Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1060: Benefits (Happy New Year)!

"What do you want to do?" The supervisor looked at Mu Tie warily.

To him, mechanical life is what they rely on to survive in the future. Without mechanical life, what do they eat and drink?

Even if they know that the purpose of mechanical life is to let them continue to mine the planet's resources, what is different from their previous work?

He had no objections, neither his men nor even the miners.

Because the mechanical life did not oppress them, they exchanged them with equivalent materials. This was like a life-saving straw to them who had no material support.

On the other hand, they must be driving away or even destroying mechanical life.

Once Mutie successfully drives away or even destroys each other, what will their future become?

Starving to death on this planet?

He didn't believe that if the channel was cut off, the Senate or the consortium behind him would spend a lot of money to send them living goods.

If they were willing to do so, they should have come! Not the one in front of me!

As for escape, the supervisor never thought about it.

Because there is no long-distance spacecraft on the planet, and the huge turbulent area formed by the Zerg destruction in the rear, there is no way to leave.

He didn't want the spacecraft to travel halfway, and then parked somewhere directly because of insufficient energy. That was even more terrible!

Facing the vigilant supervisor, Mu Tie frowned slightly.

His task is to expel or destroy mechanical life, but the supervisor in front of him is obviously unwilling to cooperate, and he cannot persecute the other party.

Because once he takes tough measures, it is likely to provoke opposition.

This was not the result he wanted.

"You also know that mechanical life is plundering our country. They currently seem to be trading with you, but they have also been plundering other planets. You don't worry that you will be the object of their plunder in the future?"

Mu Tie was not very good at words, and he started to persuade the other party awkwardly.

The supervisor smiled slightly, and Mu Tie's words were childish in his eyes like a child.

"It's not bothering you. Maybe when the day comes, my staff and I will cheer for it. At least we can continue to work and continue living, instead of waiting to die on this useless planet!"

Mu Tie suddenly had nothing to say. He opened his mouth and closed his mouth honestly to greet his entourage to return to the spacecraft.

To him it was a failed persuasion.

However, the lieutenant accompanying him was helpless. His chief had extraordinary military talents. He was calm and bold, but not very good at communicating.

In his opinion, handling such things is still very simple.

The most direct way is to threaten, anyway, this planet does not have much defensive power, and it is a vanity in front of their warships.

A little euphemistic approach quietly waited for their trading time, and then suddenly attacked.

As long as a transaction between the two parties is destroyed, there is a great possibility that the mechanical life will be considered a conspiracy, as long as the transaction between the two parties is broken.

Then the next thing is naturally easy to handle. Even if the supervisor does not cooperate, he has to cope with it.

The most violent method is to directly capture the planet and seize control.

Of course, those thoughts flashed in his mind, and he didn't say them.

After all, Mu Tie is very upright, and he may not be able to do these things.

If it is placed on a foreigner, Mu Tie may have no worries, but if it is placed on a compatriot, the deputy will definitely not be able to do it.

"What shall we do?" The lieutenant asked after returning to the battleship.

"Go to the red numbered planet. Didn't the supervisor just say that the predatory area is on those planets." Mu Tie's colleagues glanced at Mu Tie's deputy and yelped.

If Mutie didn't say anything, he just wanted to kill the other party directly based on what the supervisor just said.

This is already treason!

However, Mu Tie did not say that he did not do anything.

After all, this operation was still dominated by wood and iron.

Mu Tie thought about it and said, "Just do it."

Since there is no useful news on these planets, he can only pass by himself based on the information given by the Senate.


After Mutie left, the director of the planet quickly opened the connector.

When connected, he said respectfully, "Is this Mr. Alpha?"


At the other end of the connector, a unique electronic friction sound of mechanical life sounded.

"Is such that……"

The director of the planet quickly and concisely reiterated what had just happened, and then looked at the other side nervously.

However, there was no special expression on the metal face of Mechanical Life, and his narrow eyes narrowed for a moment, then he said, "Very good Director Luo Meng. We also received similar reports from other supervisors. We will pay attention to this matter. "

Luo Men froze, but he still wanted to invite credit, but he did not expect other people to report.

Depressed for a while, he still accompanied the smiling face to hang up the communication.

But Alpha said: "Although your news is behind, I am very satisfied with your performance. Next time we will add three layers of living supplies and reward you with some special products unique to our empire."

Upon hearing that, a smile bloomed on Romon's face, and he quickly thanked him, "Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Alpha."

Wasn't Luo Mon reporting the situation just for his own benefit?

Now that he has achieved his goal, he is naturally happy.

The information he reported was quickly passed to the zero data center, Titan Fortress, zero looking at the three-dimensional star map in front of him, and making a mark on a green resource planet.

The three-dimensional star map exactly showed their plundered area, and the marked place was very close to the place where their fleet was deployed.

"They're close, get the fleet ready, and the test is officially starting!"

The door of the control room opened and Cheng Yuan hurried in ~ ~ The look was slightly excited, "How long will it take for the two sides to meet?"

"In three or four days, it depends on their search speed. If you want to advance, we can take the initiative to attack." Looking at the star map intently, answered.

"Then take the initiative and let me see the power of the new battleship." Cheng Yuan was anxious.

Because just now, he received news from Mars, something changed on Earth.

This made Cheng Yuan feel very speechless. It was only a few years after this intellectual crisis that some people began to feel restless.

Cheng Yuan certainly does not think that those people will forget the intellectual crisis, but after this crisis, the uneven distribution of benefits will always bring contradictions.

In this regard, Cheng Yuan has no way.

Because he knows very well that this is the nature of human beings, and human history has driven the next step in today's interests.

Even if he himself is inevitably driven by the interests, if it is not interests, how can he achieve today?

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