Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 604:

Thousands to fifty!

This is a battle with a huge number of differences, but the fifty intelligent robots will not have a runaway or timid attitude because of the difference in numbers.

This is the gap between intelligent robots and humans.

When it comes to people, in the face of such a disparity in quantity, the only thing that can be done is to surrender. As for the resistance, it depends on the attitude of the other party.

If the other party accepts surrender, then most people will choose to surrender and save their lives.

In this way, in the eyes of Chinese people, it is a cowardly act. But abroad, the opposite is true. Even if they surrender, they will still be fighting heroes instead of surrendering soldiers.

This is a cultural difference.

However, if the other party does not accept surrender, then the only thing that can be done is to resist death!

Therefore, from this point, intelligent robots do have an advantage over humans on the battlefield, because they have no fear of death. As long as they do not damage the central system, they will always have combat power.

In this huge number of battles, G-type robots with flying capabilities rushed to the forefront. Thirteen G-type robots roared towards the opponent's positions at a very fast speed.

In the intelligent mechanical matrix, most of the robot shapes are similar to Z1, and even the shape of the air unit is generally the same as that of the G-type robot.

The reason for this is, of course, because the initial design of zero is very reasonable in any aspect, and basically does not need to be modified.

Therefore, artificial intelligence will naturally follow this setting.

Of course, although the shape of the intelligent machinery army is similar to that of Z1 and other intelligent robots, the inherent intelligence is not at a level.

The difference between the two sides in terms of intelligence is very large. For example, in Iron Man, the protagonist made so many armors to give himself intelligent control.

However, the commands that the intelligently controlled armor can execute are not very flexible, basically it is more than self-protection and insufficient attack.

In the same way, the intelligent machinery army is like this. It may be okay to confront the ordinary human army. But once faced with a high degree of intelligence, the result can only be crushed.

But the only thing that is the same is that both sides are robots, ignoring death and fear, and ignoring the overall loss.

As the G-type robot rushes through the sky, in the square matrix of intelligent machinery, a dense air-like unit rises up instantly, heading up.

However, the aerial unit in the intelligent machine has just risen. The G-type robot raises its hand to shoot out a laser beam and directly hits one of the head control centers.

The intelligent machine that just rose also fell instantly, hitting the ground and causing an explosion, and also spread to the surrounding intelligent machines.

After the G-type robot launched the attack in advance, the smart mechanical square also launched a counterattack at the same time, and countless bullets poured down like a rain curtain.

Faced with this overwhelming firepower network, the only thing a smart robot can do is attack!

The battle in the air instantly lit the fire below.

The Z1 robot is designed by zero-person operation. In addition to ordinary gunpowder handheld weapons and shoulder-mounted missile launchers, the energy arm blade in the arms is a cutting weapon.

Although a week has passed, in addition to the use of energy weapons because of logistical problems, gunpowder weapons have all become furnishings because of ammunition problems.

Regarding the issue of no ammunition, in fact, the heads of the various defense bases were secretly scolding Huaxia. After all, the robot was sent but not enough ammunition. This is equivalent to the fact that the tank can only be used as a mountain bike without a shell. target!

But when they wanted Huaxia to indicate that they were not in good logistics, Huaxia's answer made these people speechless.

The representative of Huaxia said this: "The intelligent robots in our country now uniformly use energy weapons, and gunpowder weapons have been eliminated. We have no way to assist in this regard!"

Such an answer is naturally unpleasant to all countries, and all sent over by feelings are eliminated! But even if they are upset, they dare not speak up!

After all, you don't want what else is there.

So even if there is no logistics, they can only recognize by holding their noses. The only thing that made them feel that Huaxia had a conscience was that they also sent some new robots.

These robots don't need much logistical replenishment, at least for a long time.

But Z1 robots are always Z1 robots. Even without these weapons, they are still powerful and amazing!

The Z1 robot unloaded these weapons without ammunition, which made the Z1 robot more flexible.

Taking out the energy arm blade from the inside of his arms, the Z1 robot leaned forward and rushed forward against the fierce firepower net.

Faced with bullets flying at high speeds on the face, the Z1 robot didn't choose to dodge everything, because even if it did, it wouldn't really be intact.

After all, the body shape is placed there, so their choice is to fire most of the bullets, even if a few bullets cannot be avoided, either they are cut with the energy arm blade or they bear it stiffly.

After the distance between the two sides was drawn closer, the Z1 robot flung his hands, the arm blade flew out fiercely, and directly drilled into the mechanical intelligent square array.

The sharpness of the arm blade naturally does not need to make more narration. The energy arm blade easily cuts a gap in the intelligent mechanical square.

The intelligent machines that were scraped by the energy arm blade were either directly divided into two or were scraped off most of the body. Numerous electronic circuits were exposed to the air with sparks and made noisy sounds.

Opening a gap, the Z1 robot naturally became more brave and jumped up. It recalled the flying energy arm blades. The energy arm blades once again scraped a piece of intelligent machinery in the process of turning.

At the same time, the intelligent robots also furiously counterattacked and saw the Z1 robot jumping up. They did not hesitate to aim the Z1 machine in the air to set fire.

"Da da da!"

The huge muzzle blasted fierce tongues of fire, and numerous bullets rushed towards the Z1 robot without borrowing points in the air.

Seeing that the Z1 robot was to be sieved in the air, at this time, a G-type robot suddenly flew across the sky.

While flying over, it gave the Z1 robot a borrowing point.

I saw that the Z1 robot made a backflip motion in the air, and at the foot, gently opened a hand on the G-type robot, and the huge body quickly accelerated in the air.

Caught the energy arm blade that flew back, blocked most of the bullets that poured over, and then jumped directly on the head of an intelligent machine, with one arm blade slammed into the opponent's neck and twisted it vigorously.

A huge steel head was cut off, and then the intelligent machine suddenly sparked and stopped. The Z1 robot did not stop after destroying the opponent. With the help of the opponent ’s body, it jumped again, jumped to another intelligent machine, and strangled with an arm blade!

Although the number of intelligent robots is scarce, when they enter the opponent's square array, they are as flexible and changeable as swimming fish.

The Z1 robot started harvesting in a large area, while the G-type robot was responsible for destroying the opponent's air units while providing fire support in the air.

At the back, the huge blackbird robot is even more domineering. Although the body is huge, he is still flexible and flies in the air. Thirty-six electromagnetic floating guns fly out of the two-ribbed storage compartment.

These floating guns are two meters long and have a built-in remote control system. Under the intelligent control of the hub of the blackbird robot, they can flexibly shuttle on the battlefield and destroy one intelligent machine after another.

At the same time, the blackbird robot also pulled out a specially equipped energy sword. A swipe of the huge sword body can often clear an area!

Of course, while attacking, the blackbird robot will inevitably become the most concentrated target of firepower because of its huge size.

After a week of fighting, the armor on the surface of the black cricket robot has long been pitted, but even so, there is still no damage.

This is the benefit of new high-tech materials.

Ordinary bullets and missiles cannot destroy the armor of the blackbird robot at all. Not only that, the excellent internal seismic system also avoids internal damage caused by vibration.

This is why Huaxia dare to make such a huge robot, such a large robot is more than just a moving target.

He is even a weapon of war!

And the strength demonstrated by the robots dispatched by Huaxia is one of the reasons why all countries are silent and dare not refute Huaxia's proposal!

After all, in addition to the reasons that Huaxia provides protection to them ~ ~ the power shown by these robots is even more daunting.

Of course, although intelligent robots are powerful, in the face of such a large number of intelligent machines, injuries still inevitably occur.

When a Z1 robot penetrated the enemy line, just after harvesting three intelligent machines, it was swarmed by distant, engulfed by bullets irrespective of internal damage.

However, at the moment of being destroyed, the Z1 robot also detonated the energy core according to the last internal instructions!

"Contact the core energy protection device and start the self-conference process."

A series of mechanical sounds sounded, followed by a "bang", a huge explosion injury, engulfed by a glare of light.

A small mushroom cloud that is about 20 meters high and about 3 meters in diameter rises in the battlefield. Around the mushroom cloud, countless smart machines are flying in smoke under this explosion!

At the same time, this explosion was like a signal, in the huge battlefield, everywhere caused the same powerful explosion at the same time.


The powerful explosion trembled the entire battlefield, and the thick dust was swept up by the energy of the explosion and rushed into the sky.

The dust covered the sky, blocked the sun, and the battlefield was overcast.

While the Z1 robot caused the energy core to explode, the G-type machine also cut off its own energy core at the same time, and then died in the explosion.

The same goes for the blackbird robot!

For these two new robots, detonating the core of energy is not the final order!

After all, they are equipped with nuclear fusion reactors, which will explode and blow the ground out of an inland lake! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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