For Qu Guran, everything the Minister of Justice said was too exaggerated. He didn't believe it at all. The only thing he believed was that this technology crystallization company offended the other party in some way.

Gu Quran wanted to come. The Minister of Penalty was not good at it, and he didn't get any chance to do it, so he wanted to use his own means to rectify the other party. After all, although they are state-owned enterprises, they are also mixed in shopping malls.

It is naturally convenient for them to get started.

However, Qu Guran didn't take the matter too seriously. He instructed his secretary to send someone to investigate the technology crystallization company, and he didn't manage it anymore.

Regardless of the actions of the Minister of Criminal Affairs or Qu Guran's actions, Cheng Yuan did not know. At this time, he had turned his attention from the recovery liquid to the airship. Just now, the capital airship R & D center called and he asked The airship has been manufactured and is currently shipping to Anhe.

In fact, Cheng Yuan was very surprised when he heard from the other side that the airship was delivered. It should be clear that the airship is 20 meters in length and 8 meters in height. It is different from a transport aircraft. If the aircraft is transported, the wings and the aircraft can be transported. The body was taken apart and transported separately.

But airships can't.

Because only one airbag occupies 80% of the area, this thing cannot be split. After all, the main frame is placed there. If it is transported by vehicle, it will be difficult. Such a big thing can't be dismantled. I don't know how much impact it will have if I hit the road.

So the people in the airship R & D center are going to send someone to fly Cheng airship directly from the air!

Although the speed of an airship is not as fast as that of an airplane, it is much faster than ships and vehicles. If you fly all the way from the capital to Anhe City, it only takes five hours to reach it. Provinces.

The idea of ​​not going far is the opposite of the other.

The airship that he thought he could reach in about five hours actually took nearly ten hours in the other person's mouth!

This directly doubles the time!

"Professor Cui, why does it take so long, you can arrive at the speed of the airship for up to five hours?" Cheng Yuan frowned slightly. He waited for the airship for a long time. After all, this airship is related to the company's new energy. It's also related to another thing, he can't be careless.

Cui Tao seemed to be dissatisfied when hearing Cheng Yuan, and quickly opened up to explain: "Mr. Cheng, this is the case. The airship wants to fly from us all the way to your city of Anhe. Every time we pass through a province in the middle, we need to carry out in that province. A record, but also let the other party open a flying airspace for us, you also know that airships are different from aircrafts. Even if we find the General Administration of Civil Aviation, it is not useful, after all, the General Administration of Civil Aviation does not control this one. Airships are an emerging national defense In the field, I must go through the military path. After all, an UFO passes through its airspace and is likely to be directly hit. "

It was the first time Cheng Yuan heard that even flying would have so many restrictions. He reluctantly said, "Can you only do this?"

Cui Tao smiled bitterly, and then pointed out: "From my point of view, this is indeed the case. But if you have the conditions, you can talk to someone directly."

Cui Tao's meaning is obvious. I do n’t have such a way here. I can only save one province and one province. Then I will fly the airship. If you have a way, you can solve the problem of flying by yourself. Cui Tao pushed this issue to Cheng Yuan not only because he had no way here, but to see how wide Cheng Yuan's way was.

After all, he was waiting to collect the money.

However, the amount of this money can not be arbitrarily collected, but also depends on how far Cheng Cheng is capable. If Cheng Yuan resorts to the sky, he will charge an appropriate price. If the background is not good, he will collect more, so he should give his R & D center more extra money.

As for the reason why Cui Tao did this, it wasn't actually that he was greedy. It is because the funding of the R & D center is too tight. Not to mention the funds invested in R & D, the salary of each internal staff is poor. Of course, this less means compared with peers.

After all, people walking to higher places are also research institutes, other materials research institutes, or high-tech research institutes, but every staff member's pockets are fat, but they still live a tight life. Who's in this and who's comfortable?

Although the future of airships is very bright, the speed of flight is lower than that of airplanes, but it is much higher than that of ordinary vehicles and ships. It can take off and land anywhere and hover in the air. It has the unique advantages of other vehicles. In addition, it has a large payload, long battery life, stable flight, low development costs, and flexible deployment. It also has incomparable advantages in other transportation means in terms of personnel and cargo transportation.

Once developed, it is definitely a strategic product for China's future key development.

So it has a bright future, but this bright premise is also in the case of a major breakthrough in the airship.

According to the current progress, they will have to die for more than a dozen or even decades. By then, Cui Tao may be in the coffin! It didn't matter that he did airboat research all his life and didn't care about those, but the young people in them were different.

Now in this money-oriented society, no matter what background you come from, being rich is a way of life.

The truth is straightforward and simple, but it seems extremely difficult in their airship R & D center!

As said before, who would spend nothing to build a ship like an airship? Without extra money, naturally you have no money in your pocket, you can only eat the dead wages issued above, how can these young people endure?

So after many people stayed in the airship R & D center for a while, those who were related moved to other research institutes. It didn't matter that they stayed here for a while.

After a hard time coming to Cheng Yuan, he naturally wanted to make a good total.

In his eyes, Cheng Yuan must be the kind of person who has a relationship and background. Otherwise, he will not be instructed by the above person. After all, even if an airship is bought, if it ca n’t fly, is it still in the back garden? When the show?

Therefore, in the eyes of Cui Tao, Cheng Yuan is the kind of person who is rich and related, and will not let the airship stay on the ground.

However, where this relationship can be extended, he needs to speculate carefully.

Then he gave Cheng Yuan a seemingly simple procedure for filing a report, but in fact it was extremely difficult. Because this report requires the military, this is not something that ordinary people can do. Do n’t look at some rich people who can get in touch with government executives, but ask if he can get in with the military. relationship?

The answer is, impossible!

Except for those special industries, who can get in touch with the military?

Cheng Yuan did not know that Cui Tao would think so much about this problem. After hearing the meaning in Cui Tao's words, he immediately thought of Yang Qiaoyuan. Although Yang Qiaoyuan was only a colonel, his status was very special. So this problem should be easily solved by him.

After making a decision, Cheng Yuan didn't hesitate. He instructed Cui Tao: "Professor Cui, then you wait first. I ask if I can work here, you can just drive the airship directly, if not Then follow your instructions. "

Cui Tao answered, then hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yuan directly found Yang Qiaoyuan's number, and then called him.


Z1 large robot base, as one of the most responsible persons except Cheng Yuan here, recently Yang Qiaoyuan's mood can be said to be better every day, watching a large eight-meter-high robot walk from the assembly line Down, his heart was fiery.

In the face of such a metal giant, a man will be enthusiastic.

However, Yang Qiaoyuan still felt a bit regretful, because he wanted to see what it would be like to build a robot driven by humans.

But as soon as Professor Pang and others said his idea, they were justly rejected by these experts.


Not a radiation problem?

It must be clear that today's Z1 robots are all nuclear fission reactors. Before the absolute radiation resistance, it is best not to talk about this idea.

After all, they can't make fun of people!

Especially when a robot driven by a human appears, then this training is definitely a big problem. The driver must have sufficient theoretical knowledge and understand all aspects of the robot's structure, so that the robot can control the robot at will.

And training such a driver must cost a lot of money, and the driver who has spent a lot of resources to develop a health problem due to radiation problems, isn't it to dig a pit yourself?

According to Professor Pang of the weapons research and development department, the cockpit issue will not be considered before there is no new energy to replace the nuclear fission reactor.

In this regard, Yang Qiaoyuan can only sigh with regret. If he can try to feel the feeling of driving a robot himself, this life can be regarded as no regrets.

The thought of new energy, Yang Qiaoyuan involuntarily thought of a young face.

If it was him, there might be a way.

After all, what Cheng Yuan brought out was more shocking than ever. In the first two days, he also heard that Cheng Yuan had come up with a small portable intelligence and holographic projection technology.

He was very clear about the former. He had talked to Cheng Yuan for intelligence.

But he didn't expect that this was only half a year, and Cheng Yuan could even come up with miniature intelligence!

The brain of this genius is different from that of ordinary people!

Just when Yang Qiaoyuan was sighing ~ ~ a staffer ran towards him.

"Colonel, I have your phone." The staff member approached and attached an ear canal beside Yang Qiaoyuan.

"Do you know who?" Yang Qiaoyuan was a little surprised. Since he was in charge of the Z1 large robot base, few people would call him. For home, he just said that he had a task to go out for a while.

The staff member whispered: "It is the chief of the base, Mr. Cheng Yuan."

"Cheng Yuan !?" Yang Qiaoyuan smiled, and hurriedly said, "What are you waiting for? Take me there!"


The two left in a hurry, and not far away, Ma Zhicheng watched Yang Qiaoyuan suddenly show a surprised expression, and then quickly walked away back, thoughtfully. (To be continued.)

PS: I ’m really powerless recently, my body is embarrassed, I can eat a lot of medicine when I have a lot of food, I ca n’t hold anything in my stomach, and I feel nauseous and nauseous every time.

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