Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 651:

The process of persuading the family was simple. Although Cheng Yuan's idea of ​​traveling was quite abrupt, they agreed in one go.

After all, Cheng Yuan rarely spoke, and the little princess at home could also see the wind, and it was also possible to go for a walk.

But his own family is not enough. Cheng Yuan's parents also called Guo Xiaolian's parents. The two hurriedly prepared and went out for a tour.

Nowadays, science and technology are developed. Almost everyone has a portable intelligence. With urban network coverage, as long as you have a car, you can get very detailed information wherever you want to go.

So the two drove their own car and came for a self-driving tour.

"Cheng Yuan, why did you suddenly think of traveling?" Guo Xiaolian, who was sitting side by side with Cheng Yuan in the back, hugged her daughter and looked at him curiously.

Cheng Yuan laughed. How could he say that he had overheard the words between you and Fang Jing?

"Isn't it that we have been together for so long and haven't brought you and your parents out to play with? After all, making money is not just for spending, to enjoy, and to make the family's life more pleasant!"

Explaining it, Cheng Yuan felt unsatisfied and emphasized: "Besides, I think I'm already rich, so I don't need to spend more time in the laboratory for more money."

Guo Xiaolian no doubt suspected of having him, she nodded, and a smile appeared on her face. "You can think so. In fact, when you were away, your parents complained that you were buried in the company every day and you didn't even care about your family. And it ’s not long before the child is born, keep going, be careful that the child grows up and has a sense of distance from you. "

Although Guo Xiaolian's words were not heavy, Cheng Yuan heard the cold sweat dripping. If he did not make any changes and kept the previous state, then what Guo Xiaolian said would probably come true.

Cheng Yuan quickly promised: "Rest assured, I will definitely take more time to accompany you in the future!"

"Hope." Guo Xiaolian smiled, and did not express Cheng Yuan's guarantee. Because she knew very well that, as Cheng Yuan's current status, even if she wanted to relax, there would be many things to find him.

Her only thought was that Cheng Yuan could stay at home until there was nothing else, after all, money could not be made, and their home was not bad.

Guo Xiaolian's ambiguous answer made Cheng Yuan smile bitterly. He met Guo Xiaolian, dissatisfied, "Is there no guarantee of character?"

Guo Xiaolian gave him a white look, leaning on his shoulders with the trend, and laughed: "The guarantee is not what you say, but it is made. It depends on your future performance."

Cheng Yuan grinned, kissed Guo Xiaolian's cheek fiercely, then took her daughter from her, and laughed: "Come, beloved daughter, let father kiss one!"

"Wow!" But he was greeted by a pair of soft, immature little hands, which had little strength, but blocked Cheng Yuan's mouth outward.

Cheng Yuan was happy with her daughter's movements. "Yo roar, dare to refuse, can you refuse with your small arms and calves!" After saying that, I forcibly spit on the immature little face.

Later, the tender but cried with penetrating sound in the car.


When Cheng Yuanyi and his family set off for a trip, Mars was moving in an orderly manner, and the meteorites were counted without any errors.

The surface of Mars is almost the same as that of the Earth. In addition to the lack of visible water, there are also alpine canyons, but the bare ones have nothing but rocks.

But now, the mountains on the surface of Mars have collapsed, the canyons have been filled with gravel, and countless craters appear on this desolate ground, gradually forming another kind of rock layer.

Two months later, with the uninterrupted bombardment of tens of millions of meteorites, the original surface of Mars was completely gone. There were no mountains, no canyons, and some had cracked ground.

The ground surface is black, and underneath the cracks like cobwebs, there is a faint golden red light, and a fiery breath is emitted through these cracks.

Inside the surface, from time to time, rumbling tremors can be clearly heard, but this tremor is very slight and insignificant relative to the entire Mars.

"Starting the second phase, the 100-meter meteorites are ready to launch ..."

Zero, which has been monitoring the condition of Mars, made no emotional fluctuations. With his voice, a meteorite with an extremely large size and a diameter of about 200 meters was slowly pushed by the combined force of a dozen propellers. And rushed towards Mars.

Mars today is completely different from before, and it is not only reflected in the planet's ground and interior, but also its atmosphere.

As numerous meteorite impacts, new flames burn on the planet, and a large amount of carbon dioxide is emitted in these bursts.

Although Mars' originally thin atmosphere could not retain much carbon dioxide, it has been improved many times over the past.

Because when you look at Mars at this time, all you can see is a large expanse of black clouds in the sky!

These clouds are condensed by the retained carbon dioxide. Nowadays, if you want to convert this carbon dioxide into rainwater, you need to take another step!

The huge meteorite approached Mars slowly, squeezed into the atmosphere, broke through the dark clouds, and began to burn frantically due to the fierce friction, and then hit the surface of Mars with fierce wind pressure and impact!


The burning meteorite hit the ground and collided with the blazing ground. There were no dazzling white light bursts shown in the movies or cartoons. Some were just a mass of lava suddenly erupting from the impact point, followed by more dust and black smoke.

The following intense wind pressure whistling sounds spread from the point of impact, spreading hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a very short time.

At this time, looking down from the universe, it can be clearly seen that a very large blank area suddenly appeared above the impact site of a huge meteorite.

The black clouds in this area were blown away by the impact force that erupted at this moment, but this situation was only a moment, and soon it was covered by more dense black clouds. At the same time, the black clouds were also surrounded by fire. Then there is pure black.

Seeing this scene, the countless data flow in the zero processor flew over like a waterfall. After getting the calculation results, he directly started the second large meteorite impact.

A total of 600 meteorites with a diameter of 200 meters were collected. These meteorites did not collide with Mars at the same time, but were arranged one by one at a specific time.

While these large meteorites collided, the surrounding small meteorites did not stop, and they continued ...

Clouds continue to thicken and carbon dioxide increases. Because a large amount of carbon dioxide blocks, light cannot enter Mars, which causes the temperature inside Mars to slowly decrease.

The center of the earth also caused more intense vibrations due to the impact, the ground surface broke, and lava erupted.

From this moment, cold and hot alternate on Mars!

The clouds above his head rubbed, the ground was smoky, and the lava shone.


In the dark clouds, a dazzling white light burst out suddenly, and then the deafening sound sounded, and the first thunder of the Martian sky sounded!

Immediately after, thunder rolled, accompanied by burning clouds, making Mars no longer silent!

The thunder has been going on, the clouds are rubbing, and the carbon dioxide carries the particles and trace moisture in the meteorite to gather in the sky and brew.


A drop of rainwater fell from the sky and dripped on the still burning ground, but it was evaporated only in an instant, and water vapor was volatilized in the air.

Immediately after, at the second and third points, until countless rains fell, a torrential rain appeared within the range of the meteorite impact.

The emergence of rain makes the air more humid. The cold temperature of Mars allows the moisture to condense again into water and a small layer of ice to fall, and then it is melted by the ground lava and begins to cycle continuously.

In the meantime, Zero recorded the changes on Mars and saved them. At the same time, after seeing the first drop of rain on Mars, he did not hesitate to control the large meteorite again to continue to hit Mars.

With the impact of large meteorites, similar situations occurred in more areas.

Ten days later, the entire Mars ushered in its comprehensive rainfall. The rain was very abundant and the amount was very large. It poured out the burning ground and cooled the eruption of countless lavas again.

Because Mars' transformation cannot make it grow slowly, Zero has also added a lot of its own behavior.

After all, if Mars is allowed to grow again through the impact of a meteorite, then it will not be possible for tens of millions of years to continue! So there must be some artificial factors in it ~ ~ For example, by collecting a large amount of water to bring meteorites into it, let Mars produce water faster!

There are many meteorites in the universe that carry a large amount of water, but in the state where the solar system is stable, large-scale meteorite impacts have rarely occurred.

Because at the beginning of the formation of the solar system, the strong gravitational force has gathered most of the surrounding meteorites together. The combination of these meteorites is the planet we see today!

Of course, it is impossible to form a global rain in such a short period of time only by zero intervention.

However, Mars itself is a mature planet, and its interior contains a large number of glaciers. When the earth's center is active again, this water will be collected into the sky with the cracked ground and burning lava into water vapor ...

So, this is a downpour that lasts for ten days, and its rainfall is far from what the earth can see today!

When the ten days are over ...

Mars has taken on a new look. At this time, Mars has become a planet full of water and only partially exposed islands!

The origin of these islands was formed by lava that erupted again!

The lava movement inside the surface of Mars has not cooled down because of a large amount of water. They still continue to move under the surface layer. When they gather to a certain extent, they will break through the surface and erupt.

After the lava erupted after cooling, volcanic islands were formed. These volcanic islands are the islands that can be seen on Mars today!

When Mars is in this state, it can be said that the initial appearance of the Earth has been obtained, but this is not enough!

Because Mars at this time, the atmosphere is full of extremely strong toxins, and it is impossible for the creatures to survive! (To be continued.)

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