Gate of Technology

Chapter 237: Small action

Cheng Yuan shook his head and did not take the angel fund to his heart.

Seeing that Cheng Yuan no longer talks about this matter, Guo Xiaolian asked at this time: "So what are we going to do today, should we stay in the capital?"

Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment and said, "Just another two or three days, we will go back when the airship is done."

"Okay, but listening to Yang Wei, it seems like I can't finish the scenic spots in the capital for two or three days." Guo Xiaolian frowned slightly.

"Why, do you want to walk through all the scenic spots in the capital?" Cheng Yuan laughed. "Actually, there are not many scenic spots in the capital, but the traffic and opening hours make the entire tour time infinitely longer."

Guo Xiaolian naturally knew about this issue. She gave Cheng Yuan a glance and hummed, "I already knew about this. I was thinking about where to go. I heard that Wangfujing was pretty good. Right, still With Quanjude's signature roast duck, why can't we go to Beijing for a meal? "

Cheng Yuan listened and looked at Guo Xiaolian strangely, saying, "This Quanjude roast duck is very famous, but Wangfujing seems to be a commercial street, isn't it related to sightseeing?"

In fact, Cheng Yuan wants to say, "None of these two have anything to do with tourism?"

But when it came to his mouth, he swallowed again. It is not the key to travel to the capital to visit the scenic area. I am not sorry to experience these famous places in the capital. I am really sorry that these people have come to the capital.

Guo Xiaolian wrinkled her nose and said, "Are you really ready to come empty-handed and return empty-handed? Let's take a trip to the capital. How can we take it home and buy it for our parents and Xinxin? But I have to go home everyday. "

"Uh." Cheng Yuan gaped, he never thought about doing these things.

In his idea, coming to the capital is to finish things, and then go back quickly. After all, although the design and manufacture of the airship is given to the people of the airship research center, Cheng Yuan needs to solve the problem of equipment deployment and improvement later.

The most important thing is that he was thinking about turning his thoughts into physical objects, and his mind was on the finished technology. He hadn't even considered these things as 'trivial' to him.

But people live in this society, there are some things you have to think about.

As Master Gu Long said, "People are in the rivers and lakes, they cannot help themselves."

At first Cheng Yuan just wanted to make a lot of money with the technology in his mind, and then let the family live a good life. Living in a big villa by myself, driving a luxury sports car, and occasionally going to see beautiful girls, life is so beautiful. Unfortunately, when he came up with the technology in his mind. He found that his original pursuit was so far out of reach.

In addition to changes in their own thinking, this is more driven by external forces.

After the holographic projection technology came out, although Cheng Yuan obtained the first start-up funding and received some affirmations from above, it also made him feel intimidated. Although Professor Yan Zhongchen has been protecting him, it has also made him Very embarrassing. After all, Professor Yan Zhongchen's prestige is high, and his power in his hands will never be the same as those of big men.

And the start-up funds could not meet Cheng Yuan's needs, so Dabai came out.

But Dabai appeared. Just like a twelve-level super earthquake, he immediately stood on the cusp of the wind, which forced him to continue to work for the safety of his life. For this reason, he constantly showed his talents as shown above.

The purpose is to let the people above him value him and know him.

And following a series of actions, Cheng Yuan went deeper and deeper, until now.

Regarding the development of things, Cheng Yuan didn't feel any oppression, he just knew deeply. The country's desire for science and technology, the pursuit of breaking through the Western technology blockade, and his own pursuit of more advanced technology.

Yes, since the technology crystallized. Cheng Yuan's brain has also been ‘evolved’ a few times. These evolutions have not only made him more intelligent and a veritable genius, but have also made him more obsessed with science.

It is said that the more you know, the more you feel small.

If the frog at the bottom does not jump out of this well. It will always only know its own little world, but once it jumps out, it will find out how big and complicated the world is.

Now Cheng Yuan is like this. After gaining scientific and technological knowledge far ahead of the world, he realized that his pursuit is more and more advanced technology in the crystallization of science and technology.

Seeing Cheng Yuan had nothing to say, Guo Xiaolian knew that he had never even considered it!

Cheng Yuan scratched his head awkwardly and said, "After that, we will go to Wangfujing and buy something for our parents."

Looking at Cheng Yuan's embarrassment, the crowd sitting at the table did not have many accidents. No one was perfect, and they had been in contact with Cheng Yuan for a long time. They also found that Cheng Yuan had little pity for common sense in life. Many things that even ordinary high school students know, he just doesn't know.

But it was Cheng Yuan's performance that made them feel normal.

Genius, there are always places that are not as good as ordinary people.

Suddenly, the tension eye Yu Guang, who had been sitting at the table next to him, saw a slightly familiar figure. He frowned slightly, got up and walked to Cheng Yuan, bent down and whispered, "Boss, the angel fund man came over. . "

Cheng Yuan froze for a moment, then followed the tension of his eyes, and saw a young man with pale skin and slightly swollen bags under his eyes, walking towards them with a proud smile.

"You are Cheng Yuan?" Song Zhi glanced lightly at the people on the table, looking at Fang Jing's face for a moment, then looked at Cheng Yuan. Although questionable, there is determination in his tone.

As for Guo Xiaolian, when he saw the other person's wheat-colored skin, he immediately glanced away. It is undeniable that the woman's body was really hot, but the wheat-colored skin was not the type he liked, so Song Zhi did not have much. Look.

Looking at Song Zhi who was looking at him with impunity as soon as he came over, Cheng Yuan's face sank slightly, ignoring him, and he said to Zhang Li: "I don't like to be disturbed when I eat."

In Cheng Yuan's words, not only did Zhang Ling understand, Song Zhi also understood that the smile on his face suddenly converged, staring at Cheng Yuan calmly, and chanting: "Don't think you are so arrogant if you make a few dollars, I want to make Death is as easy as pinching an ant! "

After speaking, without waiting for Cheng Yuan to speak, he said, "Do you think I dare not touch you if someone is behind you?"

"Did you finish?" Cheng Yuan put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Song Zhi for a long time, and the miserable look was like watching a clown.

Indeed, Cheng Yuan regarded Song Zhi as a clown.

No matter who it is, when you are eating, you suddenly encounter a stranger running to you and telling you, "Lao Tzu will kill you!", The first reaction of ordinary people is that this person has a problem?

In Cheng Yuan's eyes, this Song Zhi is such a person.

"Tension, throw this neurosis a bit further. I heard that it is not illegal to kill a neurosis now. I don't want to be hurt by the neurosis. By then, those journalists will have headlines." Cheng Yuan waved his hand, like catching a fly, right Tension commanded.

"You!" When Cheng Yuan heard himself as a neuropathy, Song Zhi's heart burst into anger. Although Song Zhi was not a big man, who wouldn't give him a face in the capital?

However, at this time Zhang Li did not continue to give Song Zhi a chance to speak. Cheng Yuan's performance was obviously a little impatient. He continued to let Song Zhi stay here, and who knew what would happen.

He grabbed Song Zhi's collar and pulled it easily. Song Zhi was taken straight down, and in the eyes of everyone, he was thrown out of the restaurant like a trash.

Almost everyone in the real restaurant sees what happened here.

When Song Zhi appeared, they went directly to Cheng Yuan and started talking wildly, and they focused their attention here.

After all, it's hilarious, as long as individuals are going to watch.

More importantly, neither side of the conflict appeared to be ordinary people.

Leaving nothing else, Guang Chengyuan with two beautiful women and two bodyguards can make some people have some conjecture.

At this time, the person who was thrown out should call someone to find the fault, and then the young man who seems to be understatement will make a phone call and make the face of the person who was thrown out 'slap' . Of course, this is a normal script.

But those who followed in the distance were disappointed this time. After Song Zhi was thrown out, he just glanced at Cheng Yuan fiercely, then sorted out his clothes that were disturbed by tension, and strode away.

In the middle, he didn't even say a word!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. This is where the funny ratio comes out, it doesn't follow the script at all! When he was thrown out like this, he didn't let go of any fart, so he dared to come and scream. Is there a problem with this young man's brain?

In fact, Cheng Yuan was also very surprised. I didn't expect that this arrogant Song Zhi could be amusing. Did he have an itchy face and specially made him fan a few times?

Cheng Yuan, who can't figure it out, can only shake his head. He really doesn't care about such people.

"Here is something wrong with your head?"

After Song Zhi left, Guo Xiaolian couldn't help asking.

"Who knows? ~ Cheng Yuan shrugged and didn't care.

Subsequently, several people stopped paying attention to Song Zhi and continued to eat.

At the same time, in the corner of the restaurant, a young man carefully held the camera in his hand and looked excitedly at the scene that just happened. Looking at Cheng Yuan who continued to eat, he quickly put away the camera, then got up and left. restaurant.


Outside the hotel, Song Zhi, who had been thrown out by tension, had now recovered his normal image. He stood at the door with a look of ease, and lit a cigarette.

"Boss, the pictures were taken."

The photographed young man came out quickly and came to Song Zhi's side, and passed the camera respectfully.

Song Zhi took the camera, opened it and looked at the photos, and then he was satisfied: "Nice, the technology is very good, I took the things, this is your reward."

Song Zhi took out a check from his pocket and handed it to the youth, and then Shi Shiran took the camera and left. (To be continued.)

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