Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 653:

After half a year, Mars at this time, when viewed from afar, is a blue sky!

The heavy rains and storms have long since stopped, and the sun shines into Mars through the clouds, bringing light and warmth to this newborn blue planet.

Although the appearance of Mars has changed greatly, Mars is still unable to survive.

Because the surface temperature of Mars is still too high, the lowest 50 degrees can reach 80 degrees, this environment is not suitable for most living things.

However, with the exception of Fangyangcao, it still thrives in such a harsh environment!

However, relying solely on sun-fed grass as an oxygen supply material to provide sufficient oxygen to a planet, it seems too weak!

According to the normal growth process of the planet, Mars will definitely go through an ice-snow period. After the entire surface of the planet is frozen, the ice layer absorbs a large amount of solar ultraviolet rays. When it melts, a chemical reaction will occur. This chemical reaction will bring Here comes a substance hydrogen peroxide!

When hydrogen peroxide melts in the ice layer, it will quickly decompose and release a lot of oxygen! This oxygen will become an irreplaceable ingredient in the entire planet!

Although sun grass has been providing a lot of oxygen, it is still not enough.

And although Mars' atmosphere has been baptized for half a year, there is still a thick layer of carbon dioxide circling on it.

This prevents a large amount of oxygen from entering the atmosphere, and also makes Mars' atmosphere not change intuitively. Maybe this state is performed according to normal time. After millions of years, Mars, which has not received enough sunlight, will slowly enter the ice. period.

Then there will be an evolutionary cycle as described above, and then it will evolve like Earth.

However, such a degree is definitely not what Zero Yuan Cheng wants to see.

Now, Cheng Yuan and Zero have two problems to solve.

The first problem is dealing with the rich carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere. Reduce carbon dioxide and allow more oxygen to enter the atmosphere!

The second problem is oxygen. Compared with the entire Mars, the oxygen provided by Fenyang grass is too little and too little to meet the standard.

The so-called standard is to allow a large amount of oxygen to flood the surface of Mars, so that this oxygen absorbs solar radiation and then turns into ozone!

The emergence of the ozone layer can protect Mars 6 from being affected by strong solar radiation.

Only by doing this can Mars truly be able to make human life!

"Sir, according to the analysis of the current situation, I have invested more seeds of Sunflower in Mars, but this will delay a long time, and too much Sunflower will cause damage to the atmosphere of Mars. After all, It also requires a certain amount of carbon dioxide to maintain, but the poppy grass does not let any trace of carbon dioxide pass. "

Zero observations of Mars data, analysis.

Cheng Yuan frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Opening a carbon dioxide treatment device will speed up the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars. At the same time, try to make as many oxygen generators as possible and increase the oxygen content of Mars by means of artificial oxygen exhaustion." After a pause, Zero continued to say: "Of course, we also It is necessary to provide the ozone layer directly to Mars and accelerate the production of ozone. "

After saying zero, he stopped, quietly paying attention to Cheng Yuan, who was thinking intently.

Cheng Yuan's brain was turning extremely fast at this time. He was not thinking that the three methods provided by Zero were inappropriate. He was wondering whether artificial ozone was suitable for the requirements of the atmosphere!

After all, ozone also has a concentration ratio, just like oxygen. If the ozone concentration is too low, it will be easily decomposed by sunlight radiation, just as it is not.

"Zero, can you guarantee the concentration of ozone? If you can, you can start production and put in the maximum work force. We have to take a three-pronged approach at the same time!" Cheng Yuan looked up and said extremely solemnly.

"Please be assured that this is not a problem for us."

After getting a zero positive answer, Cheng Yuan was slightly relieved. After all, the production of ozone is not difficult, and so far there are many methods.

The most common method is a high-voltage discharge manufacturing method. A high-voltage discharge generator is used to stabilize the current output at a certain frequency. A high-voltage current is used to create a high-voltage corona field. Out of ozone.

Because this method has mature technology, stable work, long service life, and large manufacturing volume, this method is currently the most widely used method.

The second method is the method of ultraviolet irradiation. This method has been mentioned before, but if this method is used manually, the ozone produced can be too small. After all, the size of the ultraviolet lamp is large, and it is easy to damage it for a long time. .

And the range of light is not very wide, so the amount of ozone produced is very small, this method can be considered awkward.

As for the last one, the electrolytic manufacturing method is too complicated to be desirable. This method flashed in Cheng Yuan's mind and disappeared.

Of these three methods, Cheng Yuan is most optimistic about the first one, but the situation of Mars' atmosphere and the surface of the ground.

This first method has hindered it. After all, there is not enough oxygen in the atmosphere to artificially lift through a high-voltage corona field.

On the ground, the high temperature inside will make this work difficult.

Because with the current situation of Mars, if the internal high temperature problem cannot be solved, then ozone cannot reach the position where it should exist, that is, the level of 2o25 kilometers!

After all, the density of ozone is greater than the density of air, and Mars is now even more so. It can allow ozone to float in the atmosphere. In addition to the air movement caused by the rotation of the planet, the existence of temperature differences also balances the density difference.

For these two reasons, the ozone layer will float at this distance.

Therefore, the situation of Mars today, it is very difficult to make the ozone layer appear safe. Need to be assisted from the side.

Cheng Yuan is curious now, what kind of means will be used to accomplish this.

Although he was curious, Cheng Yuan didn't ask much. After turning off the holographic screen in front of him, he turned to look at Guo Xiaolian who hadn't returned to his side yet.

"See?" Cheng Yuan smiled.

Guo Xiaolian turned back, nodded subconsciously, and then she responded, quickly grabbing Cheng Yuan's arm, "Cheng Yuan, how did you do this, how long has this happened?"

Now Guo Xiaolian is like a river in the heart. She never thought that Cheng Yuan quietly carried out such a dramatic transformation on Mars!

And also successfully transformed!

She now wants to know everything, everything about the transformation of Mars!

Guo Xiaolian's eager appearance Cheng Yuan naturally understands, let alone her, anyone who sees Mars now will definitely not be better than Guo Xiaolian at this time!

After all, Mars today has something like that, and it will become a livable planet after a while. At that time, it will be a change for the entire earth!

After all, the new Mars represents a new land, new resources, and new benefits!

Anyone who has ambitions will want to take part of the benefits on Mars.

However, there are still several prerequisites to be met in order to occupy this benefit!

The first is distance. Although the distance between Mars and Earth is not very far, it is not close. If you want to open Mars, you do n’t have a fast enough spaceship.

The second is a manned spacecraft. If you want to get a portion of the benefits on Mars, someone must be able to pass. Otherwise, it would not make sense to just send an Explorer to shoot in the past.

Therefore, the technology of manned spacecraft must also be available.

At present, these two technologies alone have stumped nineteen and ninety-nine countries around the world.

So Cheng Yuan was very relieved. He smiled and told Guo Xiaolian everything about the Mars transformation plan. Of course, he didn't mention the alien life.

It just shows that if you want a better exhibition, it is necessary to develop extraterrestrial resources.

For Cheng Yuan's explanation, Guo Xiaolian naturally does not doubt. After all, she also knows a part of the universe resources. The resources contained in the universe are very rich, but human beings have no technology to extract these resources.

But now that Cheng Yuan has mastered such technology, he has ambitions and has more ideas that are inevitable.

Seeing Guo Xiaolian believe it, Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed a little apology, he did not want Guo Xiaolian to know too much, after all, the more you know, the more trouble you will have.

Sometimes ignorance is also a blessing. Cheng Yuan didn't want Guo Xiaolian to bear too much burden and pressure.

Sometimes he also hopes that he doesn't know so much. If he doesn't know that there are such terrible monsters somewhere in the universe, he might still play while doing his own research.

At this time, the most basic transformation of Mars has been completed, the earth's center has been reactivated, and the lava under the crust is rolling, bringing new vitality to the originally dead planet.

Mars atmosphere, high concentration of carbon dioxide accumulation ~ ~ makes the atmosphere of Mars covered with a layer of gray gauze.

The sea is blue, but the sky is gray.

Although there is a touch of green in the grass, it is still not perfect.

At this time, one of the two satellites surrounding Mars, Phobos. This satellite, more than 9 kilometers away from Mars, has not disappeared under the previous indiscriminate bombing.

Under zero control, all meteorites, whether large or small, evade its existence.

According to the original plan, Zero originally planned to add the satellite to the impact plan, making it a cornerstone of Mars transformation.

After all, this satellite is too close to Mars.

However, on this satellite, the detector has a new phenomenon, and this new phenomenon temporarily nullifies such ideas! To be continued. () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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