Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 470:

Fang Jing didn't delay. She asked Cheng Yuan for relevant information and left in a hurry. Such a thing is also very exciting for her.

After all, the holographic city, a picture that can only be seen in science fiction movies, is now facing the world through her hands.

When she promotes this plan, her name will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. The history book may say something like this: The holographic urban coverage plan launched by the technology crystallization company was delivered by the company chairman Cheng Yuan to his assistant Fang Jing. Fang Jing accepted the mission ... "

When thinking of this, Fang Jing's face showed a faint smile.

Fang Jing left the elevator and Chen Yu was surprised. He was the first to see Fang Jing having such a happy time.

"It's rare!" Chen Yu sighed.

For Yuan Jing's ability to handle things, Cheng Yuan is still very good, so he did not rest assured, he took a look.

` 无 ` 错 ` Novel` September 26.

"National Day is coming soon, isn't Yang Qiaoyuan going to prepare it?" This incident was personally said by No. 1 and Cheng Yuan has always kept it in his heart, and it will be four days since National Day. Maybe there should be action Come on.

Cheng Yuan thinks this way, but now he has no intention of leaving for the capital, because he will definitely invite him on the 1st, and it will be better to fly to the capital at that time.

You don't have to wait long with others, and you don't have to be around.


The capital, Zhongnanhai.

As the eleven is getting closer, all the people in Zhongnanhai, regardless of their status or positions, have a faint smile on their faces.

Because October 1 is about to arrive. Although the military parade was just conducted last year, the next military parade is expected to be in 2019 in accordance with the rules, but in fact whether the military parade is a matter of leadership.

And too many things happened today, China has made great progress in the military aspect, although I dare not say that we can really confront the United States, the world ’s largest power.

But at least there is no war, he will not fall into the wind, and even to a certain extent, they can use somebody's means to wash the blood of the United States.

So this time, the entire leadership team unanimously decided that the National Day parade must be held, and this parade is different from the past. In order not to waste, this parade is also an external military equipment display!

The purpose is simple: to deter surrounding countries and make them more secure!

"Xiao Zhang, please inform Yang Qiaoyuan and let him invite General Cheng. I don't think he will miss this event." No. 1 had a faint smile on his face, and he was in a good mood at this time.

He was in a good mood not only for Huaxia's leaps and bounds in military equipment, but also for Huaxia's appearance of such a person as Cheng Yuan, and at the same time he also booed and others made a wise decision.

Huairou's method has given them more benefits than using other methods. This naturally gives them great comfort. Can it be better than it is now?

Although Cheng Yuan has many problems, personal personality problems do not change their attitude towards Cheng Yuan.

"Okay, chief." Xiao Zhang responded respectfully. He was killed from the three reserve secretaries after Zhao Jun was transferred. Although he had just contacted the chief, he had a rough idea about Cheng Yuan. Recognition.

Perhaps Cheng Yuan's detailed information is not, because Cheng Yuan's information has been listed in top secret files, even if he has no right to read.

However, judging from the attitude of the head towards Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuanshen's Huaxia now attaches great importance to this leadership team, especially Cheng Yuan becoming a general under the age of twenty. Such an honour in his opinion can hardly imagine!

This is not even 20 years old!

Was there such a young general in China? Even if someone really has the ability to be a general, but how much resistance would you want to be a general at such a young age?

It will certainly be blocked and resisted by the military for the most part, but this time there was indeed no objection and resistance, and it went very smoothly without a vote!

From this we can see that Cheng Yuan is a kind of existence in the whole upper level of Huaxia.

Out of the chief's office, Xiao Zhang immediately contacted Yang Qiaoyuan.

At this time, Yang Qiaoyuan was not in the capital, but stayed at the Z1 robot base in Anhe City. He was actively deploying the Z1 robot in the base.

Of course, these Z1 robots are naturally not going to the capital, but to be sent to various military regions!

The power of the Z1 robot has been taken into consideration by the entire Huaxia military region in the multinational joint military exercises. No matter who wants to get some troops.

So after the show, all kinds of requests came, and the people above naturally didn't want some people to feel unfair because of the uneven distribution, so they assigned a quota to each military region.

As for the distribution to the next level, they will not control it and let the various military regions resolve it. In this way, Yang Qiaoyuan is naturally very busy.

No matter what people don't know, come to him to climb friendships, and want him to give them priority to provide them in the military region, so Yang Qiaoyuan is painful and happy.

Although Yang Qiaoyuan had anticipated this situation in advance, even if he prepared the Z1 robot in advance, the transportability could not keep up!

Huaxia also has mature airship technology, but one large airship is now in the South China Sea and the other is in the Northwest, and new large airships are still under construction. It is unlikely to appear in the short term.

The carrying capacity of the small airship is definitely not enough, so it is provided for civilian construction. For this reason, Yang Qiaoyuan can only use the most primitive large trucks to transport the Z1 robot.

How many Z1 robots can transport a large truck? So this matter has become extremely long.

Because the number of vehicles to transport is limited.

Even after he arranged for a new batch of Z1 robots to be transported out, before he had time to rest and take a sip of water, he saw the liaison ran anxiously.

"Colonel, yours." The liaison gave it to Yang Qiaoyuan.

Yang Qiaoyuan then asked where did it come from? "

"Capital, head office." The liaison officer said slightly excitedly. This is the first time he has received from the head office, can he not show some excitement?

As soon as Yang Qiaoyuan heard the call from the chief's office, he immediately moved to answer the call? "

"Excuse me, Yang Qiaoyuan, Colonel Yang?" Wuwu Novel Network does not skip words. A young, strange voice sounded.

Yang Qiaoyuan replied, I am Yang Qiaoyuan, and the head does not order it. "

Xiao Zhang said that's the case. The chief asked me to inform you and let you tell General Cheng to come to the capital together to participate in this military parade on October 1. "

"Okay, we will definitely be on time."

"Then say so."

Hanging up, Yang Qiaoyuan grinned and asked him to participate in the military parade together, that is to say he had a chance to stand there this time?

This was something he didn't even dare to think about before. I did not expect that there would be that opportunity this time! Although he didn't know the specific situation was the same, this sentence still made him imaginative.

After ending the call with Xiao Zhang, Yang Qiaoyuan couldn't wait to come outside the base and then dialed Cheng Yuan's number.

At this time, Cheng Yuan's laboratory is still simulating an asteroid capture test, and capturing asteroids is a rigorous job.

Because it is intelligent control, it is definitely inferior to humans in terms of adaptability. After all, the task execution is always a series of data. They are performed according to parameters. Therefore, Cheng Yuan must provide very complete data.

As for letting him arrange for people to carry out operations, it was mentioned before that he did not have enough talents. The training of an astronaut requires not only training a good body, but also learning various related professional knowledge and learning Get used to the space environment.

Although Cheng Yuan can pay for this, Cheng Yuan currently prefers to use robots for his purpose.

Because robots are more convenient, they don't need complicated space suits and the drag of oxygen. Cheng Yuan doesn't want to make meaningless expenses in this area.

The way to capture asteroids is quite easy to say. It uses the 'force' caused by laser shock to control the speed and flight direction of the asteroid, and then bring it into the moon's orbit.

In this way, even if the capture is completed, of course, you can't be careless during this period. Once an accident causes the asteroid to fall into the earth ~ ~, then this responsibility will be great, so Cheng Yuan must also let an asteroid capture Followed at any time, one side had an accident.

The current simulation data is gradually formed in the simulation of zero over and over, and the process is far from making the zero calculation very fine.

After all, the simulation is always analog, and there is still a certain difference from the real situation, so Cheng Yuan needs to give the entire parameter a range value.

As long as it is within this range, no errors will occur!

The zero task is to calculate all the parameters that may occur during the entire capture process, and then store these parameters uniformly in the intelligent hub.

"The laser wavelength needs to be increased by 10nm and the power increased by 8W / ㎡, which can better reduce the speed of the asteroid."

"Test it and report it back to me." Cheng Yuan said, staring at the holographic screen without blinking.

"Okay, but I got a new call. Is Yang Qiaoyuan's need to connect you?" No fault. Zero asked.

This time, Cheng Yuan's realization was retracted from the holographic screen, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. "Connect it, he may come to tell me the good news."

Yang Qiaoyuan's voice sounded at the same time. He was very excited, but depressed. However, the voice was still a little messy. The news came from above. We went straight to the capital. Parade ceremony! "

"You finally came to the news, so there are only a few days left." Cheng Yuan smiled, and then asked again, did not the above publicize it in advance, I did not receive any relevant news. "(To be continued.)

Chapter 470 Military Parade

Chapter 470 The military parade is played by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] members. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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