Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 627:

"Yo, Yang Qiaoyuan, haven't you assigned the frontier?" Cheng Yuan couldn't help but laugh at the familiar face of Yang Qiaoyuan.

Yang Qiaoyuan's face was dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. "I'm not here to help plant your sunflower? Why did it become a frontier?"

"What happened then?" Cheng Yuan's mouth slightly raised.

Yang Qiaoyuan shrugged: "Very good, very good, all the desertified land planted has been rejuvenated, but the air in that place is drier, and I need to replenish water almost every ten minutes."

Cheng Yuan naturally knows the reason. After all, the restoration of desertified land requires more than just a little water.

Reconstruction needs to start from the ground, but when the reconstruction is completed, this will not happen.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, what happened to you this time?" Cheng Yuan grinned.

Yang Qiaoyuan smiled bitterly: "There is something, but you let me stand in the doorway, don't invite me to sit in?" Yang Qiaoyuan made a gesture at the gate.

Cheng Yuan heard the words, smiled, glared at him, and then said, "Come in."

After receiving Yuan Cheng's approval, Yang Qiaoyuan grinned: "Good, but your cutting-edge laboratory is too exaggerated. What is the spiral on the outside, decoration?"

While driving into the technology crystallization company, Yang Qiaoyuan was still very curious. After all, he was the first time to see such a huge building.

Even if there are tall buildings like Burj Khalifa, after all, haven't you seen it?

"Almost." Cheng Yuan responded vaguely, without explaining the specific role of the spiral building around the building.

Seeing Cheng Yuan was reluctant to say that Yang Qiaoyuan did not continue to question, when the two were chatting over a video call, he had parked the car under the cutting-edge laboratory building.

Standing on the square in front of the building, Yang Qiaoyuan looked down at the white building in front of his neck and murmured, "Standing here is even more shocking!"

Yang Qiaoyuan's performance refreshed Cheng Yuan a bit, he proudly said: "The world's number one, shock, everyone was shocked when everyone came to me, I have arranged the elevator to pick you up, you wait Wait."

"Elevator?" Yang Qiaoyuan froze. Suddenly, at the sight of the corner of his eye, he found that a black spot above his head approached quickly from far and near.

Just as he was looking at it, a transparent elevator had fallen in front of him. The transparent glass door opens automatically.

Yang Qiaoyuan looked at the elevator in front of him in amazement. He couldn't help bending over and looked at it from below. Although he found that the elevator in front of him looked like it was on the ground, if you look carefully, the elevator and the ground still have about one centimeter Space distance.

He got up and went to the elevator. After Yang Qiaoyuan stood up, the elevator door closed automatically.

Yang Qiaoyuan looked around at this seemingly sci-fi elevator and couldn't help asking: "Cheng Yuan, this is the anti-gravity elevator? Last time the media blew up."

"Yes." Cheng Yuan nodded, then said, "You come up and follow the instructions, I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Later, without waiting for Yang Qiaoyuan to ask anything, Cheng Yuan directly cut off the call.

After disconnecting the call, Cheng Yuan frowned. He was a little confused. What did Yang Qiaoyuan look for at this time?

But without him thinking about it, Yang Qiaoyuan came soon.

"Cheng Yuan, the level of your enjoyment has suddenly risen several times. This place is much more spacious than your original building!" Yang Qiaoyuan said with emotion when he saw Cheng Yuan, with a hint of tone in his tone. Envy.

Cheng Yuan was also not humble, admitting: "That is, why not enjoy it when I have the conditions, and I am not a saint."

Yang Qiaoyuan shook his head without saying anything, and then sat on the sofa opposite Cheng Yuan with a sober look: "Cheng Yuan, this time, there is an important thing to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan's prudent look, Cheng Yuan slowly lifted his smile and sat upright.

Yang Qiaoyuan took a photo from his jacket pocket and handed it to Cheng Yuan: "Look, this thing was accidentally taken by our military satellite."

Cheng Yuan picked up the photo, and his pupils suddenly shrunk. In the photo is a flat aircraft similar to a triangular shape, with relatively smooth edges and corners, and two slender tail wings at the two rear ends.

Because the photo is black and white, the color of the aircraft is not visible, but the photo is quite clear. Cheng Yuan can clearly see that there is no gap on the surface of the aircraft, as if it were cast into one body.

This stuff is hard to make with the current technology of the earth!

Cheng Yuan's expression suddenly calmed, he was surprised: "This is ..."

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded heavily: "We very much suspect that this is a spaceship of alien creatures!"

The corner of Cheng Yuan's mouth pumped secretly. He would also like to say, is this a spacecraft made by intelligent machinery? Why did you get to Yang Qiaoyuan and become an alien spaceship?

If it is really an alien spacecraft, with the technical gap between the two sides, ordinary monitoring methods can find people?

"Then what do you mean?" Cheng Yuan said in a weak voice and followed Yang Qiaoyuan's meaning. He wanted to correct Yang Qiaoyuan's mistake.

However, he soon realized that intelligent machines are the enemy of human beings, which has made the nervousness of the Huaxia government extremely high. If it is said that the other party may have such advanced technology, wouldn't it be worse?

He thinks it's better to hide it. After all, there are too many reports of aliens, and now they haven't seen any large-scale invasion of aliens. They think that there is at least another layer of suspicion. And guess what.

Yang Qiaoyuan said: "Yes, in order to strengthen the monitoring of the universe, we would like to ask you to build a high-power space telescope for us, and we would like to ask you to send some materials to the staff of our space station. It's easy for you, right? "

Cheng Yuan rarely considered such a request, and immediately agreed: "No problem, these are trivial matters, but the price of space telescopes is not cheap!"

When talking about the price, Yang Qiaoyuan immediately shook his face and looked embarrassed at Cheng Yuan: "Cheng Yuan, this, you also know that the country has recently focused on R & D and manufacturing of new robots. After all, It is difficult for our support needs to be supported by our own country. "

"and so……"

Cheng Yuan jumped from the corner of his eye and immediately cried poorly: "Yang Qiaoyuan, I'm also embarrassed when the country is in trouble. The global economy is crashing. The impact is the biggest. The assets have shrunk hundreds of times instantly. Build another space telescope! "

Yang Qiaoyuan also knew about this matter. After all, Cheng Yuan's company originally used the US dollar as a suffix. As a result, the US dollar suddenly collapsed. Otherwise, Cheng Yuan put most of the property in the purchase of goods and had a majority of exchanges. If it becomes Huaxia Coin, it may happen that the technology crystallization company will have a financial fault.

Even so, the assets of the technology crystallization company have shrunk by a factor of 100 as Cheng Yuan said!

Looking at Cheng Yuan who vomited bitter water, Yang Qiaoyuan opened his mouth, and it was not good to say anything to help. He smirked: "Well, I'll tell you about the situation above, let's find a suitable method again. ... "

"Renewed? Free is impossible, and I do n’t need money. If you want a good space telescope, take the materials. I am also a patriotic person. I do n’t care if you give me the materials. "Cheng Yuan didn't wait for Yang Qiaoyuan to speak and interrupted what he was about to say.

He didn't want Yang Qiaoyuan to discuss it when he returned, and when he came to him, he had to contribute and pay, which he absolutely did not agree with!

Cheng Yuan's resolute attitude made Yang Qiaoyuan dumb for a while. He thought for a while, but said helplessly: "Well, I'll go and communicate with it, the space telescope thing is like this. But you can immediately transport the material Arrange it? "

Seeing Yang Qiaoyuan say so, Cheng Yuan nodded and said blankly, "You send the supplies over, and I will arrange a spaceship to send you up."

He was very skeptical now, Yang Qiaoyuan's photo was taken to show himself, just to catch the autumn wind, maybe the photos are composite.

He was going to quickly send Yang Qiaoyuan away and ask for change.

Looking at Cheng Yuan, who was unwilling to suffer at all, Yang Qiaoyuan even had a headache. He quickly said, "Okay! I will arrange the supplies immediately!"

"That being the case ~ ~ Go ahead, I have other things to do." Cheng Yuan immediately ordered the guest after Yang Qiaoyuan finished speaking.

Yang Qiaoyuan didn't stay much. At this time, he could clearly see that Cheng Yuan was very upset.

Standing in his position, Yang Qiaoyuan can also feel the unpleasant psychology. After all, it is difficult for old friends to meet, but the other party is here to fight the autumn wind. Can you feel good about such things?

"Okay, then I'll go first." Yang Qiaoyuan got up and left.

After Yang Qiaoyuan left, Cheng Yuangang was ready to order to check the authenticity of the photos left by the other party. He suddenly patted his head.

"Oh, I just forgot to ask, what's the situation of those ambassadors. Rocarlos really did. Why didn't he come back when he went to the capital? If he doesn't come back, how can I arrange to rebuild the network? Only one position! "

Cheng Yuan was a little angry, both to Yang Qiaoyuan and partly to Rocarlos and the ambassadors. "Emotionally, they really treat me as omnipotent?"

After complaining a few words, Cheng Yuan looked back at the photo: "Zero, see if this photo is real or fake?"

A blue light swept over the photo, and Zero quickly replied, "Sir, the photo is real, but the spaceship in the photo is a product of Earth technology."

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed and he murmured, "Made by intelligent machinery?"

"It should be, because only the rigorous craftsmanship of robots can make such a spacecraft, and only us on the earth, only intelligent machines have this ability."

After being affirmed, Cheng Yuan turned to wonder: "What are they doing?"

Zero considered for a moment, and then guessed: "It should be the center to transfer ourselves. After all, if we put it on the earth, we can destroy it at any time ..." (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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