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Back at the company, Cheng Yuan let Guo Xiaolian rest in the lobby and immediately ran to the laboratory upstairs.

Regarding the issue of radiation, it is not so serious to put it plainly. It is a group of unscrupulous black-hearted businessmen who throw money on the Internet to invite some 'professionals' to spread the harm of radiation everywhere and expand the harm so that they can profit from it. .

Otherwise, no one understands the dangers of this radiation. How do they dump the products they make?

What's more, their approach is very popular. After all, no one will be uncomfortable with their own health. Products that can be linked to health are very easy to sell, no matter what the effect is!

Back to the topic, what is radiation is a form of external diffusion of the electromagnetic wave of the object itself.

The magnetic radiation carried by electronic products is that when a current flows in a conductor, a certain magnetic field must be generated in a specific range of its external space. The entire magnetic field is densely packed with magnetic field lines of energy. These magnetic field lines constantly flow from one magnetic pole to another A magnetic pole!

If people are in the range of this magnetic field, they will be affected more or less, but the impact is not large, and the self-regulating function of the human body will protect the body well.

Of course, if this magnetic field is too strong, the impact will be multiplied.

After all, the body's immune cells are not almighty. If it is almighty, then the person will not have the so-called illness.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yuan said, "Zero, connect to the global network and check the information of radiation protection clothing. I remember that the radiation protection clothing at home seems to be made of silver fiber."

"Yes, sir, the latest generation of radiation protection clothing uses nano-silver ion vacuum high-energy beam electroplating technology. This technology allows silver ions to penetrate into the yarn fiber. It makes the radiation protection function more perfect, just data As far as Guo Xiaolian is concerned, it is entirely possible to buy such clothes to protect the healthy development of the fetus in the body. "Zero truthfully replied.

"What do you mean, I don't need to remake it?" Cheng Yuan stunned.

"Yes. Sir. If you choose to re-produce, it may be a bit complicated, and it will also delay the protection time. Six weeks before the woman is pregnant, it is the most vulnerable time. If you want to make it yourself, you will delay this. Time. "Zero spoke his opinions carefully, and waited for Cheng Yuan's answer.

Cheng Yuan didn't expect that Zero would say this. For the proposal of Zero, he was very helpless. Before that, he said at home that he would prepare the most secure protection measures for Guo Xiaolian. As a result, he had nothing to say when he returned. .

What should I do? Just tell Guo Xiaolian this way, I'll buy you a radiation protection suit?

Just when Cheng Yuan was in a dilemma, Zero said, "Sir. We can prepare a complete set of radiation protection clothing for Guo Xiaolian. After all, your specialty is not the design and production of clothing, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

"Is that so?" Cheng Yuan reluctantly scratched his head.

Zero said with certainty: "Yes, sir. If you have to make it yourself, then the phone time is expected to be about one to two months."

It took so long for Cheng Yuan to hear it, and even the last bit of persistence disappeared. If so long, the daylily would be cold, even if it was his place or the villa in his home, the space was large. Moreover, Guo Xiaolian does not need to contact those relatively radiating refrigerators, microwave ovens and other electrical appliances, but the family is not assured. Of course, he must do something that can make everyone feel relieved.

"Well, then do what you say." Cheng Yuan gave up his thoughts. Then he ordered: "Order clothes for summer, autumn and winter."

Now that they have chosen to order, Cheng Yuan will naturally order it directly.

"Sorry, sir, you are so wasteful. We have no way of predicting Guo Xiaolian's figure after the abdomen bulges," Zero said again.

Cheng Yuan's mouth twitched, his skin was a little red. Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise he can drill into the ground slit with shame.

"Well, you give a plan directly!" Cheng Yuan said quickly.

Zero Nature will not laugh at Cheng Yuan's 'ignorance', he said lightly: "Sir, the clothing has already been ordered for you, the target brand is the British JoiueVarry (乔薇 依), summer models, a total of six, it is expected to be within five days arrival."

Cheng Yuan nodded, and walked from the laboratory with some depression.

Downstairs, Guo Xiaolian and Fang Jing didn't know what they were talking about. Rarely, Fang Jing's frosty face would laugh so happily.

Cheng Yuan who looked at this scene was a little dazed.

Seeing Cheng Yuan as soon as he came, he stared at himself, Fang Jing immediately smiled, his white face was slightly red.

"Is that all right?" Guo Xiaolian didn't notice Fang Jing's look. She was surprised to see Cheng Yuan come down. She knew that Cheng Yuan was a radiation protection tool for herself, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

Cheng Yuan spread his hands and shrugged: "No, I just talked to Zero and found that it took too long to make it myself. It is better to order it directly."

"Why, you were so confident just now, this turn of head has changed, men just love bragging!" Guo Xiaolian raised her eyebrows and frowned in dissatisfaction.

Cheng Yuan immediately retorted: "How can there be bragging, am I such a person? I can make a radiation protection suit for you if I do it myself, but it will take too long for your health. . "

"Huh!" Guo Xiaolian turned her head and wrinkled her nose.

Seeing Guo Xiaolian playing a small temper, Cheng Yuan grinned and said, "Don't be angry, it's not good for the little guy in the stomach."

"Not good?" Guo Xiaolian stared at her eyes immediately and looked at Cheng Yuan with contempt: "You have a bit of common sense, isn't it?

"Forget it, don't say it, since it's okay with you, I'll go back first."

Guo Xiaolian didn't give Cheng Yuan a chance to speak, he got up and ran to the elevator, and then said to Chen Yu, "Send me downstairs."

Chen Yu turned to look at Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly and nodded, and Chen Yu escorted Guo Xiaolian away.

After Guo Xiaolian left, Cheng Yuan was relieved. When Fang Jing wanted to pour him a glass of water, Fang Jing spoke first.

"Boss, there was a notice at the front desk just below that someone was waiting for you below."

"Who?" Cheng Yuan was surprised. Generally speaking, he doesn't care about anything, so if it's about the company, it's basically just to find Zheng Jia. You don't need to find him at all.

The people who find him are usually acquaintances he knows, and such people basically have his personal phone. If you want to find yourself, just call and don't need to go through the front desk of the company!

Fang Jing took out his cell phone and said, "Veronica, who is the other person?"

"John Rockefeller." A crisp female electronic voice sounded, followed by a photo on Fang Jing's cell phone. A handsome blond man appears on the photo.

"Anyone else is waiting now?" Cheng Yuan was a little surprised at the sight of Rockefeller Jr., he asked lightly.

Fang Jing nodded. "Yes, do you need to contact each other?"

"You can pick him up. The last cooperation was a bit failed. Maybe the other party came for this matter, but he can do it for so many months." Cheng Yuan waved his hands and let the room calm down.

Fang Jing nodded. Put away the phone and glance at the elevator that has started to pick up, and walked over.

After Fang Jing also left, Cheng Yuan began to think about it. This time, Rockefeller Jr. came to find his real purpose. Should he continue to cooperate or complain?

If you do n’t want to continue to cooperate, you may not be very big. After all, in addition to some ordinary exploration counterparts that may require intelligent robots, some important places are surveyed and they will not be used in Chengdu.

After all, this robot is intelligent and very advanced. But it is because it is too advanced that users are suspicious that their privacy will be automatically transmitted to a certain place or someone's hands by the robot.

About it. There is no way for Cheng Yuan. Even if he said that he would never watch other people's secrets, but his heart is complicated, who can say that he knows everything?

quickly. Fang Jing came up with little Rockefeller.

Little Rockefeller was still handsome, tall and handsome, with a slender figure standing in a decent suit. The faint smile on his face combined with his extraordinary temperament would definitely attract a scream of idiots.

"It's been a long time, John. Is there anything wrong this time?" Cheng Yuan stood up and greeted him.

The two hugged, Rockefeller Jr. spread his hands, and made a look of distress. "Cheng Yuan, our space plan failed, and the other side was careful. I promised not to spy on their secrets. Unfortunately, the other side Don't believe it at all. "

Cheng Yuan's face was indifferent. His focus was not this. He initially cooperated with Rockefeller Jr. just to see if he could let intelligent robots enter various markets.

Seeing that Cheng Yuan didn't care, Rockefeller Jr. smiled immediately: "But in other areas, the effect is very significant, and many people are very interested in robotic surveying."

"Then are you here this time?" Cheng Yuan returned to the sofa and sat down, at the same time he gestured for Rockefeller to sit opposite.

After Rockefeller was seated, Fang Jing passed a cup of coffee skillfully.

"Thank you." Rockefeller Jr. thanked him, and then continued: "But I focused on the space, so I helped you write some commands on space execution ~ ~ Unfortunately they are completely used No. "

"So this time I'm here to help you write some detailed instructions on ground surveys. Although the performance of intelligent robots is very good, there are still a lot of customer opinions. For example, many things are not understandable just by saying that the other party needs some practical. Learning operations. "

"But the other party bought the robot just for convenience. If you still need to teach from scratch, it's better to ask a new one, isn't it?" Rockefeller Jr. was straightforward, as before, and didn't meander.

Cheng Yuan thought for a while and nodded: "You are right, but you also know that I don't understand those things, you can't let a layman design it."

"Of course, I also know that it is definitely not possible for you to do this. I am here for a new cooperation." Rockefeller Jerkin took a sip of coffee.

[Thank you all for your continued support. This time-from 515 Fan Festival, the writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival. Get a collar and continue the subscription! ] (To be continued.) Xh.50 () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed Provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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