fleet here! Although it disappeared soon, I am sure that the signal just now is not a machine failure or a signal delay!"

In order to increase the credibility of his words, he raised his hand and opened a holographic image in front of Cheng Yuan. "This is the last image sent by the fleet, you see."

The image is dark, and there are some gray-white cloud-like substances floating around. There is no regular pattern in the arrangement of these substances.

Such an image Cheng Yuan could not see any clue.

"What do you think is going on?" Cheng Yuan turned to unknown and turned to zero.

Zero also didn't understand the reason, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, I think we can investigate the specific situation there first ~ ~ It is difficult to draw any conclusion from long-distance observation."

Cheng Yuan nodded in agreement.

The two men moved quickly, and a new warship was immediately dispatched to the area where they had just fought.

When they were preparing to study the specific situation, Bei looked at Olfa, who was standing beside him, with a headache.

"Olfa, the fissures are very large, and we can completely change places." Bei Yi was speechless. He was also worried that the excess beams would affect the spatial fissures.

But looking back, the range of cracks is so wide, as long as you control the intensity of the quantum beam yourself, the problem can be easily solved.

Olfa said angrily: "Of course I understand this, but the problem is that if we move to another place, we have to re-observe the behavior of the monster hidden in the rift. This will delay us a lot of time."

"It just doesn't matter at all." Bei Yi waved his hand indifferently. Some things like time are what they have.

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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