Jiang Long can rely on his own efforts to grow the company, and his own talent cannot be underestimated. …. … He knew very well what Song Zhi was doing.

If it wasn't a technology crystallization company that got his son Jiang Wu into it at this time, he might have agreed to Song Zhi's request and unite to get rid of each other, but reality is reality, which is often far from fantasy. He has a deep understanding of the capabilities of the technology crystallization company.

That night, a group of heavily armed soldiers broke into the villa of his house with a gun, and then Jiang Jiang was taken out of the room in an upright manner and taken away!

And they were pointed at by such a group of fierce soldiers with guns and couldn't even say a word.

Later, he naturally responded to some of his ‘friends’ who were better, but the other side was so secretive that he was reluctant to mention the matter at all and had no intention to investigate.

From that moment, he knew that the people behind the technology crystallization company were too big to dare to imagine.

Even Song Zhi, who was just invited out by him, cannot mobilize such a lineup to deal with someone.

Therefore, in addition to Song Zhi's self-righteous thoughts, Jiang Long had nothing but ill-treatment.

He was very much like to see what kind of expression would appear on the face of this arrogant Song Zhi who hit the alloy crystal wall of the technology crystal company.

But before that, he decided to keep an eye on the movement of the matter.

Picking up the phone, he informed a media newspaper that this newspaper can only be regarded as a third-rate gossip entertainment tabloid in Anhe City, which was wholly-owned by their Longzheng Group.

At the same time that Jiang Long decided to watch a good show, Song Zhi was standing under the Longzheng Group at this time, sinking into his car sinking in the water, Jiang Long's rejection was the most incomprehensible to him. Personnel, make some small moves to Cheng Yuan's cooperative factories in Anhe, and then he will help Jiang Long release his son from prison. Isn't he so impressed by such a simple matter?

Or. Does this Jiang Long hate Cheng Yuan?

In any case, the contact with Jiang Long had completely disrupted his original plan, and Song Zhi was upset at this time.

"Boss. Where is it going?"

Seeing Song Zhi getting on the bus, he calmed his face, and the driver asked carefully, he didn't know the temper of the other employer. So he must be cautious in doing things, lest he be fired before the other day.

Song Zhi glanced at the driver and said casually, "Go back to the hotel."

The driver froze, then started the car without a word, and headed for the only 4-star hotel in Anhe City. As for the 5-star hotel, the driver had never heard of it, as if it was because the city level was not enough and Can't attract many people to invest.

After Song Zhi returned to the hotel, he sat in the room and began to think. Your next plan.

He is very enthusiastic about the cake of crystallization of technology. After all, the money this company makes is not RMB but US dollars! That green bill! Who doesn't stare at such a profitable company?

He believes that, besides himself, many people are staring at the company.

It's just that those people don't have much strength, and they can only say that they want to dig a piece of cake from the mouth of the technology crystallization company.

Song Zhi knows that there are only two or three people in Huaxia who have this ability.

And he Song Zhi is one of them!

Song Zhi is very proud. His proud capital came from his family background. His family has been in politics for three generations. Since the founding of China, their family has been hovering at the top of China. Later, the family history began to fall apart. Some people started to join the army and some people started to trade. Their family also grew larger and larger.

Although they have not been able to get to those nine positions, in the eyes of ordinary people, their home is definitely a behemoth. Belongs to the existence of a person can be crushed with a finger!

Had it not been for the entire martial law of Huaxia, he would have directly invaded the technology crystallization company with an unnecessary charge, and he would not have to use his brain-thinking plan at all.

"Forget it, there is only Jiang Long. Even without him, I can't find anyone to do anything?" After thinking about it, Song Zhi had a decision, although without Jiang Long, it would make the matter a little more complicated. But his plan cannot be changed.

And he has already discussed with the Youth Daily. The Fu Xiaoming said very directly that he can help publish these photos, but there can be no delay in time. Once the time has passed, he will stop this action, and he only Those photos will be posted on the entertainment section of the Youth Daily.

That is, the front page Song Zhi wants is impossible!

Although Song Zhi is dissatisfied with this, there is nothing he can do. After all, the influence of the Youth Daily is not comparable to those of the small newspapers. Even the latter section of the entertainment section is much stronger than the general media.

Besides, money can make ghosts grind, isn't that Fu Xiaoming an example?

He paid two million yuan himself, did Fu Xiaoming agree to his request?

It is not easy to find a few people who work for himself in Anhe City. Huaxia has not much, so many people. As long as you have money, you can find someone to do it for you.

Although the efficiency of these people may not be as reliable as those arranged by Jiang Long, the land snake, they can at least complete some of the plans for themselves.

Thinking of this, Song Zhi couldn't wait.

He first called the driver he hired, "Gong Hu, I heard you are a local Anhe?"

"Yes, Mr. Song." Gong Hu, the driver, wondered what Song Zhi was doing on his own.

"Do you know some idle people who want to be younger?" Song Zhi bluntly stated his purpose.

"Stupid?" Gong Hu froze and shook his head. "I don't know."

He has always been an honest person, and has nothing to do with those so-called foolishness. As for Song Zhi's inquiry, he answered very simply.

Song Zhi was dumbfounded again.

He would like to ask, you have been mixing in Anhe City for so many years, and you do n’t even know this. How did you live here?

But looking at Gong Hu's honest behavior, he immediately returned to his stomach with his problems.

He waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, then you leave first. I'll look for you if something happens."

"Okay, boss, please call me if you have something." Gong Hu answered honestly and then left the room.

After Gong Hu left. Song Zhi could not hold back a cup that was placed on the table. The cup fell on the wall, making a 嘭 嘭 noise, and then the whole cup broke apart.

"Fuck! I still don't believe it. Can't you be a small technology company?" Song Zhi said fiercely without looking at the broken cup.


At this time, Cheng Yuan was discussing with Zero how to make this smart phone software.

The goodness of an intelligent software is not to say how fancy the picture of this software is, although the gorgeous patterns can indeed attract the attention of some people with strong aesthetic ideas. But the main thing about intelligent software is its function.

"Simple, fast, and most importantly smart!"

In today's life, everyone is in a hurry. Most people don't look at the complexity of a piece of software. No matter how good a program is, its coverage is as wide as possible. Once its operation is very tedious, many people will give up this software.

After all, tedious operations are now many people willing to do.

Because, nowadays, mobile networks have become more and more developed, and mobile phones have more and more functions. With it, the garbage inside the mobile phone has become more and more than one time, coupled with some stubborn junk software, and the app that comes with the mobile phone system, these are occupying the phone's own memory.

"First, it needs to be comprehensive."

In the laboratory, Cheng Yuan was sitting in front of a black table. In front of him was a virtual mobile phone system, and his finger lightly clicked on the system.

"Sir, although the functions can be comprehensive, we must grasp the protection of the software to the user. You must be aware that our company has always been on the cusp and we must design a perfect intelligent software."

As soon as Cheng Yuan started his hand, he started to remind him at zero.

"Perfect? ​​What do you say is perfect?" Cheng Yuan fingered slightly. Wondered.

"At least it won't be held by someone because of leaks and other factors."

"Okay." Cheng Yuan nodded, agreed, and then continued: "Protect, then remove the call answering program and change it to a reminder for incoming calls? There are also voice conversions for text messages. After all, there are many chat tools and users They are also used to using chat tools instead of text messages. "

"This design is quite reasonable." Zero echoed a side.

Cheng Yuan smiled, stretched out his hand on the virtual window, and commanded: "Zero, to list all functions, we want to make a unified classification, and then delete some designs that look good but cannot be used. "

"For example?" Zero asked.

"For example, the app protects the monitoring settings. Although we do not intend to use this design to peek into the other party's mobile phone, but we think so, some people don't think so." Cheng Yuan thought and answered zero doubts.

"But this way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ our smart program will protect the phone much less."

Cheng Yuan shrugged and said helplessly: "This is a popular trend. After all, everyone's mind is different. We can never impose our ideas on others, right?"

After hearing Cheng Yuan's explanation, he was silent for a moment and then said, "Is this the human mind? It is really complicated, full of distrust and doubt."

"No way, if everyone is so naive, humans will not come to this step. Well, we are not here to discuss human nature. Since we cannot protect individual apps, we will design an overall The protection program, like a protective shell, intercepts some useless spam information, and adds a small summary reminder function ... "

Every time Cheng Yuan muttered, the picture on the virtual screen in front of him would change once. According to what Cheng Yuan said, it would be modified instantly.

If such a scene is seen by researchers in those scientific research institutes, it will definitely be jealous and mad. Who doesn't want to have such an extraordinary artificial intelligence to give them the greatest help in their research and development? (To be continued.)

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