Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: New interstellar method

Earth, federal conference.

Leaders of all sizes, large and small, are concentrated here to discuss.

With the passing of the intellectual crisis, countries are rapidly recovering.

With the support of high technology, not only did they repair the broken city for a few years, but even the new city built a high-tech city with Anhe as a template.

These new high-tech cities have brought about more benign development.

Although the population is currently small, resources are also more concentrated.

After a period of peaceful development, the restless people naturally began to jump out.

"Everyone, whether it is Earth or Mars, is the common property of our human beings. We cannot give a planet to a single person or a certain force. This is unfair to all humanity!"

An old man with gray hair staggered and ruddy stood up and said rightly.

Although the words of the old man made many leaders sneer, whether ancient or modern, there has never been any fairness. If there is fairness, there will be no class.

However, fairness always starts from its own perspective. Fairness that is good for itself is called fairness. Fairness that is not good for itself is unfair.

Everyone present wanted to take a drink on Mars, so after this old man finished talking, many people looked at the Huaxia representative with a calm face.

"Mr. Li, what's your opinion on this?"

Currently, only Huaxia is involved in the development of resources on Mars. No country except Huaxia can get involved in Mars.

Even if many of their citizens settled on Mars, their settlement did not bring them any benefits.

Although they also hope that the residents settled on Mars will be able to perform some actions there, so far, their expectations have not been met.

Facing the complicated eyes of the people, the representative of Huaxia said calmly: "On the question of Mars, we maintain the original point of view, the technology crystal company has a legal basis for ownership of Mars."

The representative of Huaxia had a calm face so that he could not see his true thoughts.

Even if some people know that China is also concerned about Mars, the problem is that China now has a certain interest in Mars, and they can be said to be the least anxious among the people.

After all, no matter their success or failure this time, they will not lose much in China.

Huaxia did not say that although representatives from various countries were disappointed, they were also expected.

After all, Huaxia executives are not stupid, how could it be possible to take risks directly for the sake of unrealistic benefits.

However, China's refusal to express its position does not mean that there is no reason for others.

A representative from Europe stood up and said, "The other party's enforcement of interstellar regulations is very vague. Has this law been truly recognized internationally? There is no clear statement so far."

He looked around many representatives and said loudly, "Dear everyone, the law will be continuously revised and improved, and the basis for the amendment of laws is slowly changed according to the needs of society. We need to make careful planning changes in the perfect place! "

The representative's words immediately attracted the approval of representatives from various countries, and also excited the reporters present.

This meeting is not a confidential meeting. After all, a technology crystallization company is not an ordinary company. To deal with it, it must gather the strength of the people.

After all, the state machine may not be anything in the eyes of the other party, but they have fought against Wanxing people. Even if they think with their toes, they understand that they have absolutely no advantage in force.

So what they can do is to rely on the power of public opinion to put pressure on the other party. As for whether this method can work.

To be honest, they don't have any music in their hearts.

But there are things that they have to come up with, whether they succeed or not, they have to give an attitude.

Otherwise, they will have no reason to fight for a benefit from Mars.

So they invited a lot of media reporters to this meeting, and at the same time this meeting was also a live conference, whether it is Earth or Mars, you can directly watch this huge conference.

On Mars, Cheng Yuan and Zheng Jia are also watching this conference related to themselves.

Regarding the point raised by this European representative, Cheng Yuan's heart was disdainful, and he even wanted to laugh.

Taking back Mars ownership is not something you can do.

But he can't let it go. Although he is not afraid of public opinion, he also has to give the people a reasonable explanation.

After all, although he was not afraid of gossip, he didn't want to let him do nothing to go directly to the opposite of the people. He also had to consider for his children and future generations.

Because he is him, his children are his children.

They will definitely have different ideas, if a cowardly one comes out of his children or grandchildren, or if his mind is naive.

He just surrendered the ownership of Mars, and he really had no choice.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan needs some means of counterattack.

But before that he has to see what these people will say.

European representatives proposed to amend the interstellar law, and the rest of the representatives would naturally not oppose it, but how to change it, how to change it to the satisfaction of the people, and not allow the technology crystal company to rebound, this is what they must consider.

Because the technology crystal company is powerful and intimidating, this company is different from the original Microsoft and Google, this is a comprehensive company.

The armed force has broken through the sky. Even if they force a change of law and the other party does not agree, you can still punish others for failing?

Don't wait for someone to send a fleet down and directly destroy your entire country! At that time, you have no place to call injustice, do you really think that other countries will fight against each other for a perished country?

So their worries are very many.

The so-called tiger mouth extraction is what they have to do now.

Next, instead of directing the topic to Mars, they started to discuss the simple interstellar law one by one, and these newly released laws and regulations could not be set directly. They need to hire a large number of professional lawyers and related professionals to these new laws. The laws that come out are interpreted and judged one by one. UC Reading

Laws cannot be vague and have double definitions.

This conference lasted for a whole month and was not over yet. Cheng Yuan did not continue watching after the first day.

Because the entire conference directly led the content of the meeting to the project of the new interstellar method, although he knew very well that the newly released interstellar method would definitely be targeted at him.

But he couldn't stop it, and even he would support the new interstellar law to a certain extent!

This is more disgusting, knowing that the law is prepared for myself, but to accept it with a smile, it is like eating what.

But people are so complicated!

And interstellar law must be perfected as soon as possible, and there are perfect laws and regulations, then when humans formally enter the interstellar era, greater chaos will not occur easily!

After all, there is an alien civilization outside!

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